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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Fuchur

  1. Did the rendering. The same result with 15i -> 7:56 min *Fuchur*
  2. Such a feature already existst... it was introduced for Avalance studios... I just dont know exactly what it produces... I think it produces a lightmap for each patch... but cant say exactly. I tried to use it for my diploma-thesis, but I couldnt get it to work with Quest3d. Most of the programms need one big map, not several for each patch. But maybe someone of you can? Create a Chor and go to "Export > Lightmaps". *Fuchur*
  3. This is my Benchmark: - Version: 15h - Renderingtime: 7:56 - CPU: AMD Phenom II 955 - Corespeed: 3,2 GHz (per core) - Cores used: 1 core - Cores Total: 4 cores - RAM : 4 GB DDR3 RAM (1066 MHz), 2GB used - OS: Windows XP (32 bit( For the people saying, A:M is too slow for such a scene: This project contains settings which wouldn't have to be used for the image it produces. A reflection-level of 8 (for instance) is just much to high and will increase the renderingtimes significantly. It is however good to test with such a setting, because it will increase the renderingtime and will show the differences between processors in a better way. See you *Fuchur*
  4. I think it is an image-fileformat, which can be read by Xnview which was created for PaintBrush. See you *Fuchur*
  5. I cant watch it... quite odd so that it is available in France for example (if it is). Any nazi-symbols in there? In germany it is not allowed to draw such symbols (like the hakenkreuz) which seems to be okay in America (at least if I watch American History X)? *Fuchur*
  6. My last question is: Is it possible to export files from A:M in a format that can be used by other 3D apps such as Max and Maya? My guess would be no, since A:M is spline-based not poly-based. Export isnt that much of trouble... OBJ, DXF and DirectX-files work quite well... import on the other hand is a whole other story. *Fuchur*
  7. Here is a small description: SoftwareFocus: Animation:Master *Fuchur*
  8. A:M has an algorithm like that implemented since I am using it (about 9 years)... Try using "Reduce Keyframes" on your animation. This should kill unnecessary keysframes from your files and make it much smoother. Higher resolutions like 720p or even 1080p are just not useable on the web in many situations... people have faster connections today, but that doesnt mean that anyone can really stream a 1080p-video without using a very well suited codec with lots of work on that part. Youtube doesnt use anything like 720p or 1080p... even the "HD"-file you can get by clicking on the button is much smaller than 720p. It is only slightly over SD. You can render to high-resolutions in A:M without a problem. Just change to whatever you want. 720p and 1080p are presets which are available. Even 4k is available... I am rendering my previews in 640 x 480 or the 16:9-equivalent to see how it works out and after that in final-rendering you can still increase the resolution. I dont have a bigger problem with increasing the default-resolution, but it has one big drawback: Rendertimes for such resolutions are just much longer. *Fuchur*
  9. Cutplane is a good plugin. It should not be used in every circumstance, but for doing this "need another splinering there"-kind of stuff it is very helpful... Steffen was very generious in creating it after we talked about it. If you have any questions and he is busy, I'll be happy to answer where I can. *Fuchur*
  10. Have a look at my tank-tutorial on my website. It is a videotutorial in several parts. I am using it a few times there... *Fuchur*
  11. No, Fluid is a new feature in A:M v15, so no plugin. However there should be bloobies in your version too, which can be okay for fluid-simulations (so in most cases not that well suited). *Fuchur*
  12. I only can say: Very very well done. I didnt find anything I didnt like or at least understood why it was there. VERY impressive work! *Fuchur*
  13. Poses are not setup via the timeline but via the slidervalue. Open the Poses-Window (View -> Pose Sliders) and adjust the slidervalue to what you want it to be. Then move your model. Go to another posevalue (if needed) and do it again. *Fuchur*
  14. I am quite positive that modelled geometry will result in slightly higher renderingtimes... so with small patch-counts it will not be noticeable. BUt with high once it would... However it will although be affected by the decal-size, etc. *Fuchur*
  15. It looks like the guy from "El Dorado"! I like him very much! Keep it up! *Fuchur*
  16. Fuchur

    2 questions

    This is a bit confusing, but to make it easier: The "normal" you see there is just a guideline for the direction of a patch. It is different than in a polyprogramm. If you like to move in a specific direction you need to do that with the translate-tool, where you can rotate the pivot of the currently selected group of CPs and than translate in that direction. Due to the nature of non-box-modeling, it is not that much needed to move along the "surface-normal" but you still can do that by using the translate-mode instead of the standard-mode. *Fuchur*
  17. Jep, the community here is very helpful and friendly. Danke, bald gibts auch ein neues Layout dazu... ist jetzt auch schon in die Jahre gekommen. *Fuchur*
  18. Fuchur


    In general you dont have to. Patches are rendered from both sides. For realtime-views however you may need to set A:M up to show polygones from both sides. You can do that by going to Options -> Rendering. Set "Final" to "Realtime" or "Shaded" and you will find an option called "Show Backfacing Polygones". This doesnt effect the surface itself so. If you are trying to export the model for example, it will still be singlesided. You will have to set the mesh in the other programm to doublesided. A workaround may be to copy the areas you need to be doublesided, paste it back in, move it a tiny little bit (otherwise you may experience renderingproblems) and hitting "F" to flip the normals of the patches. See you *Fuchur*
  19. This is new in the new version (we are not that happy about it neighter, but whatsoever). You can get the old behaviour by holding shift down when appyling the constraint. *Fuchur*
  20. Hi TD3d, nice to have you here... I am looking forward to what you can do with A:M. If you got any questions, let us know See you *Fuchur*
  21. Do it like shown in the image... you need to extrude a 6 or at least 5-point-spline-ring to get a whole and after that close it by hand. On the image I used hooks, but you could although draw the line to the end of the grid. *Fuchur*
  22. And how i can achieve this ? Dont use 4 but 5 or more points to define thesurface or better to say: First you dont have a surface there. Just draw a spline-ring. Than extrude the splinering and after that close the whole. Patchmodeling is different from box-modeling. A few hints in that direction can be found in my tank-tutorial on my website PatchWork3d (see signature). *Fuchur*
  23. Is the object very close to the camera? *fuchur*
  24. You can animate CPs as well as bones... CPs can easily just be scaled. As the others suggested, you can dot that in a pose or directly in the chor. *Fuchur*
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