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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. Three pointers and 5 pointers are happiest being as flat as possible. use them on a smaller portion of the curve you are trying to model hemi.mdl However I think you can get better results with the regular hole-in-the-center approach and make the hole VERY small.
  2. When you were talking about other projects, i was thinking you really ought to do something with the Pirates instead. Like a trailer! I envisioned it starting with "There are stories to be told..."
  3. Once you have one camera shake animated that you like, you can copy those keyframes and paste them at later points for other foot stomps. Of course this means each camera shake will be exactly the same, which is not necessarily good, but it's fast.
  4. btw, TWO went to a festival and was well received and don't miss BUS STOP our most recent collaboration project.
  5. feature list-like forum posts http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...st&p=318285 http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...st&p=338289
  6. That Softimage price sounds crazy but I remember we had SGI machine where I worked with "Alias Power Animator" on it for probably around the same price. It was many tens of thousands of dollar, I know. I spent some time looking at it but concluded there just wasn't anything it was doing that my $300 A:M wasn't doing easier.
  7. It's a slight effect, but interesting. For more accuracy one will likely want to study some reference photos of real glass to see where the effect should and shouldn't be. But it looks like the basic elements are there for the using.
  8. Robert, I tried this first, and this is what lead to the issue I posted here - http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=39791 Ah... so that's what needed the line. In that case I'd probably scale everything down so the line can be relatively larger. But if what you've got is doing the job, that's fine too.
  9. Two things... -the first word of his sentence is getting lost under the sound effect -it sounds very odd when the sound drops out completely. If the background hum can't be removed from the audio (audacity can do that) you might try editing in some of the dear air from that take from when he's not speaking.
  10. My first guess is that you need more passes. 9 pass is just 3x3 anti-aliasing which is less than the regular render (4x4) minute detail is always a challenge for CG.
  11. A:M works great and there are many knowledgeable people on the forum to help when you have a question. hey, just out of curiosity, do you recall what the cost of the workstation and the SGI license were? Was that in the 90's?
  12. Here's an example that steps the light. A bit on the red side. glass04_Dispersion.prj The light is set to step from Red to Green to Blue at 0:00.0 0:00.7 0:00.14 and motion blur was set to 21% (easily divisible by 3), multi pass ON Chromatic aberration and Dispersion are different names for the same thing , I think. One for lenses, one for non-lenses.
  13. Thinking about the light sweeping some more, I had trouble getting the R G and B correctly balanced, because I was continuously sweeping them. Perhaps a more accurate way would be to step them . do the full R value for one third, the full green value for one third and then the blue for one third
  14. If you want something a bit more wild like lightning you might try like on this Jacob's Ladder: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...st&p=291756
  15. It's going to a time that is not an exact frame. But Next frame /Prev frame will still go to whole frames. I saw that scaled keyframes would get fractional values in their properties, so i tried typing one in directly.
  16. hey, the post made it! Can you show a few frames that demonstrate the problem?
  17. It should be there. Where do you see that?
  18. What's the expected running time of this?
  19. If you have multi pass on and motion blur set to 20% then you need to key your light change to happen from 0:00 to 0:00.2 Yes that's less than a frame and yes, you can type in fractional time values like 0.2 to set to cursor to 0:00.2 Does that clear it up?
  20. And there was much rejoicing.
  21. If you got something that you know should work (it opens correctly in other apps) that would be a good case to send to AMReports. Especially something that crashes, because those seem to have to most apparent causes (to Steffen, once he can witness them).
  22. I notice that in the original the white background is not stark-raving white like mine but a more nuanced gray gradient. That's probably important.
  23. We definitely want to see that when it's done!
  24. in the model window>Info That will offer a "Patch" count which is the surfaces between the splines. that will be roughly near the number of CPs in a model. A:M has "CPs" not "vertexes". a 10x10 patch surface has 121 CPs but only 100 patches
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