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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Caroline

  1. That is one amazing portfolio. That was a good question, Tim - I love it when people ask the questions I haven't been able to articulate. If you do a search for "image based lighting" (including the quotes) you will find this tutorial to get you started, also from Xtaz: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=24628
  2. What about a decal from one of these textures: http://www.mayang.com/textures/ or http://www.cgtextures.com/
  3. Awww cute. Fuzzy - you could analyze Keekat's fur - that's a bit fuzzy.
  4. Hooks Manual entry: http://www.hash.com/Technical_Reference/CustomHtml/HOOKS.htm FPPS = five point patches. (not in the official list of abbreviations I don't think ) phatso - that 5 point ritual seems very complicated - have you tried the magic dot? If you are having problems with the 5 point patch tool not being enabled, hide the other control points so that you can use the lasso tool to only select the 5 points in question. If the tool is not enabled, press ".", then "." again, and it should be enabled now. I can't remember when I had to try other things. Having said that, you do need to know the rules of splines, so that you don't have the same spline going round the 5 point patch. That becomes automatic after a while.
  5. That looks good. It is harder to create a model without good rotoscopes, but not impossible - can you draw your own? You could also try searching for 'wireframe' in the WIP forum, as that would show you how other people have put their models together. I'm sure there would be a wireframe somewhere in this brilliant thread, for example: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=28805 Forget about the image editor until the model's done, though. Just remember some of the details you might be able to do with bump maps in an image editor rather than modelling them all.
  6. By image editor or creator he means Photoshop Photoshop Elements The Gimp extra package for A:M - 3dPainter I use Photoshop Elements, which is way cheaper than Photoshop, and also TwistedBrush to do more arty things, and also 3dPainter. But any image editor would do. There are some free ones around (Pixia, Art Weaver). When you come to use the alpha channel, that's when you need the ones above. This would be just for creating the texture on the model. First you need to make the actual model. Have you done exercise 10 (aeroplane) and exercise 11 (giraffe) in The Art Of Animation:Master book? Because for this model you are going to need serious skills.
  7. Or Help Menu > Reset Settings, but that will reset EVERYTHING so A:M will look like when you bought it.
  8. Hi, Squoosh. These are the keyframes you appear to have: Frame 0: ball up and rabbit hips up. Frame 40ish: ball down and rabbit hips down. A:M very cleverly "tweens" between ball up and ball down, but also between rabbit hips up and rabbit hips down. You need a keyframe for the rabbit to keep his hips in one place until frame 30ish, so that the only "tweening" is between 30ish and 40ish. So - you have Frame 0 hips up, Frame 30ish hips still up, Frame 40ish hips down. Movie tutorial: Robert Holmen's Making Bones Stay In Place If you cannot view this movie in Quicktime, you will need the Ensharpen codec from: http://www.techsmith.com/download/codecs.asp I also found this post that I had forgotten about - this is describing feet moving in TaoA:M's exercise 6, but the principle is the same. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...st&p=204407
  9. Definitely a hard copy of TaoA:M - you are more likely to go through the tutorials with a hard copy - more difficult off a pdf. The technical manual depends on the kind of person you are - I like to read manuals, so I like the hard copy, but others may just like to look up the particular topic they are doing, in which case not so important to have the book. I have 2005 and 2006 - I wanted the pterosaur rigging on 2005 - a real eye opener. But I am interested in just about all the tutorials on 2005, and only the decal texturing on 2006. Having said that, the texturing is a brilliant tutorial, if that is what interests you - it is also available separately on Will Sutton's Cafepress site http://www.cafepress.com/cp/store.aspx?s=zandoria So I could have saved the typing and said "buy them all"
  10. That MadArt one looks good. There is a series by Leigh Van der Byl, not AM specific, but I thought useful: http://www.leighvanderbyl.com/tutorials.html And an AM one, very extensive from Rusty: http://www.virtualmediastudios.com/tuts/mapping/
  11. Me too, me too Thanks, New User Forum
  12. Hi, Steve - your render is correct for the latest version - the previous version had materials applied to the stage model, which gave it pleats, but the latest version does not, I guess for speed of rendering. The curtain has roughness applied in this version, which gives it that blotchy look.
  13. I don't know enough about materials to tell you how to do it, but you could experiment along the lines of: Demon Skin Wood Material with grain (complex) These materials have bump lines in them. Or, you could do a decal with bump mapping for the lines. You could also do a decal for reflectivity or specular maps.
  14. http://www.colins-loft.net/tutorials.html http://www3.sympatico.ca/rodger.reynolds/index.htm http://demented3d.com/tutorial/ Most of all, practise, and 'doodle'. Start out with simple models, and work up. Try 'freeform' sculpting - this is my favourite - just lay out a shape, fill it crossways with a few splines, and turn it and tweak it (heaps), and add and remove splines as necessary.
  15. Another thing you could try is: Help Menu > Reset Settings Then exit A:M, restart the computer, then restart A:M. That will make sure that all the settings are at default. (Restarting the computer is probably not necessary, I am just mindful that a restart will often cure 95% of woes)
  16. And don't forget HomeSlice's brilliant tutorials: The lighting one is here, which has a good explanation of light's properties: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29732
  17. There's the TinCan tutorials: http://www.alienlogo.com/tincan/
  18. HomeSlice has been making some brilliant tutorials in the Tutorial forum. Here's his lighting one: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29732 And here's one from Yves: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...hting++tutorial A search on the forum for +lighting +tutorial will show up lighting tutorials. Non A:M, but shows principles: http://www.andrew-whitehurst.net/3point.html http://www.itchy-animation.co.uk/indoor-light.htm
  19. Way too many splines is causing the creasing. It looks like a very simple shape - you could probably do this with 4 - 6 splines meeting, instead of 40. Then you could do a cross over instead of a hole. What is it you are modelling? Have you tried the giraffe tutorial in the Art of Animation Master? (Although that is a tricky one.) You could also look at the Primitives models that are on the Hash CD, and see how few splines they use. Maybe take a Primitive and change it to what you want? Also, when you post, please could you put up a jpg instead of a bmp - they are a lot smaller to download!
  20. Link to a cartoon eye (and many other things): http://www.hash.com/amtutes/Bootcamp/index.html (When I did it, I got a bit stuck on the constraint bit - I should probably go and retry it!)
  21. That's a huge size for a video - TWO is rendered at 760ish x something. What is your target audience? I like the image. Didn't he used to be blueish/black?
  22. I think it's a great concept manual too: ftp://ftp.hash.com/pub/updates/windows/Am98/am98manual.pdf It explains misc things like constraints very well, in a different way from Taoam, although many of the ways of doing things have changed.
  23. Colin Freeman's Hairbrush, which is here: http://www.colins-loft.net/hairbrush.html Very clever stuff. Also if you look at his Cooper tutorials: http://www.colins-loft.net/CoopPreview.html Have a look at the Hair Modelling link, which shows another ingenious way of doing hair.
  24. I would suggest doing Exercise 13 of TAOAM - Show some backbone - I think you do auto-assign in there, and you place a full rig into a character. The video is here: http://www.hash.com/2007web/vm.htm
  25. Hi and welcome to the forums! Only yesterday I bookmarked this: http://www.kci-group.com/z/tongue.htm I don't know if it's useful - I haven't got around to doing it yet, and I don't yet know the language of rigging, and it's for a fairly old version. To understand it, I think you probably have to be fairly good at rigging already. Another post may help too: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=16943 - animating rope that stretches. I'm interested in this topic too, although more about rigging a long tail than stretching, so I'll post anything else I find.
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