sprockets Behind The Scenes: A:M and Animatronics Jeff Cantin's Classic Splining Tutorial Strange Effect, video demo and PRJ included John blows up a planet, PRJs included VWs by Stian, Rodger and Marcos Myron's band gets its own wine! Learn to do radiosity renders
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by KenH

  1. Yes to all. You can right click on a model and save it externally. Then it's not part of the project and is referred to. So someone else could alter that model in another project (if it's also saved externally) and the changes would always show up in that project. There's a disk icon on the models saved externally. If you use the same rig then you can transfer animations from one character to another.
  2. Low poly? Looks good to me. Have you done any bias tweaking?
  3. Whoohoo! Thanks David. Edit: Strange. If you open the dragons in a new action, the bones don't work. But they do in the existing actions.
  4. Hey Rodney. Is that project with the two dragons on the castle really on the dvd? I love that image. I did a search but it didn't turn up. Where exactly is it? Cheers.
  5. Nice! The lower eye lid might have too many splines coming off it. It could add work when animating.
  6. Nice work! Imagine the dvd data was put on a SVN system and it could be updated when ever anyone improved a model.
  7. I assume this is they. Look at the second one in particular: http://www.hash.com/amfilms/
  8. Dusan doesn't frequent these forums as much as he'd like so you might contact him directly with that offer. Also, to confirm that modeling is going well (Dusan and Uros are geniuses) and the animation stage is about to start. And a web presence is being prepared.
  9. Pretty cool. You should make it into a HAMR project!
  10. Cos AM can render stereoscopic images/animations! http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=24108
  11. New versions of AM aren't necessarily released with the calendar. The main thing people should be concerned with is what disc they have. But if you upgrade every version, that won't even be a concern!
  12. Looks cool! There's something going on with the front wheel guards. Is this for a project or just a lone model?
  13. Here's the latest v14 that has/will have dual core support. With the TWO cd, you can download and use it. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=26455&hl=
  14. You have "Render as lines" set to on in the properties of Group1 and Group2.
  15. Wow, that's big. Can we use it as a poster?! Interesting idea. That company providing you with a good bit of work. Keep it up.
  16. Great! I've always thought of doing it, but never got around to it. I've also been meaning to make normal blocks and maybe use HAMR to let people build things with them.
  17. You most probably have a spline/cp that's just over the central line....you may need to zoom in. It's most likely located at the ends of the plane.
  18. Sure....just drag the two actions on to the object in the chor. But I assume you're trying that.
  19. KenH


    Huh? You made all that Predator model without any hooks? For more info, look at page 128 in the manual.
  20. Um....what was AM used for in that clip?
  21. Well, I've been using AM for about 4 years and I haven't done a project of that scale. Maybe I could have if I devoted all my time to it. But you know AM is capable of it so it won't be the software that holds you back. Whether you'll do something like that in 2 years is up to you and AM is probably your best chance of doing it.
  22. Yes...any instable reviews are most probably of v9. Since then it's become more stable every version. v13 is rock solid. I can't remember the last time I crashed. Hash have embraced a bug fixing policy so I can only assume it will get more stable with v14. I would say with Maya, you would get bogged down with the interface. At 15 you just want to model and animate. AM allows you to do that. That's not to say it will be plain sailing.....3D animation is hard in any mans language. Hash offer a 30 money back guarantee....if you're not satisfied. I believe they will replace your cd if it gets scratched for a nominal fee. If you buy AM today, you'll get v13 on the cd. But you'll have access to all v14 downloads for a year on the Hash website. With this model, January is the best time to buy.
  23. Bumpty bump. I wonder if Peter will use SSS on these characters.
  24. I'm just guessing but it wouldn't surprise me if Hash had some sort of patent on the method. I mean it's just so obvious compared to having to click buttons and root around in tool window to assign points to bones.
  25. It mean 1-6 on the main keyboard....not the keypad at the side. 1, 2 and 3 constrain in x, y and z respectively and experiment with the other three. (you have to highlight a spline for some like move along a spline)
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