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Everything posted by thefreshestever

  1. i´m also in! rendertime with 1 character in the scene in 854x480 on a 2 x 2,8 ghz quad-core intel mac: with v16beta: 1:38 min!!! with v15: 3:50!
  2. wow! there´s so much detail in it! i´m really curious how the final renders with bertram in it will look like.
  3. a few days ago i rigged a character with the squetch rig, first time since 2 years or so... a whole lot has changed, it´s so easy to install now, great job guys! i love it! but i must have something messed up, the "body squetch" slider doesn´t work. when i try to grab it, it just won´t move. also it´s kinda odd that when i move my character in a chor by moving single bones (not the model bone) and then drag the "whole body squetch" slider the character moves to the right or left when squetching because the pivot doesn´t follow the model. is that usual behavior? if so, how can i let my character walk and squetch it in a chor without shifting it to the sides or front and back???
  4. WOW! AMAZING!!!! i went to nyc a few weeks ago, that just took me back on top of the empire state building within a second!
  5. when i see your models, or stians, or al´s, i guess you all NEVER sleep i´m really curious how the actual brass model will look like...
  6. nice one... @phatso: nice one, too
  7. i agree... that skin really makes one wanna touch
  8. thanks guys... the carpet is nothing fancy, just a regular color and bump decal. i was surprised how good it looked when i saw it rendered for the first time. the picture it was made of was in a pretty good resolution and quality, i guess that´s why...
  9. looks a bit too bright in my browser window, just pulled down the gradiation a bit in photoshop, hope this comes more close to how i see it in photoshop...
  10. had a few free evenings lately and put together a living room mostly of models i´ve made some time ago, tried to fake a radiosity feel, so it would be suitable for animation... this render in 1024x768 took about 50 minutes (16pass) on my 2 year old mac book pro, a vga resolution with 9 passes takes about 15 minutes. a lot of time goes into computing the reflections in the window, for a still it would be no problem to fake it with a decal, but for animation? the lighting setup was a mixture of bulb and klieglights as described in yves tutorial (but only one bulb with only one ray casting shadows for faster rendering), but i mixed it also with heiners skylighter (thanks for this great fast rendering skylighter btw...) to produce the soft lighted feel and soft shadows. actually i´ve used this skylighter in almost every lighting setup since i stumbled on it, i love the soft feel it adds to scenes, works for in- and outdoor shots...
  11. thanks nancy... hmmm, i don´t really understand it... maybe we have faster connections in germany ... i´ve tested it on many computers with different connections, and the only time i had to wait were the 15 seconds at the beginning, everything else starts immediately when i click it.... meowx: the videos are not for navigation only, most of the video-content is used to show the products 360°... and that´s not silly.
  12. thanks guys... matt: a mute button is already planned, it will be integrated within the next update by the middle of the next week... meowx: i don´t know how fast your connection is, but with a fast dsl-connection you only have to wait about 15 seconds at the beginning, everything else is loading in the background meanwhile, so when i click on any product it starts immediately...everything is streaming, so the videos don´t have to be loaded completely to start... on a bit slower dsl-connection it can take a few seconds to start the animations you click at first, but after you´ve viewed one product-animation everything else should already be loaded. i had no complaints so far and the website was visited by a lot of people, it´s online for almost a week now... so it definately IS practical for professional webdesign
  13. hey everyone! here´s a link to a website i´ve made for my biggest client, using a:m, after-effects and flash... i hope you´ll like it. took almost 4 weeks to get me there, so don´t say anything bad about it, or i will be about to cry www.ld-premium.com cheers...
  14. very nice goat, impressive... i´m sure you´ll get the age right after a few tweaks.... i´m wondering no one asked before: wireframe?
  15. i´m really wondering what you wanna do with this... the biggest renders i made in a:m were 2000 x 1500 px with 16 passes, and that were advertisings for a 210x297 cm magazine... they were packed with grass too, and the toughest one took almost 32 hours... the needed resolution at 300dpi for that format is a width of 2400 px, i just pushed the rest in photoshop, nobody in the whole wide world can see any difference when it´s printed. why do you put yourself through the hell of aborted renders and 36 hour waiting??? i hope you´re not only doing this because your digicam has 15 megapixels or whatever... it´s just a silly argument for selling cameras, nobody, really nobody needs such a high resolution, for nothing!
  16. looking very good so far.... only the lip-movement of the first few frames right before he starts talking seems a bit too slow... i like your dog, very cute and funny... good luck.
  17. another cool spot stian.... very nice... i don´t really get it, but i like it a lot the others are propably right about a few details regarding lighting, reflections and stuff, but i have the suspicion that it was your intention to get that lovely surreal feel to it. cheers...
  18. that´s great! the long rendertimes with hair are always a pain in the xxx.... maybe you could lower the density a bit and make the hair a bit longer with more length-variation, maybe a bit kinkier too... so you could save a few minutes per frame eventually....especially the hair at the legs are a bit too short and uniform IMO... i always like watching your projects, i´m looking forward to the jungle he will jump through...
  19. it´s "helvetica neue lt std" , light extended and bold extended... if you don´t have it i can send it to you, no problem...
  20. awesome!!! really great stuff! but i´m wondering.... i never saw one of those spots on tv (ok, i barely watch tv, but you´ve made so many for saturn i guess i would have noticed at least one of them ...) !!?? grüsse aus mainz...
  21. thanks...the song is called "soul bossa nova" by quincy jones...
  22. nice funny character... i liked the first one better, too... but it looks like you have some bad splineage on the beak there... maybe post a wireframe, i´m sure someone can tell what´s wrong.... if you want him to move his wings later i would recommend to model it with spreaded wings...
  23. looks kinda funny.... you have to be careful around here with nudity stuff, some people might have a problem with that... (not me, btw...)
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