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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by KenH

  1. It's hard to tell what exactly it is, but I assume you've scaled the face as flat as possible with the scale manipulator or the flatten tool. It's possible some of the ripples are caused by the patches being stretched relative to their neighbouring ones. To avoid this, you should also flatten the neighbouring patches round the area you want to flatten. You can however, use the bias handles from a side view of the offending areas and align them with your flattened patches.
  2. Much better Satyajit. And good points Martin..... I like the one voice doing the whole thing as it adds a sense of a story being told from a book. Perhaps that could be the intro.....a book opening. However, perhaps she could have made the different voices more distinctive but no matter. I think the hair stands up ok for the look you want. Also Part 2 kept my two year old neice watching it all.
  3. Nice work! Only crit would be to change the camera angle on the father in shots 24 and 27. At the moment, it's on the side of his face which isn't all that interesting and you can't see his mouth move.
  4. Maybe your normals are pointed the wrong way. Are you using porcelain? Can you post the model or try it in a new project/chor. It's quite nice weathering going on there...whatever the reason. PS Did you extrude the shape?
  5. Gosh that was fast....and it looks great too! Nice work.
  6. That's great Satyajit! You're out doing yourself. You really are getting great expression out of the bodies without much facial expression. Do you paint the backgrounds yourself? Sorry if you said already. I too noticed the expression "starving is their frequent friend" which might be better as "starvation/hunger is their frequent friend". Some minor points: Shot 1...perhaps some bending on the swing ropes. It looks very ridgid. Shot 7....the step mother doesn't seem cruel and angry. If she didn't frown she might look very pretty. Maybe she could be uglified as all step mothers seem to be....crooked nose etc. Your call. Shot 13....slight slipping in Hansels walk as he walks away from Grettel. Looking forward to the next part. Let us know when it's up. It's a pity it's not quicktime as we can step through frame by frame with it.
  7. After 10 years of using other 3D apps, I'm not surprised that you find AM very different. I personally find it easier but I started with AM.
  8. I'll implement that right away. Then I'll make it a HAMR project.....rendering takes too long.
  9. Well I took a stab at putting what I learned into practice with scarecrow. (It's brighter than it should be due to the H264 format). shocked.mov
  10. Thanks for the links Stuart. I tried updating my quicktime and now I can see the page even in Firefox!
  11. Aww...the page crashes for me. Something to do with the quicktime I assume.
  12. I assume he put in "his husband" instead of "her husband". I kind of like the voice.
  13. Well, it's just that the characters' skin needs to crease so it'll do that at the splines. It's just a matter of using rings to define the mouth and eyes. I can't get the images bigger, but you might have a few problems if you want to animate him. Probably need another ring around both the eyes and mouth.
  14. Yes, it's a quick way to get a face made. However, it's not widely used as it's difficult to get good animation splinage that way. But the head looks good. I'd be interested in seeing a shaded wireframe shot.
  15. Looks good. That's how you get it to fill out in the z axis....you could also use tools like magnet mode and patch select.
  16. Here's how to re-install: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3378 For regedit, you just type it into Start>run on the left of the windows bar at the bottom of the screen. Then you get a new window to edit the registry as per the link.....carefully of course.
  17. Hey Dude. Unfortunately he's gone on the back burner since I'm back at college now and Martin's at me to get some TWO stuff done. But I did get some texturing done. Nothing worth posting as it was experimental. I found that I need to use 16 bit images for best quality displacements. Hopefully in a few weeks I'll get round to it.
  18. Sorry, I didn't vote for it but you were in tough company. This is really an excellent image and even more so from a newcomer.
  19. Welcome to the world of AM! Post some work soon.
  20. KenH


    I'm not sure how the poses are done on those models, but they have to be set up exactly as with the KeeKat model. That means.....in the same folder of the same name....and the poses called the same such as Ooo etc.
  21. The render properties should over-ride the camera properties....I think. There's a similar report about this on AM:Reports.
  22. Yeah, one thread creates less clutter in the forums and it lets people easily see your progress. And I think people will want to see your progress on this model.....it's great. Surely you're not new to 3D. One crit would be the size of the steps seems too large relative to the size of the doors.
  23. Try looking in your options (Under the Units tab?) to see if your chor is set to 24fps or 30fps.....
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