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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by jon

  1. i'm not happy that his front legs aren't in line vertically with his torso... he looks like he's leaning forward. it is, however a great model! here's my take on a centaur from loooong ago, but when etri gets updated, she'll have a larger, bulkier equine half: http://www.hash.com/imagecontest/August00g...y/jondarkly.jpg -jon
  2. Norfolk seems to be the location. -jon
  3. jeesh.... everyone knows superman's dad is marlon brando. heres more info on the great series 'kingdom come'. -jon
  4. i have to congratulate you on the tremendous progress you've made in animation:master! just last week you were importing polygon models, and now here you are creating a complex character in a:m overnight that looks nearly identical to a professional game character! i can hardly wait to see your splinemanship! -jon
  5. i agree with the unibody advice from kricket: her arms and neck need to be attached to her body. this will help give her real shoulders. from the front view, her legs are very tubular, while her torso is curvey... they don't seem to go together. this isn't a problem from the side view. great model overall! -jon
  6. jon


    if you've modeled a moderately realistic eye with an eyelid, you'll create a pose/relationship that has the eyelids meeting near the bottom lid, and drive it with an action. at least that's how we did things in the old days... -jon
  7. those are some great looking jeans! -jon
  8. speaking of breasts, i just realized that spherical is a good shape here, what with her bodice and all. please demote me to the viscount of stylized breasts. -jon
  9. ew... "contest" is a dirty word. noah is the undisputed king of photoreal breasts. i will humbly accept the title of baron of stylized breasts. huzzah! -jon
  10. actually, i could write chapters on her breasts alone! ' ' ) ...but, 'brevity is the soul of wit' and all. -jon
  11. boobs: a little high, a little spherical textures: a little oversaturated g-string: a little 90's.. (loincloth would be better) ears: a little small? concept: great! -jon
  12. dood, no matter what you model, the peanut gallery is gonna say 'my pet iguana did that last week' or 'why is there an eyeball in her bellybutton' or whatever. just pick something and model the hell out of it! peace -jon you wanna trip, i'll bring it to yah!
  13. jon

    free webspace

    mlm web hosting? what will they think of next. -jon
  14. hi steve! the neck taper caught my eye as well. she looks like she has good cheek bones, but i'd expect them to continue further up her face. along with the bridge of her nose, they contribute to deep, sunken eyes. but nothing really needs to be 'fixed'. ' ' ) lets see more! -jon
  15. neko: great ship! all it needs is a little grunge, and it's ready! martin: you really need to catch deep space nine. it's a good deal edgier and funnier than any other trek incarnation. -jon
  16. i agree that you shouldn't rip off lord of the rings... go straight to the source. ' ' ) lord of the rings borrows liberally from germanic and norse mythology, but with a lot more words. good luck on the project, mysterious jewel person. -jon
  17. seeing "news" first hand is almost universally bad. i don't want to live the bleeding while it's leading. -jon
  18. realism just isn't my bag, man. ' ' ) i've switched back to shaded since i don't think ha:mr will be able to work in toon -- toon lines are a post-production pass, after all. i might try to work on my toon mojo in the future, but who can say. -jon
  19. i really like the style overall, but his eyes a creeping me out! as for gadgets, just have him produce impossibly large items from his jacket. ' ' ) -jon
  20. claudio, specifically to the ease of animation, you can rig everything by hand, but there are also other 'standard' animation rigs that will make the job much easier. -jon
  21. oakchas, she does consort with demons, truth be told... and she has tattoos on her palms, but it's hard to see cuz they're occupied at the moment. her teeth aren't tattooed, but something else in her mouth is... but my lips are sealed. edit: duh... you can see her tongue in the link i provided, sorry! -jon
  22. so, shaded is the runaway favorite, but that just might be due to my crappy toon skils. ' ' ) the three color look is based on traditional anime cell shading: midtone, shadow and hilite. i suspect that folks who don't like this particular type of toon look would prefer a smoother gradient with a little bit of ambiance, and to keep the toon lines? thanks of course for the kind words. i try to branch out, but it seems i keep coming back to lovely women. oh, and dhar? i can't understand how some folks can be happy with a non-interactive, pre-rendered animation with only one viewing angle, but we'll all have to hang in there 'till the webha:mr drops. those who visited my site will see that i've stepped away from toon for a bit, and those that want to see a little bit more of bai yu can follow this link. warning: partial nudity and more tattoos. thanks again to everyone who voted and/or spoke their mind! -jon ...but i'll always welcome more! ' ' )
  23. i appreciate all the kind words, and unfiltered opinions! i'll wait a bit before commenting further, as i'd like to encourage more input. thanks! -jon
  24. dood. yer blowing my mind. ... also, try lowering the contrast (higher ambiance, more direct lighting) to come closer to the more effective 2d source of the trick. -jon
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