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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by jon

  1. the question was withdrawn cuz it seemed to kill this thread, and that was not my intent. since most earth ships have a lot of structural similarities, have you considered a parts repository? i.e. various hulls, saucers, nacelles, etc.. i'd like to contribute a ship, but only if there are any non-earther vessels called for. looking at the analysis at this site: http://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/articles/wolf359.htm yields no results, but this site: http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Starships_at_Wolf_359 mentions klingons. i'd happily create a kbp, if it's needed. best of luck on the project! -jon
  2. question withdrawn
  3. well, mr. bm... what's the largest breast you'll accept in an artistic creation? in inches or centimeters, please. -jon
  4. yep, will is a member of the preverts club as well, but i prefer his other woman: red lori [corrected] is it? and bm, i'll make you a deal... shrink that godawful sig, and i'll tell you where i keep my naughty pictures. -jon
  5. jon


    did anyone ever take this renaissance man up on his request? -jon
  6. if you haven't visited the stills gallery lately, fans of the female form should go take a peek! http://www.hash.com/stills/thumbnails.php?album=lastup&cat=0 yes, he's uploaded some weird robot thinggies* too, but i really haven't been paying attention to those. enjoy! -jon * that is to say, shiny metal boomers and hardsuits from his bubblegum crisis reinvisioning.
  7. i love the models and the environment, but i feel compelled to excrete a little pellet of wisdom: always keep the camera moving. i'm sure real animators will beat me down for such a simple 'rule', but even a mickey rooney (little creep) will help liven up an otherwise static shot. take it for what its worth... and keep up the great work! -jon
  8. few are more kink than me... http://www.google.com/search?q=%22animatio...roup+washington the first link has a nice lead that as close as you're likely to get: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sham/ -jon
  9. love the progress you've been making... one minor note: male nipples are usually further apart, more so on an idealized body like this. -jon
  10. well, then... the layout looks good! ' ' ) -jon
  11. visually its good, but why all the text-as-image? you're excluding folks with poor or no vision, as well as search engines. and with each page containing a unique image at 1/3 a meg, you're torturing folks on dialup. love the toons! -jon
  12. i'll just say that people tend to look extremely freaky without hair. -jon
  13. the killer jaw is what's causing the sexual ambiguity... i'm not saying change it, just mentioning. likewise for the head size. not your classic 7-8 head high woman, but then it doesn't have to be. sally forth! ' ' ) -jon
  14. i may have never had full-blown ct, but i did experience numbness in my right pinky/ring fingers as well as wrist pain due to excessive mousing. with the proper ergonomic setup, i'm sure a mouse can be as healthy as a wacom stylus... but it's much harder to use a stylus in a manner than cause ct/repetitive stress syndrome-disease-whatever. -jon
  15. i use a wacom pretty much constantly, but will admit that a mouse is better for splining... why not get both? optical mice can be had for 10 bux... and a wacom will keep the carpal tunnel away when you're not banging out the models. -jon
  16. the cd is needed to start animation:master. why would you use any other software? -jon
  17. great looking fellow! my primary suggestion would be to enlarge his head. it looks a little overwhelmed up there. ' ' ) a very minor tweak would be to define his thigh musculature a little more. currently, there's much more detail in his upper arms. displacements might make up for this, but i dunno. -jon
  18. rich: that is a fairly awesome wing! i built a cartoony one with splines a few months ago, and it was still very complex. your solution is much more realistic, yet simpler! -jon
  19. i just put together a great 64 bit amd system and discovered that a significant chunk of 3d party drivers haven't been ported yet. likewise, programs (like a:m) will need to be recompiled to take advantage of the x64 processor. i'm pretty sure that hasn't happened yet, and with v13 being stability-focussed... it might be a while. but grab a 64 bit amd processor anyway.... it's 32 bits better! ' ' ) -jon
  20. your problems aren't ram related. have you updated your video drivers lately? (ati is fine, by the way) 512m on an xp system is rock bottom, however... and not great for simultaneous applications on 2k either. best of luck. -jon
  21. if you're going for at least a partial toon feel, the the relatively high ambient settings are fine. the lower the ambient light, the more dark, shadowy areas are going to appear... (obviosly ' ' ) that's definately contra-toon, unless you're frank miller! -jon
  22. i'm a tail man, and hers is so small! otherwise, a great model! -jon
  23. let me add another vote for non-particle hair. gradients can do wonders to simulate a velveteen look, with key bits of geometry for tufts, etc. -jon
  24. so, if you missed the finished product, here she is: [attachmentid=10692] i rushed the wing rig, and clipped her butt with one for the final contest render, but i'm very happy with this image, and really do appreciate all the comments on this thread. thanks! -jon
  25. an excellent job! here are some nits i've picked: all of the blues seem to vibrant: the chair and the case the monitors aren't casting light, or so it seems the cases seem too flat... i'd expect a slightly shinier surface and most importantly, you can't see the photographer in the reflective pot. ' ' ) again, a compulsively fantastic piece of work! -jon
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