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Everything posted by thefreshestever

  1. i´m workin on a hammy-like squirrel-character to learn more about hair. i figured out how to work with decals on hair, in this case i´ve decals for the color, the length and the density of the hair... first i had only one hair system, and it looked totally like a stuffed plush toy... then i added a second one, so that i now have a short one with a high density (375) and a long one with low density (25).. looks way better now, but i´m still not satisfied. i still get this kind of pattern, it looks not really natural... i thought about adding a third system, but i doubt my computer can take any more. the image i added took about 1 and a half hours to render (multipass 9, 1280x720 px), has anyone got an idea how i can speed this up? how can i make the hair look more natural? what i did so far to make it look better was: - added a little kinkyness - made it thinner, brighter and 70% transparent to the tip - selected high values for direction and length variation thanks ahead
  2. sorry, solved the problem all by myself for those who are interested... my hair system earlier had two emitters, then i erased one. thing is that a:m didn´t seem to recognize that and mixed things up that weren´t any longer there. i just deleted my hair system completely and created a new one, and tataaaaaa: works!!!
  3. another hair problem: i want to drive the color and the length of my hair system by 2 different decals, or one decal with 2 different images in it, seems to be no difference. driving the color is no problem, works fine. but when i add the second image for the length, it affects the color of the hair too!!!?? i´ve done it all like in talbots hair-tutorial-video, but it won´t work... first i thought it might be a windows-version problem (sometimes i´ve some problems with images there, won´t be displayed etc...), so i tried it in the osx-version too, but same thing. all i do is select "other" in the decal-images "type"-menue, then add a property and select length for my hair system... it doesn´t loose the color of the image that drives the color completely, but it get´s much brighter and a bit mixed up, and it doesnt drive the length!!! couldn´t find any information about that special problem in the forum, searched for hours, would be nice if someone had an advice.... thanx...
  4. thaaaaaaannnx to all!!! i didn´t know that i can flip normals for single patches, now i know better
  5. do hairemitter simply not apply on five-point-patches? how can i solve this problem? help please!!!!! i attatched a screenshot of the rendering an one of the a:m window, that might help to understand. short sytem info: i´m working with a:m 12.0 on a macbook pro 2,33 ghz dual with 4 gig ram, a:m is used on parallesls desktop under windows xp (runs smoother than in osx)!
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