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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by NancyGormezano

  1. Well....that may be if you follow the immediate paternal line to the Hanovers...however...it's more accurate to follow the maternal lines (which are from all over - france, spain, austria)... As we Jews have always known ...If your maw ain't Jewish, then we ain't so sure about you ... The way I hear tell... them royals fooled around alot
  2. As far as I can tell, anyone alive today, with any genetic links to the Brits is descended from William the Conqueror. And as long as we're REALLY hijacking this thread, unruly royal bastards that we all are, here's a link to a site that seems to have good info on the peerage's for anyone doing family history fabrications (as I am prone to do). It's all rigged I tell ya: The Royal Family - Inbred genetic mutants or hereditary con-artists? ...oh yeah...umm...back to rigging King MacGurkleKnuckle, 3rd Earl of Treedor royal bones...
  3. Oh yeah? Well, you oughta see MacGurkleKnuckle's new girlfriend...
  4. Action objects are tricky to deal with. I find they are best for assembling sets, and other things that don't move, or are not going to be manipulated elsewhere in the same chor, for the very reasons/problems you are encountering. (I haven't looked at your project - so you may have already tried this, or there may be something else going on) Have you tried creating separate laptop model(s) called laptop2.mdl, laptop3.mdl, etc - rather than using the same model as the action object in the reusable action object and in the chor? Don't try to use another instance of the laptop model - but use a different model/file altogether that is actually the same, but called something different. Or it might be best to constrain the laptop model to your character's hand in the chor - rather than constrain it in the reusable action. You would have more control of it, and would only need 1 model.
  5. nice mace! (Those were Holmes' & Ken's draft videos)
  6. You will probably have to either choose less saturated - ie video safe or whatever safe colors in your animations. I believe there is a post effect in A:M to do that - but I've never used it. OR adjust the tv (not totally serious here).
  7. lol! Ostrich Steaks for everyone! Perhaps you also need different banos for the different species? (love the sign)
  8. You are right, matcap will be the same regardless of lighting (or lack of). Matcap isn't really "glued" to the model. The shader doesn't rotate with the model - but it will translate with the model - so be aware, if you have any pattern on your image that you use for matcap, it might not give you what you expect, when you animate. Probably works fine for the crow. Nice characters! xmasballthomh264loop.mov
  9. Well done Myron - it's great to see you modeling. You have talent, young man! Yes Caroline made a "dress me" plugin, which works for certain situations. However, if you are planning on animating this lady, you would be better off making her clothes part of the model, rather than modeling them separately. Caroline's plugin takes the clothes models and constrains them to the body model. Hats, props can easily be modeled as separate - but lacey camisoles, mini-skirts or bloomers are more easily animated if they are rigged and modeled as part of the body model. I can't wait to see your coutourier collection - available at Saks 5th Ave, I presume?
  10. ooooo the suspense! the horror! Women and children and small pets first! funnnnneeeee!!!!!!
  11. Nice jump! very supermannish. You probably had alpha buffer on when you rendered - turn it off. I always forget that qt mov's have that option.
  12. well done Myron - she's a smooooooth operator - nothing a little Nair won't cure
  13. Oooooo...I like it! That looks good! Howie looks the correct age, the color scheme is punchier, hair style is great fun, and the style of render is terrific. It's a winner.
  14. assign it to a different bone, ie click on the bone you want them to be assigned to, then lasso the cps that were assigned incorrectly
  15. I especially love the pyramid scenes, settings - very ambitious work again from the SpleenMyroonamations team!
  16. yup - I wonder if you smooth your pattern more if that would help, but I suspect there will always be anomalies for some view angle. Too bad can't bake the "displaced" geometry in the model - rather than have it computed on the fly (or that's what looks like is happening)
  17. I found that there are less anomalies when the image used for displacement has smoother transitioning. Used same image (800 x 800 24 bit tga) progressively blurred (with gaussian 20 pixel radius) for displacement (and color - cylindrical map 6 x 1). The right most vase has the most problems obviously - too sharp transitions. 4vasetestbiggercolor50AIh264loop.mov
  18. Hmmm...yup...your example looks like the computed displacement is popping, rather than any computed shading anomalies. I ran a short test - with a displacement decal (24 bit tga) at 1000%, 4 pass, - no conclusions on my part - but scintillation seems to occur in areas of high contrast (upper left, lower right), as well as in those areas that resolve to small number of pixels. Maybe more passes might help. I have no idea what's the problem. Adding a bump map - didn't alleviate. disp2withbump4mph264.mov
  19. me too...perhaps try rendering the model with flat shaded option - to test if the "displaced geometry" isn't causing the popping - try with different light types? Maybe shading computations aren't precise enough for displacement?
  20. Happy birthday hip hip hoo hoooo rayyyyyyy! ..
  21. IMO, it would work depending on the style & feel of the entire movie - I would not want to see this type of camera movement for all types of animation. eg it doesn't work for Pixar, Wallace and Grommit, Southpark styles, etc. In your particular setting, I find it a little too shaky - my first impression, with seeing it stand-alone is I wonder why it looks like bad camera motion. But if I heard the dialog, and knew the rest of the story, and there was a purpose to the shakiness - then I would probably say it's clever and looks good. In other words, it works for those stories/styles that are trying to simulate a hand-held, intimate, personal viewpoint - ie, just the character(s) and the camera man
  22. excellent character - love the hair - I take it that the left red eye is on purpose?
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