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Everything posted by MMZ_TimeLord

  1. Yep, seemed to work okay, I used the colored map for the color and my converted map for the displacement. I think maybe the red channel needs to be tweaked somehow so it's higher up than the green channel... some of the red areas seem to drop a little. I probably need to either soften it some or bring down the scale some too... tell me what you think. Now I gotta go fix my earth model... bump map changed to displacment... oooo... can't wait. [attachmentid=13619]
  2. Two things... someone mentioned culling of the patches you don't see... how about simply hiding them when you move your camera in. In other words, find a spot you want to zoom into a lot and hide all but that and see how close you can get the camera... don't forget to scale the camera down too... Second, on the colored satalite image, could that simply be converted to a grayscale image? Looks like th blue is the darkest contrast wise... hmm... I think I'll break out photoshop and play with it.... EDIT: Okay, I split the image into RGB channels, applied a negative filter to the blue channel and recombined them. Here is the resulting map after simple grayscaling. I'll do a render on a patch and post that next to see if it comes out right. [attachmentid=13618]
  3. Excellent work, I love all the finished materials... Can't wait to see more from you!
  4. I realize this is going backwards, but it's too bad we can't 'bake' the displacement. (i.e. - convert the patch(s) to a 1 patch per pixel mesh) I know it would create HUGE meshes, but here's the upside... We could then copy the part of the mesh we need for a scene, such as the the mountain scene you were talking about. Just a thought... probably thinking while sitting on my brains again...
  5. Justin, Generally when you do the animation you have a camera view with the outer pink/purple box that shows your rendering limits. Then there is an inner pink/purple box... that one shows what is 'tv safe' or will ALWAYS end up on your television screen for viewers. Took me a while to get used to that. There is also a 'title safe' frame, I haven't played with it. Both the 'tv-safe' and 'title safe' options can be turned on or off in the camera object properties. Hope that helps.
  6. Here here!!! Let's hear it for RODNEY!!!!
  7. I would have to say that was a very 'interesting' film. Well... I'm off to therapy now
  8. Since V13 Alphas started showing up I believe. Check the thread here... Oz Map -- Another v13 Displacement Fun Thread
  9. Lookin good there John... Can't wait for it to breath fire and ROAR!
  10. Yes, welcome back Mike! I too remember you... (I started with Playmation too, still have the floppies AND they work on one of my old boxes!) Go through the Art of Animation Master lessons and you will be on your way VERY quickly. But most of all, have fun with A:M! Enjoy!
  11. The one on the right has your normals pointing the right direction (out form center), the left one has the normals pointing in the opposite direction (in from the outside). I made the same mistake when I did my first test (see my first example earlier in the thread). The second one I did came out fine. Other than that, I'm not quite sure of the question (I want it ??)
  12. You guyz were right... I got home and checked it out. I did have the normal pointing in the wrong direction (down). I flipped it and got this... so White is indeed raised areas... black is recessed areas. Much better... I've included the picture I used for displacement and color again for reference. I also did a quick gaussian blur on the map and re-rendered to see the differences...
  13. Here is my test to verify the height changes per color. I am attaching both the rendered patch picture and the original map used. The original map is 1000x1000 and the white is 255,255,255 and the black is 0,0,0 with the base or frame at 128,128,128. This was a really quick spaceship hull plate simulation. These are exteme transitions with very little if any gradient transitions. I rendered this with the displacement at 400% and a duplicate color map to show what areas did what. Hope this clears some things up.
  14. Not to mention raising simple hull plate detail on spaceships or rivet detail on steamship hulls, etc. Even, lots of small detail on things like dashboards, watch faces, etc... I'm as giddy as a school girl... wait... I'm not a girl...
  15. I would say that would be a simple preoceedural texture and use it for a displacement or bump map.
  16. Nicely done Eric2575!!!!! Can't wait to see that with the high priced paint job and the super model.
  17. In your model you will find a folder called 'Decals'. Under that you will find your decal with a sub folder called 'Images'. On the properties for the image you are decaling, there is a 'Repeat option. It usually gets set to more than one in the X and Y directions during a cylindrical or spherical application if your on screen positioning decal is too small to wrap around the object. Try to remove all your decals, and start over, position your picture and then use 'planar' as your application method in the properties of the Decal itself. Then scale your decal to cover the object on the side you wish the decal to appear. Then right click on the positioning decal and select 'Apply' or simply hit Enter. Hope that helps.
  18. Sweeeeeet! Now my earth elevation maps that are over 2000x4000 will be worth something!!! *HUGS* to Martin
  19. cuboos, Here is the model with only IK legs. Balance was not added at this point and may be more of a problem than a help with this kind of character. I did want to point out that the legs deform quite badly when they bend. This is supposed to be a mechanical tripod right? If so, I would recommend breaking the legs up into individual tube units and adding one of the knee joints at the top of the leg to hide the break. Let me know if you want me to send you an example. tripod3_IKRigged_.zip
  20. Careful with that... I did that with mine today to try and clear up a shaded mode problem with modeling and after that my community window didn't function properly. Still doesn't, even after a full re-install. I think I'll have to yank out A:M, wipe the registry of ALL Hash entries, restart and then reinstall. I can't log into the community at all, it either locks up or gives an error and crashes to the desktop. I will be calling Hash about this monday (unless they respond here. )
  21. I'll try and give it a shot tomorrow if I've got time cuboos. I'll post it back with the rig. I'll presume you want this to autobalance like other characters do. I already have a three legged creature I've rigged, so this should be quick.
  22. In the flatter or more gentle curved areas of the face you could remove every other spline. I only try to add detail where it's needed and hook it off as soon as I can. As to the eyes, it will be hard to tell until you get the sides of the face finished or at least some more to wrap around past the edge of the eye. That will give your spines a chance to curve naturally with your mesh and then you can start pulling some out to shadow the eyes or push the eyes back to get them inset more. The overall shape of the face is wonderful. I really like the very subtle dimples in the cheeks you have created with the hooks. I don't know if it was on purpose, but it gives a more realistic feel to it in my opinion. Can't wait to see more... keep going!
  23. Excellent work William! My wife and I took the tour of the Jelly Belly factory here in Northern California a few years back. Very educational. Not to mention nice discounts on factory 'seconds' Glad to see some of your work again William. I am always inspired.
  24. Under the hair system, you set your length to a specific measurement. In each hair emitter you set a percentage of that specific measurement. Each emitter also has a length variation, could that be the culprit? I'm still kind of new to hair too as I just completed exercise #20 a last week. So I'd like to know ahead of time as I have a feline biped type character that will need a similar map on her face.
  25. Dan, Side pipes would not go well with your design. I would keep it under the car and just a low rumble. As to your 'hyrdraulic suspension'... I would go to AirRide Technologies and check out their systems. My buddy and I will be using them on the front of our little project called Minor Problem.
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