Here it is, only 2½ months into 2011, the 2010 A:M forum collaboration project... BUS STOP!
Download it to your computer to view with Quicktime.
A big "Thanks" to everyone who took part, there's a lot of great ideas in here and I think you'll enjoy showing this to your friends.
And thanks to Mark (mtpeak2) for making the fine set that tied it all together.
If I made mistakes on anyone's name or messed up their clip (or left something out?), let me know and I'll try to fix it before I put this up on Youtube
I apologize for not completing this sooner. 90% of that is just me not getting my segment done on time. But that's the perk i get for organizing it, no one can call time on me.
So... our 2010 project is in the can. Who's going to organize 2011?
Get the print quality version of the poster here.