2010 Community Project
27 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 181 replies
Our 2010 Community Project is "Bus Stop". Everyone can play! 1) Download this zip containing the set 2010_Forum_Project_Update2.zip (Thanks to mtpeak2 for making the fabulous set!) 2) unzip it to your hard drive 3) load the PRJ for your version of A:M. There are versions for v13, v14 and v15. We don't have a version for before v13; not yet anyway. 4) Animate your scene in the Choreography. Every scene begins with a bus pulling away to reveal this view of a bus stop. You animate what is happening at this bus stop after the bus pulls away...until the next bus arrives to cover up the scene again. You don't animate the bus. I'll add …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 8 replies
Now you're a big deal... your name is on a movie poster! Here's a JPG image that you can print out for your bedroom or office wall. It's 5550x7050 pixels so you should be able to use that for anything from an 8x11 inch sheet all the way up to 2x3 feet without serious jaggies. If I've misspelled anyone's name, let me know and I'll fix it.
Last reply by Clipping Path Specialists, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Here's how I'm currently set for names for credits. I'm going to use a "Real Name (forumname)" format... If your credit is missing or you want it different... now's the time to speak up! I would like to have the ???'s filled in If your credit is here as you want it to be, no response it needed. (in no particular order) Bruce Monahan (wedgeeguy) Chris Dailey (??? mouseman) (dblhelix) Sebastian Pfeifer (thefreshestever) Gerry Mooney (Gerry) Glenn Watson ?? (Glenn) John Lemke (johnl3D) Matt Campbell (John Bigboote) Nancy Gormezano (NancyGormezano) Paul V. Harris (fae alba) ???Tim Benefield (tbenefi33) Jason Hess (thejobe) Tim …
Last reply by Clipping Path Specialists, -
- 52 replies
Here it is, only 2½ months into 2011, the 2010 A:M forum collaboration project... BUS STOP! Download it to your computer to view with Quicktime. BUS_STOP_the_2010_AM_Forum_Project.mov A big "Thanks" to everyone who took part, there's a lot of great ideas in here and I think you'll enjoy showing this to your friends. And thanks to Mark (mtpeak2) for making the fine set that tied it all together. If I made mistakes on anyone's name or messed up their clip (or left something out?), let me know and I'll try to fix it before I put this up on Youtube I apologize for not completing this sooner. 90% of that is just me not getting my segment do…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 16 replies
Hi ... Just wondering ... Thanks!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 39 replies
I'd like to get sound for these segments: TheSpleen's three segments Paul Harris (aka Fae Alba) Glenn Dblhelix got sound now ChrisDailey If the original artist is busy (I presume that's why there isn't sound for them) maybe someone with a knack for sound would like to volunteer on any of them? Sound effects, music only, or music with sound effects are all valid options. Respond below to stake a claim to one, ask the artist if it's ok for you to do it, and make sure they love it when you're done. These new sound track should be stereo or mono WAVs, 48 KHz
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 11 replies
Mark, I guess I'll need a shadow pass to go with the bus movies you gave me. It will look like pure white with the shadow of the bus passing through but without the bus visible. thanks
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 2 replies
Or similar handheld device with large screen? It doesn't need to be exquisitely detailed, I need it to "show" one of the entries that is a bit non-standard.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 11 replies
Here is my contribution. I used an action for the hop cycle, but then couldn't figure out a way to go to pose in the choreography. I ended up using another action to turn the character around. Not ideal, but seemed to work. Feedback appreciated. Movie_Test1.mov --Tim
Last reply by number, -
- 55 replies
In no particular order, here are the entries, finished or in progress that I'm aware of so far... number got it mouseman (still rendering, that's ok) got it NancyGormezano(where's the final version?) got it JohnL3D got it dblhelix (still in progress) got it Gerry (still rendering) got it tbenefi33 (still in progress) got it wedgeeguy got it TheSpleen(where do I find the final files?) got'em thefreshestever wip? thejobe got it glenn (can i get all the frames in one zip?) got it me (still working) JohnBigBoote aka Matt Cambell (in progress?) got it fae_alba (in progress) got it is there anyone I've overlooked, missed, or forgotten or…
Last reply by tbenefi33, -
- 8 replies
here's my shot at it j nancys_movie_4d1_mix.wav nancy_mov_demo.mov
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 36 replies
I had some time, so I decided to at least start. Hopefully I will be able to finish! My storyline will pay homage to the prologue of "Infinity Hold" by Barry Longyear. So far I'm using the Lucien and Boris models from the Extras DVD; there will be a third character. I've also created a local copy of the Resolute Walk, which I will need to tweak a little for these models. I'm attaching my first render test with rough (blocking, mostly with holds on keyframes) animation. It is only about 1/3 done. I'm liking the initial timing, but I'll need to improve the timing just after the contact between these two characters. I'm having problems with the transition…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 13 replies
Although I never got around to participating, I'm looking forward to watching it! Is it viewable yet?
Last reply by TheSpleen, -
- 20 replies
surely not everyones kind of humor... thefreshstop.mov
Last reply by thefreshestever, -
- 1 follower
- 49 replies
Just tried a single frame render with AO to see how it looks. It makes all the difference! I'll be posting more as I go.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 4 replies
I'm thinking some heel taps and the sound of the bottle clanking would work well. or make some appropriate music?
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
A 24p DVD is one that stores the 24fps movie ( or 23.976, really) without converting it to 30fps. Almost all Hollywood movies on DVD are that way. I have cheap DVD software that can do NTSC 30 and 29.97 DVDs but not 24p DVDs. I ask this because I'm thinking of distributing the finished "Bus Stop" movie as a DVD image that people could download and burn at home and it would have things like chapters for each segment, commentary track, a caption track that identifies each animator, and maybe other extras? Since the movie would be rather short the DVD image would be manageably small. But right now I'm just wondering if anyone has 24p authoring capability…
Last reply by Darkwing, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
or hedge street? had to model for this one. baby steps. question (problem) is - can you tell what he's holding? materials was also a new chapter for me, and i had to choose color just so objects could be read. the diffuse daylight didn't flatter plastic or metal; supposing the standard way would be to cheat and place hidden light sources to make the material come to life? Sequence_01.mp4
Last reply by dblhelix, -
- 38 replies
Yes, yes ... it could use tweaking. Might add some special effects in post. Might add some sound effects, in addition to music track. Might. Might not. I rendered out every other frame, and I think I like the "stop motion" feel. So probably will not render out the "other" every other frame. This was a good exercise for me. It's been a long time since I've produced anything. Took awhile to feel more at ease. Story is a bit lame. I winged it from the beginning, and changed it many times. This was the least lamest. Music is royalty free from Kevin MacLeod - Incompetech.com. It's unfortunate that I didn't start out with some music, but this piece "Comic Plod…
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 2 replies
Hello I'm working on a 2004 ford crown Victoria police interceptor for my bus stop project I also have plans for the gecko to be into
Last reply by agep, -
- 18 replies
Hello everyone ... Here is my submission to the "Bus Stop" project. You can view it here: http://www.pencilwedgees.com/BusStop.html Please let me know if anyone has any problems viewing it ... Thanks! Robert: Here is a link to the ZIP file that contains all my JPG image sequences as well as a WAV file for both the sound effects and the music. Please feel free not to add the music to the animation if it conflicts with whatever you are doing as a whole with everything. If you could please post a message to here when you have downloaded the ZIP file and that way I will know that you have read this. You can also find the same link to the ZIP file at the li…
Last reply by wedgeeguy, -
- 5 replies
After you finish your animation, record an audio commentary to go with it! You can explain or expand on any relevant detail about how or why or what you did what you did. Make it the same length as your animation and submit it as a separate mono wav, 44.1KHz and I'll try to edit them all together as a DVD track. It's not mandatory but it's a fun extra you might enjoy doing. Start with your name, something like... "I'm John Doe and I..." or "This is John Doe. My animation is about..."
Last reply by robcat2075, -
bus stop wip 1 2
by TheSpleen- 2 followers
- 54 replies
Unfinished but thought I would show it. Gonna add more to it. bus4.mov
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
thought i'd post animation as well as chatting, for a change. it's slow&lazy going, had only two days this week for a:m. didn't go back to the asymmetric walk cycle, but figured i could use an invisible platform as ground plane for that cycle, and animate the forward progress of that platform. good for specific walks like limping or walking with a broken heel. here's showcasing a shaded/wire render; a middle of a sequence from my inofficial version; there's action both before and after this = there is neither beginning or end in this clip. all critique is welcome, intention should now be clearly visible and separate from newbie blunders. 3_1_1speedtes…
Last reply by dblhelix, -
- 3 replies
well after a few tries at getting the render time down, i went with basicly the lowest form of rendering Multipass=1 no A/O everything else the same. it rendered in 2 hours and after some editing and sound effects this is what the outcome was so ... Enjoy! thejobe_busstop2.mov
Last reply by thejobe, -
- 6 replies
Hi Guys I was blocking out my entry for the Bus stop project last night, and I just wanted to to double check the bus is coming in from the right side. Glenn YourName_0000.mov
Last reply by mouseman, -
2010 Forum Project 1 2 3 4
by robcat2075- 5 followers
- 166 replies
Last year we got together and did as an everyone-can-join-in A:M forum project and much fun was had. Is there interest in doing another one this year? JohnL3D came up with a great linking premise which I'll call "Next Room": A character enters from door on the left of the screen, does something, then exits thru a door on the right. No other specifics yet, feedback and input below. Interest? EDIT: Proposed plan: 1) Premise: "Next Room" 2) Any character you want. Your own or any stock A:M character 3) I will provide a base CHOR that incorporates the doors and the intro and outro camera motion, between which you can put an…
Last reply by mtpeak2,