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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Dhar

  1. Superb modeling Christopher. What's that coming down the ceiling in the corner?
  2. That can be complicated depending on your choreography, but here's one way: Constrain and compensate the hand bone to the wall bone. Or you can turn off the balance mode. You can find the constraints exercise in TAoA:M book or the online Tutes.
  3. I remember when I dished out $50 for Sega Genesis games (remember that?), then for Playstation, then for PC games. I don't regret spending that money on those games, because the dollar to funtime ration made them a bargain. Now where did I put that Driver game? I feel like burning some rubber on that 69 GTO...
  4. What a great little story Jam. Can't wait to see his reaction when the plank doesn't go down My critique is about when he lands; it's too stiff, needs a follow thru because the landing is kinda quick. I'd expect either a bounce (rubber tire), or a bounce of the neck. Good job though. I remember when you built that model. Nice to see it come alive.
  5. Charlie - you polyglot you
  6. I was so impressed Charlie...untill that (google translation)
  7. Fabulous work....Fab (that was corny)
  8. Hey Zach, what do you use to record sound? hardware/software/price?
  9. Nice work Will. You're a master of Photoshop as you are of pencil. What a talent!
  10. Nice hair style. Are you going to fully rig the hair or just enough for subtle movements?
  11. Dobrah, dobrah Temka Nice modeling, unique style.
  12. Well Jeff, first of all, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. That's as far as personal preferences go. If she looks as you envisioned her, then you're on the right track. When it comes to public/collective impressions of what the beauty standards are, then that's a different ballgame. You'll have to look at what's popular and compare it to your model. Look at Tanassi's models (the jazz singer and Ms. Santa), or JTalbotski's redhead model. What are the differences? What makes their models more "feminine" than yours? Look at the cheek bones, the overall shape of the face, the proportion of the eyes, nose features etc.. Classic beauty proportions are the high cheek bones, big wide eyes, slender jaw, tiny nose (a little on the pointy side), ya know what I mean? There are plenty good looking models in the forum or in the Libraries to compare to. Hope this shed some light on the subject.
  13. I love those colors, and the feather texture is very smooth and soft looking. How long does it take to render?
  14. Select your item - choose Rotate Manipulator - Right click - Choose Flatten.
  15. Is that her collar bone or a v-neck sweater in the front view?
  16. Yeah. Zach's da bomb. He is one motivating factor for me. Go Zach go
  17. Sheesh! talk about in-grown hair Good looking model.
  18. Where do you Save your project? In Hash's default folder or do you save it elsewhere on your hard drive? In order to post the project file here, after you hit the AddReply button, you Browse (at the bottom next to File Attachments) for your project file - click it - then hit 'Add This Attachment'. Then hit Add Reply. Capiche?
  19. Awesome detail work. What program/s does John use for his work?
  20. Jody, I think the San Francisco Board of Tourism will ask you to cease & desist this project. With such virtual reality detail, who'd want to visit Frisco? Coming along just fine
  21. That's the dangerous look. Then there needs to be a lot more detail on the surfaces (beveled edges where buttons, lights, conduits & vents would be etc.). As for materials, I would recommend William Sutton's A:M Technical Reference to give the 'how to's & create the materials you desire, but I don't see that manual for sale on his web site http://www.zandoria.com/ Maybe if you e-mail him?
  22. In your Timeline, did you 'zero slope' your Interpolation Method?
  23. The body proportions look really good. I agree with Charlie on the head. Needs a little downsizing and slendering of the lower jaw.
  24. Looks nice. How about twigs in place of the dowels?
  25. That's what I did too. I wish there were some examples like that in bootcamp.
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