Seven you are eternally concerned for the well being of our state of minds. You're either deeply caring or leading up to a yoga book you're in the process of writing.
Excellent Mike. To me the fall looks like a jump. I would suggest just his upper body leaning forward and maybe one leg stretched backwards trying to regain balance. His hips also seem to go down just before he falls which probably makes it seem more jump like.
That first image has great skin. I thought it was a link to a net image! This looks like your finest work yet. Keep hacking away at her. I think the hair will make a big difference. Maybe even use AM hair?
Edit: Or maybe not if she's an android.
I think the artifacts could be fixed by adjusting the brightness/contrast...and other options. From what I remember, brighter high contrast volumetrics led to them.
Looks like a mean Samuel L Jackson! Nice work. If that image is in the poly program, there should be angles, but in AM, they should be smooth. Otherwise, they're not continuous splines. You probably know all this though.
I think the camera shake is abit too exaggerated. It's hard to tell what's going on. But you might be going for that....
Also, the explosions/fire at the end seem abit too "spritey". They probably need to emit more.
Overall though, it's great. Keep it up.
Whaa!?!? That's speech extracting stuff. Is that really all AM? The animation looks superb....any motion capture?
Lots of potential there. Well done.
Edit: Oh ok....what do you mean by real suits?
Wohow! If the story is as good as the visuals, you're going to have an internet smash on your hands!
I notice in the night image the smoke trails are very straight.
Man I can't wait till you get your hands on v12 (hopefully)!
Absolutely! There's even a beach ball in the shot. And I can see a fish jump splash about half way through it.
I can't believe that doesn't even use the new cloth/fluid featues in v12!
Man I didn't think it could be improved! That's lovely detailed looking grass. I love the trees too. Are they detailed up close? A "shire" (my new word for shaded wireframe ) shot would be nice.
PS's not too late to include it in the extra cd.