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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by MMZ_TimeLord

  1. Cory, Switch to quicktime using sorensen 3 compression and your artifacts will disappear. The color artifacts are a result of the codec you are using and the windows media player. (DivX) The other option is to use a different type of codec with your AVI. I really like the animation, tweaks aside, it shows a lot of energy. Great Job!
  2. Excellent start Epoch! now it just needs those tiny feet!
  3. You would have to post a picture of my model window in bones mode vs. yours... I'm not quite getting what you are describing. It sounds like our bulb models and bone sizes are different scales, is that right?
  4. Technodandy, There are two lights in my bulb, so you can delete the lights in yours and just drag the bones from mine to yours. In the choreography on your lightbulb model, you can select the 'show more than drivers' icon and select light2 from the model and create a new 'Aim at' constraint to target the camera. The light settings should be okay... I don't think I fiddled with the camera at all. Let me know here if you are stuck.
  5. Unfortunately if the bulb is by itself, you will not see what is affected in the model window. However, if you place it near something in the model window, you should see it on a quick render. This is how it would look in the choreography when placed on the default 'ground' model. [attachmentid=15120] I played around with the lens flare settings and a single klieg light constrained to aim at the camera in the choreography. You could also turn it into a bulb so it wouldn't have to be aimed. I'll upload the project... this is what it renders. [attachmentid=15121] I hope that helps you some... I guess it wasn't as simple as I thought... never tested it until now. TestLightBulb.zip
  6. Very nice Colin!!! Excellent spline usage!...
  7. in skeletal mode, you add the light and make it's starting diameter just bigger than the bulb surface itself. Then, you should probably apply ambiance to the surface of the bulb so it will glow. You could even make a pose with the ambiance and light on and off so you could control it in the choreography later. Hope that helps... give a shout if you want me to make an example.
  8. My boss and I could not stop laughing... we had to play it over and over... and over... etc. We also viewed the high res version on the MMC. Excellent work!
  9. WOW!... /me falls over...
  10. In other words... render the same animation, but in the render dialog whree the animation range settings are, there is a 'step' option you just change the step from 1 to 3. This will make it render every third frame. (wasn't sure if most folks knew that.)
  11. Nicely done! Can't wait to see more from you!
  12. Excellent mike... was he looking to see if anyone was watching?
  13. "The Art of Animation:Master" ("TAoA:M") is the booklet that comes with your software. It has the lessons in book form. In the new user forum, there is a thread named The Art of Animation:Master strangely enough. The first post of that thread is a list of all the lessons. Almost all the lessons have a video tutorial to go with it. These are priceless if you ask me. I just received my copy of the Animator's Survival Kit yesterday... WOW, there's a LOT in there I need to absorb! You can always get help here in the forums. Just try to get through the "TAoA:M" lessons first. If you have a problem with a particular lesson, post the question in the thread for that lesson's certification. Last, but not least, DON'T GIVE UP! If you are frustrated, put it down for a while, take a break and come back and try again later.
  14. That's some beautiful armor there Jeff! Glad to be of help... I'll find a way for you to repay me someday...
  15. Mike, Excellent animation. I would probably say a little anticipation too, but since you won't be updating it... BTW... I still refer back to the tutorials I bought from you... thanks again for a wonderful product!
  16. Zaryin, Had to rip a lot of things out to get it to load, but I got you your mesh back. I think there was an error in the groups, but without trimming out individual groups I couldn't tell you. Here is the mesh back.. V12. Armor_Shoulder05.txt
  17. Wonderful work John... always nice to see your stuff.
  18. Way better.... yeah, a hint of the ribcage and torso side musclulature and some shoulder tweaks and you'll be done... Great job!
  19. Well done!
  20. Yeah, looks like a compression artifact... I've seen similar stuff on DivX from time to time...
  21. Yeah, get an anotomy book for reference... First things I notice is there is very little definition to his abdomen area. Probably should build up that washboard more... get the six-pack going. Second is that his 'pectorials' are not well defined. Again, refernce. The biceps and forearms also need a little more defining... If he's going to be shown without his shirt, it will be very important to convey that musculature. Looks better in the three-quarter though Frank... excellent work so far. I only hope that my first human from scratch can come close!
  22. I think he's speaking more of on the holds... not holding as long... and yeah, probably a little faster on the rotations... I really liked it... excellent work there!
  23. My first thought about the Brute's musculature, is that the area around the shoulder blades needs some definition as well as muscles leading into the neck. I can't see the front very well because of the specularity... can we see a three-quarter shot of his torso from the front?
  24. OHH!!! that's not right... no... A phalic shaped fountain... WHAT!??!!? On that note I'm gonna refrain from making any further remarks... I'll just get in trouble.
  25. Easy way out for me would be to make the pants the lighter blue and let the cloak and hood offset all the blue. She looks wonderful... you are really making progress on this!
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