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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by higginsdj

  1. Almost looks like light reflections on moving water. That second one really does look like cameras in a stadium. Cheers
  2. Are these going to be animated as 2D or 3D? Cheers
  3. The version on that link is marked as 'for education purposes only' Cheers
  4. But where are they floating? I've not been able to find any..... Edit: Think I found it - it appears to be called VooDoo now! Edit2: Maybe not - found another reference... http://www.peerlessproductions.com/tuts/pages/Icarus.html Cheers
  5. There are other techniques for speeding things up. You can reduce the sub patch count per patch using the PgDn key or you can hide the parts you aren't working on and ensure you have things you don't need turned off when you don't need them - ie hair, decals etc. Cheers
  6. I'm not real sure what you are trying to get at as an 'animated real ....' is a bit of an oxymoron. ie it's animated or it's real - it can't be both. So this leaves us with an animated character composited into a real video/image or a real character composited into an animated background (a la Skycaptain and the world of tomorrow). There are plenty of tutorials in the hash world covering compositing an animated character in a real world including the Hash 2003 Pro Series Videos and there is a tutorial on Camera Match moving in the 2000 Pro series Video. Cheers
  7. The CD currently in your PC while loading AM! You do have an AM CD don't you? TGA is just a picture file type like GIF or JPG or BMP. AM reads in many differnt types of image files (With AM open, open the Project Workspace, rightclick on the Image folder and select import. Navigate to your image and select it to load it. Once loaded you can load it as a camera rotoacopd in the modelling window.) Cheers
  8. Umm.... that gif shows some pretty basic animation - why do you think it would have been impossible to achieve without some 'technical' help? (Hair aside) Reliance on these "modifiers" will only limit your options when you happen upon an instance that the available modifiers will not cater for. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against them, lets just not deify them at the expense of expanding ones own skillset! Edit: Just noted English is not your primary language - so 'impossible' may just have been lost in the interpretation Cheers
  9. The install rig plugin link is broken (on the wiki site) Edit - I fixed the PC link. No idea what the OSX link should be. Tried a couple of variations to no avail. Cheers
  10. I could see this in TWO's Ku Klips workshop set. If you are so inclined you might like to have a chat to Vern the Set Manager to see if he can find a place for it! Cheers
  11. Its a converted Poligon model - at least thats how it is behaving when you attempt to remove splines! That would account for the heavy splineage to..... Conversion from poly to splines is OK for static models but this model will not function well if animated without a considerable amount of 'fixing' (the resulting model has a very large percentage of non continuous splines). Cheers
  12. 3 of my 7 PCs (XP Pro, XP Home, Win2kPro) including a laptop, all use ATI Video Cards and I've not had any issues (mind you I have never had any issue with any video card over the last 6-7 years using AM - except with the el cheapo types that come onboard Motherboards these days) Cheers
  13. Hey Ken, Looks nice and chuncky but a couple of things come to mind. 1. Bamboo is not so dowl-like - there should be some variations in the rods 2. Have you looked at the Act 2 Part 1 Storyboard? The throne is a tallish podium arrangement - are you going to build the 'podium' bit as well? Cheers
  14. A reasonable first(?) attempt. A couple of pointers: 1. You need to learn to bevel edges (where appropriate) 2. The handle doesn't look liek something one could obtain a good grip with. Cheers
  15. Hey Greg, Did you stick with the original version of SIMCloth, the new version or something else (I remember you had some issues rendering the cloth simulations for the capes) Cheers David
  16. Colins Character Tutorials Cheers
  17. How long is the introduction and will you be rendering the result? Cheers
  18. The event horizon of a black hole will be a matt black sphere (nothing gets out - not even light so you can't see through it nor see any reflections) Black holes are polar ie it is surrounded by an acretion disk (if close enough to a stellar object to be able to start gobbling it up) on the plain of it's 'equator' and jets of plasma ejected at right angles to the disk - it's poles. (The acretion disk will be reasonably thick) Edit: One thing I forgot to add. A black hole that isn't feeding (that is - doesn't have an acretion disk) can still be detected by the lensing effect. The center of the black hole will not act as a lense (since no light can pass or escape) but further out the background stars will appear to trace a curve around the black hole centre. As viewed from earth, if the black hole passes directly in front of a star the star will brighten significantly as the light is magnified. Note we can only see the effect we can't actually see the black hole. Cheers
  19. A couple of things bother me: 1. At the very start your anticipation of the step has him taking his step during the anticipation and there is not initial transfer of weight. 2. The 'take' is too bouncy. Hold the stretch for a little while before recovery - ie he looks then he stares then he recovers to step back. To be really picky. 1. I don't like the stop at the top of the stairs. Why is he climbing the stairs (remember you are animating this character - not just making it move) 2. After the take you make him step back with his rear foot first. He'll be trying to move away from the edge so you should move his front foot first. 3. The foot placement in the end pose is the same as in the peak over the edge pose - change it up a little. 4. The steps don't really feel like they are showing a lot of weight. A little squash and stretch might help. 5. Vary the pace of the steps. I look at myself - I start fast then slow down as I get to the top. It doesn't have to be a large variation in pace - just a variation. I recon this one should be added to the Animation Bootcamp as an exercise. Cheers
  20. Well you can always just use the UV editor of the Decal to align it correctly with the mesh! Cheers
  21. See the image in Patricks post - thats a bump map. It's an image where white represents hills and black represents valleys and you can have the entire grey gradient in between. When applied as a Decal (with Bump image type selected) it creates the illusion, when rendered, of hills and valleys on the surface of the model - ie bumps - hence the name. Cheers
  22. I haven't played all the tutes yet but I have not yet come across anything related to Weight Mover! Cheers
  23. Calendar year (and then some at Hash's discression - like with the v12 alpha and betas that gave access to 2004 users for quite a few months into 2005) Cheers
  24. I have it. It's pretty basic but did teach me one or two things. Weight Mover and TSM are related but do different things. TSM will rig your model but weight mover will only help adjust CP weighting (and requires a rigged model) Think of it as Smartskin is to the 2001 Rig! Cheers
  25. If it's version 11.1 you can still download and install v12...... Cheers
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