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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by dborruso

  1. Hey I like this a lot. Very painterly. It's like if Cezanne had a computer Nice composition too.
  2. I LOVE this character. He is horrifying and awesome. I would love to see this monster in a game.
  3. This is a great little animation. I definitely need to work on my animation skills with exercises like this. Really nice job. Maybe when I win lotto I will join you at animation mentor
  4. Beautiful work. I hope you get a lot of jobs and a lot of money with a:m work because you deserve it. You do quantity and quality. Bravo!
  5. hehehe. That's a great little animation. Made me laugh. Very cute characters. Good job!
  6. Wow, those improvements really make this model stand out. Great job modeling. It is great to see everyone helping to make each other better. I think this model is very attractive now.
  7. I had a great time at the meeting. Thanks luckbat. Jerry, soon as you dropped me off the train came five minutes later. It worked out great. I appreciate the ride. I hate riding the subways.
  8. Hey Jerry, great you can bring your laptop. I owe you one camel. You have froggy boxing running on it ok? As long as it runs that is good. I'm afraid I don't have much of a demo to show or anything, I guess just let people try it and I will answer any questions anyone has. Gerry, really hope you can come. I hope we get a good turn out.
  9. This looks nice. I was confused about the ending until you said it is not done. I thought the baby died or something which would be pretty sad. I like the characters. I agree with dhar that the animation could use a little more "bounce" or something. But the are mechanical looking characters so I guess that's up to you.
  10. Very cool. What of it was done in a:m? How did you get it to flash?
  11. So who's coming to the february meeting? Did you hear from anyone luckbat?
  12. Thanks Guys I am mostly getting good feedback from folks. Most accept it as it is as a fun silly game. A few people on the game studio forum tell me a million things I should have done. That's ok. I am open to suggestions, no one has been mean and said it sucks or anything. I am expecting a little of that when it gets to download.com though. You can't please everyone. Yeah Greg, I used a6 for froggy boxing. The tutorial I will make will cover modeling, texturing, animating in animation master for use in a6. Export of model and animation with AMXtex plugin. Edit keyframes with fragmotion (optional). Import into gamestudio. I will not cover programming, maybe just setting up an action at most for your animations if anything, there are plenty of a6 scripting tutorials. I don't know what engine you used but I will take any help I can get. Triath already said he will help. C ya later
  13. I should be able to make this meeting. Noon is the best time for me. I don't like being in the city after dark, not that it is any safer in the day, that's just me. Does anyone have a pc laptop computer they can bring. Unfortunately I dont have a laptop but I want everyone to get a chance to try froggy boxing. I know luckbat is on a mac so it would be cool if he could try it. I know it sucks to haul a laptop around but I would really appreciate it. When I win lotto I will buy you a camel to carry your laptop for you. C ya guys (and girls if there are any joining us, just a dream)
  14. Thanks Folks I am really happy people are enjoying this. Slipin Lizard, I think you have a great idea. I am gonna make this first tut for free though as my gift to the hash community because I have learned so much from what people have given and I have given so little. I am happy to do it. But an in depth instruction is a good idea. Like make a game and record everything done from start to finish with animation master and game studio. I thought about studying to be a game artist and work for a company, but I would rather learn on my own and do it independently with the software I like to use and the ideas I like. I would rather be poor and happy. I don't want it to become just another job ever. That would make me so sad. Making tutorials about it is a great idea I haven't thought of as a way to make some extra funds and I would like doing it. Maybe I will do something like this for the next game, nightcrawlers, I will do with gerry mooney and emilio. C'mon everyone and do some froggy boxing! Take Care
  15. yes, it seems if you have the frog going as far as he can go and the camera is in back of him sometimes the camera keeps advancing until it is inside the frog. I dont know why it does that, the coding for the cam worked on all other angles and uses the same formula. Go figure. If you back up, the camera should back up too, but it is knida screwy when that happens. The best thing to do is just not keep your finger on the advance button when you have the opponent cornered. This is really the only bug I found so far. Also, The game doesnt play out to a win or lose situation if there is 2 draws or a draw and 1 win and one lose round too. But that is not really a bug. That is just the way it is. I am glad you folks are interested in learning about this. I will make a tut, it wont take long, it is not too complex (except for the coding but that is for another tut).
  16. Will do Martin. As long as you stop calling me David I will be glad to help out and it will help me to do that too.
  17. I am proud to announce the release of Froggy Boxing. This is a one punch and one block button mashing game. If you want tons of fancy characters and moves buy street fighter. If you want to beat up a frog, this game is for you. There is no installer, just download it to your desktop and run the exe file. Sorry there is no mac version of this game. Here it is: http://www.3dfrog.com/wips/froggyboxing/froggyboxing.zip I hope you have fun playing it. Pass it around to your friends if you think they will like it. Kids will probably like this game the most. Happy Boxing
  18. Awwww, how can you call my little froggys stupid. lol. Actually they went to Harvard. I think you are right, this game officially makes me a stud Nope, there is only one punch and one block. That's it. I kept it real simple for my first game. This is just a button mashing game. You'll have to wait for the next game for fancy fighting action. Thanks brainmuffin. This game is pretty much done though. Do you know a lot about fight moves? maybe on the next game.
  19. Hi All Froggy Boxing will be done very soon. I wanted to post this little teaser movie to get you interested. The modeling and texturing and animation was done in a:m. It should be any day now. Level Design Dreams is just doing a few more things with the programming for me. The movie is about 3 megs and is a wmv http://www.3dfrog.com/games/movies/froggy2006.wmv I look forward to the release and hope you enjoy the movie. And oh yeah, froggy boxing is a free game. It is only 2 out of 3 rounds Sorry no mac version
  20. Are you implying this is the infamous seven returning to us? Could it be?
  21. That is wicked cool. I like playing with photoshop filters too but never turned them into 3d. This new displacement feature really opens up a lot. I can't wait to get my v 13. I hope to get it this month if I can.
  22. hehehe, You are having fun with this parrot I see. I never heard a parrot with such a deep voice. Nice parrot.
  23. Really nice job. I use the .x exporter too. I downloaded your head to examine. Thanks for sharing.
  24. Very cute. Can't wait to see more. This is a very good first animation you did. You should feel very proud.
  25. Ugh Sorry I didnt make it there. I was pretty sick. I thought I would make it but then didnt wake up til 2 pm and was still sick. Sorry guys. How was it? How was the turn out? I feel so bad I wasnt there
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