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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by KenH

  1. Are there any specifications/recommendations on how to record the dialogue? Such as a certain type of microphone....or how to get the best sound from a mic etc. Edit: Are you going to have all the animals speak together? It might be better if one speaks and the others listen. Also, if you do, I would advise it to be the dear that talks as an elephant's mouth is difficult to see with his trunk in the way. Besides, he wouldn't fit his head into the tiger's mouth. PS I imagined the tigers voice to be more sly. I'll try to get something to you soon.
  2. If you haven't got anyone yet, I'd like to make the elephant model. I don't particularly want to rig or texture though.
  3. That's looking much better. I'd like to replace the above post with.... It rolls off the tongue better and it indicates that he wasn't telling the truth when saying he'd be friends....and all bets are off.
  4. Very nice George. I made some changes too and sent them to Satyajit. I think a combination of the two would be good.
  5. Of course....the rhyme needs to remain. I'm talking about small things such as this: There’s rumble in the jungle and lot of wailing The tiger stuck a bone in throat while he was eating which I would change to: There’s rumble in the jungle and a lot of wailing The tiger stuck a bone in his throat while he was eating
  6. Can't wait. I'll try out for English voice acting if you need someone. Some of the English needs some work in the above version.
  7. Thanks. He has TSM2. Oh and he's going to be used in an ecomomic tv program and he'll represent "the rat race".
  8. That looks like a "gulp" gesture. It reads fine to me. Shot 88.5.....was this shot added in later?The naration translation is abit confusing. Shot 89...frame 330...the naration says...."Then started to pray to the God"....It seems like it should be "Then started to pray to God". It may be too late now unless you can cut out the "the". Not much else I can see. Nice work.
  9. It's for a job that was advertised on the forum. I'm not entirely sure what it's for yet.
  10. Thanks guys. Here's a wire. I've got the ears rigged to move abit, but they could use some weighting.
  11. Nice movement you got going there. There's something bothering me about the head..... If you look at this picture, you'll see a difference between yours. The back of the top of the head is flat but yours slopes up. Also it just continues straight from the front and there's no ridge. Basically, you've a whole wedge shape on top of the head that needs filling in. Unless you're doing a different type..... http://highlights.ultimatedvd.org/starwars...-5/AT-AT005.jpg Also the head has more panneling like in this picture: http://www.rickhoberg.com/STARWARS/AT-AT-1.gif
  12. Hey guys. Here's a picture of a character I made over the last few days. His head is made from a drastically modified KeeKat.
  13. Damn cool. Glad you got a gig out of it.
  14. Haha. Those weather balloons cause quite an explosion! The alien looks suitably dazed/drunk.
  15. Oh it's an actual physical premier. I guess I won't be able to go then. Hopefully I'll see it on dvd.
  16. I just hope the short window and invitation process don't exclude too many casual browsers from seeing it. I've sent you my email.
  17. Hey man. Another great clip. Here's my comments: Shot 77: The witch sniffs the air. Instinctively as a viewer, I look at her nose and can see she has no nostrils. It sort of contradicts the narative where she says they have a "good sense of smell". If possible, I'd put in some holes there.....even just use some booleans for that shot. Shot 78: I assume the sleeping kids will be added to this shot. Shot 82 Frame 660: The witch is talking but I can't understand the word at the end...."when he is fat enough I am going to ____" That's it! The animation on the witch is great. I think you must have enjoyed animating her. Also, I didn't notice the patch on Hansel's trousers before. A nice touch. I hope there's a way to promote this on the front page of Utube or something.
  18. Good. But I won't be impressed till you make it into a HAMR project.
  19. Actually, you can manually position them in bones mode.
  20. Yeah, really nice. The boy could use porcelain on his face though.
  21. I hope you're going to texture this with care....dirt streaks under all the nurnies. And I just can't wait to see it animated. I think these are my favorite vehicles in Star Wars.
  22. Of course an easier method (but less flexible) would be to have Bone 1 as the parent and Bone 2 as the child. Then the hand cps are assigned to the parent bone and the gun to the child bone. Then when you transform the hand bone, the gun bone will do the same.
  23. Make the resolution smaller and put it up on AM:Films.
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