Well Jeff, first of all, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. That's as far as personal preferences go. If she looks as you envisioned her, then you're on the right track.
When it comes to public/collective impressions of what the beauty standards are, then that's a different ballgame. You'll have to look at what's popular and compare it to your model.
Look at Tanassi's models (the jazz singer and Ms. Santa), or JTalbotski's redhead model. What are the differences? What makes their models more "feminine" than yours? Look at the cheek bones, the overall shape of the face, the proportion of the eyes, nose features etc..
Classic beauty proportions are the high cheek bones, big wide eyes, slender jaw, tiny nose (a little on the pointy side), ya know what I mean? There are plenty good looking models in the forum or in the Libraries to compare to.
Hope this shed some light on the subject.