It's interesting, it's potentially powerful but you'll need to be seriously coding-aware to get something out of it that is beyond what we do in A:M already. It's not an artist-friendly renderer like A:M has.
Our A:M troll was made by Ken Heslip. I don't know enough LOTR lore to know if that's what LOTR trolls typically "look" like although I think Ken made his before the Peter Jackson movies came out.
I recall asking for this long ago, back when Ken Baer was a programmer. He said it was "interesting, but..."
There have been lots of times I've been swing around the scene with the Turn tool and wished i could create the camera "there"
It's an intuitive way to position a camera when there is a central object of importance in the scene.
Sorry I'm running late on the next installment. Sometime it takes me a while to get my game face on for these.
But if you are hungering for "It Can't Be Done" there is last year's edition if you haven't caught it already.
You're going to need a spline that comes down the side of the nose and turns to go into the side of the nostril.
You could almost make the nostril first so you know where you need to get to.
The ones I've slashed in blue should be cut to give you room to work
Here are some views of a nose I did as an example of a fairly minimal topology that still gets the essential contours of the shape...
I would say detach some splines, then finish the shape of the nose, including the nostrils, at least to the point where ti meets the surface of the face and then see what needs to be attached together.
Here's what I demand to know... How did they write 400 pages on it when they just made the decision a few days ago?
I wrote a 20 page term paper in one night but...
This is similar to my strategy when I've done a face. i do the fiddly parts like the eyelids and nose and mouth and then figure out how to spline them together.
Possibly useful is my video on rigging Roger's Penguin legs which are a similar baggy pants situation. It should be in my tuts link.
Found the thread...