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Everything posted by KenH

  1. Did you look on the cd? There's no gold or silver, but brass and aluminum should be easy to modify into them.
  2. Hmmmm......what about.....and this is a very convoluted way that may not even work (at all/for this case): Say you have a plane with about 10 cps in it. Make 10 bones and assign each cp to a different bone (making sure the bone's axis is at that same co-ordinates as the cp that's assigned to it). Now you could set a surface constraint for each of the 10 bones and they "direct" their individual cps over the surface of another object. I really should test it first, but don't have time right now.
  3. Interesting designs nicely rendered. Looking forward to progress.
  4. I'm not sure exactly if this is what you're after, but there's a surface constraint that allows you to constraint a model to a surface.....such as a tear rolling down a cheek. In fact, KeeKat's eyes use it.
  5. I'm trying to find the alpha channel option myself but it's not where it used to be. Does it depend on the avi type?
  6. Coincidence! This has just been introduced as a feature in v14....
  7. Here's a link I meant to post a while back. It's Uroses (model maker and texturer) hompage. There are more images of the short on it.
  8. You did save after you embedded the files in the project right? The order you have it written, would mean you're embedding but not saving.....so the project will need to ask you to find stuff again as they're not embedded.
  9. There's a project on the AM cd that does something similar. It's under "Projects" in the library.
  10. Wow...really cool. The green lights seem abit bright/new looking though.
  11. Excellent start. Do you have actual blueprints for it? The piston arm seems a little fragile to me....I'd expect it to be thicker and maybe rectangular.
  12. Abit of popping (and stretching?) but very nice work. That must have been tricky to rig. PS Also, I can see a hole in the pole of one of the rocks on his left leg.
  13. I don't know what the problem is with flocking, but why aren't you using hair as outlined in this thread? That's the ideal solution: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...93&hl=grass
  14. Would that be....irises? Nice work Jimmy. When you going to have some animation? Also, are you using decals or materials?
  15. Very cool. Is that splines or displacements? Probably splines. What are these for?
  16. It's not hard on render times.....it might even be a "2D post effect"......but that can work for fog as even if the camera moves, you can only see the same distance ahead as before anyway. As I say, it can be subtle.......the back of the ship can be crisp (higher start value) while there's a hint of fog on the front. See what you think...
  17. It's easy. You can change the settings in the camera or the render settings.....make sure you're rendering from the one you change. There are even visual representations of the start and end of the fog.......larger end values give a more subtle fog. I think it would make a difference in your render. The image option in the fog options is abit of a mystery....I can't get fog like results using it and I don't think it would be good if the camera was to move anyway. However, if your space background is the camera background colour, then it won't work. You'd have to go the particle fog route.
  18. There's an option in the fog to add an image. I believe that would be a greyscale image that would distribute the fog. The fog color is the camera background color.
  19. There's an option to turn off the purple camera guides.....either in options or the camera properties. I think your shot needs more rim light from behind the ship. For dust, you could get good results with fog on the camera....maybe even use an image on it. Or you could do particles.....like the dust example in the manual.
  20. Cool! I know there's no fog in space, but maybe there's space dust. I think that would add a sense of scale to it. Also, is it only just one light source? I bet in the movies they cheat and use at least a 3 point light system. Maybe also a bright nebula would pull it out of the blackness.
  21. Select the root bone. Press the S key. Hold down Control key. Scale the bone and the cps should scale too. But make sure this doesn't mess up your relationships so do it on a copy.
  22. You always get strange problems. Nice tanks you got there.
  23. You could make a (nearly) circular path and constrain the bones to it.
  24. Nice work! I'm not sure what you mean by "sharper", but if you want there to be abit less fog, you can extend the far range of the fog beyond the scene more and that would do it.
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