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- African grey?
- By Fuchur,
934 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Hello, When I move an object : 1 - can I move from an object marker to a world marker? 2 - Can we constrain the movement of an object on a specific axis ( x,y,z ) ? thanks
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Hello, I am in the process of testing bone stresses with AM. I do fairly empirical tests and it lacks efficiency in some cases because I do not really understand what the constraints correspond to in terms of parent / child links. Is there a list, or a table summarizing the context of action of each constraint? It would be much more efficient for me! thank you in advance
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
How many times has this happened to you? You line up the perfect Birds Eye View to move that spline or rotate that bone and then you realize you need to go to a different Birds Eye View to hide some mesh first... and then you'll need to refind your current view! D'oh! Or maybe you sneeze while you're Turning the view and everything spins away to who-knows-where! Gah! If only you could get your view back! When you are in a standard Orthogonal view the Numberpad 7 key will take you back to the last-used Birds Eye View... but that doesn't work when you're already in a Birds Eye View! You need the amazing Birds Eye View Queue! …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 8 replies
This is the first time I've ever seen this (v19.0o). Attached is a model of what will ultimately be the hinge on the back door of a 1950's vintage truck trailer. The attached image shows that it has one strange patch that doesn't respond well to "refind normals" which has the effect of pointing its normal opposite to all its neighbours and messing up the smoothness of the surface. The only way to correct it is to select just the patch and flip it's normal. It's not much of a bug but can Steffen fix it? Fruehauf_hinge.mdl
Last reply by yoda64, -
- 2 replies
Hello Hashers- Was interested in playing around with the Treez plugin using V15 but can't locate the plugin. Does anyone have a link? Thank you, Tom
Last reply by Tom, -
- 6 replies
Hello Hashers- I have a choreography with multiple windows open and they have thin red borders inside (see pic). When I click inside the window, the red borders disappear and then come back. Simple question....What are the red borders signifying? Thank you in advance. (I'm sure it is simple but could find no info in manuals or online) Tom
Last reply by createo, -
Help me, please! Key Activation.
by Guest Ricardo- 1 reply
Dear friend! What is my key activation? I did make download your software, now! Sorry, and do not English - I speak portuguese! thank you!
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 4 replies
I've found something strange about v19n progressive and final renders. When you model old railroad vehicles you use a lot of rivet heads. The most efficient way to model a rivet head is a four patch circular quadrant bent into the right shape using bias. Sometimes to get the right look for such a simple shape I add a material to the rivet group with just the Normal Weight parameters set to less than 100. v19n doesn't play well with this parameter. The attached image show examples of rivet head renders. The first two image columns show the models rendered three ways in v19m with the default normal weight and normal weight = 1. These are the renders I've been gett…
Last reply by R Reynolds, -
- 3 replies
Hello Everybody :). I would like to wish you all a merry christmas (or whatever you are celebrating these days ). Most in the US are going to celebrate christmas tomorrow, but here in Germany the 24th is most often even more important than the 25th. Best wishes, best luck, stay healthy and have great holidays with your close family everybody :).
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 23 replies
I just tried installing v19m. I find moving and joining cp's in a small 600 patch model in wireframe mode to be painfully slower compared to v19e (still my favorite). It reminds me of the performance you get in v19e with a multi-thousand patch model with real time shading turned on. The cp's pausing between moves in large discreet increments as all the patches are constantly refound. Am I missing a new option that needs to be turned off?
Last reply by Fuchur, -
I can't download my HASH software from my email.
by Guest Walter Mercado- 2 replies
Hi, I'm Walter I purchased the HASH software, and I can't download the software from my email account which is suppose to be a digital download.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 2 replies
Question for Rob: While improving the lighting today [at Live Answer Time] for Johns picture, we adjusted a bunch of global ambiance parameters. It seems that the Global Ambiance parameters can be adjusted from various places-, Camera or Choreography or Rendering all have inputs. What is the correct sequence of adjusting the Global Ambiance settings? Which Setting is the most important ....and then do you work your way "down the tree" to make further adjustments? Any clarifications are welcome. Thanks, Tom
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hey, bug hunters! Unzip this zip, try this procedure out, and tell us what happens along with some info about your graphics card. Thanks! A video should appear immediately following this sentence:
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I'm trying to freshen up my older models. Most are importing pretty well. I have one (ver 9.1), so far, that causes A:M to crash before it fully loads. It's not a big or complex model. Is there a way to step through the load to find out where it's hanging up? Is there some sort of conversion tool somewhere? I looked at the text of the .mdl file, which was not corrupted. First glance, all looked normal.
Last reply by A:M Dave, -
- 1 reply
Hi everybody as in each year there is a new advent calendar for 2020 again which has been created with the help of Animation:Master again. Not everybody might know what a advent calendar is: The calendar runs from the 1st of December to the 24th and each day there is a small little door which can be opened to receive a little gift. Most of them are chocolate in general, but there are many more from toys (not only for children sometimes) to anythin else. As I am working in an advertising agency in this calendar we show you a new funny, thoughtful or just well done commercial each day. (no, those are not all from us or something... those are just great…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 10 replies
Re: our discussion today of buffers in OpenEXR... Here is a tut that shows how to make the detail of an OpenEXR depth buffer visible to the naked eye... A subsequent test of OpenEXR render in v19 and v17 indicates something is wrong in v19. For now, do your OpenEXR Rendering in v17 if you need buffers.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
Sometimes Markers don't show in the Chor I've found that it has something to do with a particular object being selected or not selected. Markers showing while "Shortcut to Lot" is selected... Markers not showing while "Shortcut to Lot" is not selected... I've reported the bug. For now, I was able to make the markers appear without "Shortcut to Lot" being selected by deleting its keyframes and remaking them. Fortunately it didn't have many.
Last reply by Tom, -
- 5 replies
Hello- SumiV15Test.prjHere is a suggestion for the question of the day. Trying to use the Sumi PlugIn for V15 and am not sure whether I am doing the procedure incorrectly or whether the plugin Simply doesn't work anymore with this version.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
Does anyone recall a plugin that would distribute instances of a model along a spline? I tried Simple_Scatter but couldn't get it to work.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
I think your idea of having objects appear sequentially is brilliant but I can't seem to get it to work. Here is a embedded project of a top hat with things appearing, but they seem unaffected by the force. Any suggestions? TopHat.prj
Last reply by Tom, -
- 6 replies
Here is a sumi tutorial for anyone interested. Sumi Tutorial.doc
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hi all, I'm trying to add decals with transparent backgrounds, as I've done many times before without problems. I create my decal in Photoshop CC and save as either TGA or PNG. PNGs come out with a black background; TGAs with white. I've tried all options in save options, but no change. I admit to being rusty, but I'm sure I'm doing this the way I always did. Any suggestions gratefully received!
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 5 replies
Hi everybody, since we are more or less all wearing some kind of mask or faceshield nowadays, it sometimes is a little bit harder to see the expressions on peoples faces who are wearing masks. On the other hand faceshields are little bit less effective concerning filtering moisture out of the air. So recently I thought of a little concept to combine those two tools together with the help of Animation:Master and my Makerbot Replicator 2. Hope you like it :). More can be seen on my blog article here: Best rega…
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 2 replies
Many times over the years I have added some constraints in a Pose, closed the Pose window and then... they were gone! Now i have found a repeatable set of steps that makes this happen and a work-around to avoid the loss. First try this SimpleArmIKTest005.prj Open SimpleArmIKTest005.prj (Thanks to Forum member Tom for contributing this test case) In the Project Workspace>Objects>Arm> >New>Pose>On/Off to start a new Pose (aka "Relationship") In the Project Workspace>Objects>Arm>Bones, drag "handIK" to the top of the hierarchy by dragging it onto the Bones folder In the Relationship window> on the …
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 10 replies
Hello All- Trying and experiment and not sure if it is possible. I have a cube with another smaller cube making a Boolean cut inside the large cube. I also have a blue cylinder sticking out of the cube (like a pipe sticking out of a wall). I would like the blue cylinder to be unaffected by the Boolean cut.... but as you can see by the picture, the Boolean cut effects everything (notice hollow area on blue cylinder). The question is, there a way to make a Boolean cut selective to only one object in a scene, while ignoring other objects inside the "cut area"? (I tried playing around with different bone hierarchies but, no luck yet.) Thanks for a…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 5 replies
Thanks to Rob for another tutorial! BTW- I decided to compare the older "Rigid Body" and the "Bullet Rigid Body " using identical setups and there is quite a difference. I'm not sure why that is but it is something to play with. Tom Comparisons.mp4
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
Hello Hashers- I created a simple project of some flat pieces of paper blowing away..... however in the first few frames, the entire group of paper bounces in the air. I can't figure out where the setting is that might cause those papers to bounce.. Any ideas? Many thanks, Tom bounce.mp4 BounceTest.prj
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I was experimenting with saving an image series as an uncompressed AVI and I noticed that the brightness and contrast in the avi was different than the original frames. So I cooked up a grayscale test pattern, gray scale frame.tga. I made 30 sequentially numbered copies and saved them as an uncompressed avi (gray_scale_01.avi attached). Then I did a screen grab of the video on VLC. That screen grab is shown in the lower half of the attached comparison image...obviously something has changed. This is consistent with what I've been seeing in other, more typical images. After submitting a bug report to Steffen, I started looking around for other programs to stitch image se…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
For no apparently good reason... I've always thought the audio file from TaoA:M needed a longer pause before the 'punchline' delivery. Today I added it (and some noise) to keep the pause from sounding out of place. (wav file attached below) The whole idea of the timing of dialogue delivery is a fascinating one. This bit of dialogue follows the basic pattern of such things as joke telling that is storytelling in simple form; three acts... for four if you are counting the spaces inbetween the keys. What is Keekat's secret? What can't anyone seem to keep it? Tune in next episode for more thrilling adventure! …
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 4 replies
I was looking something and found the source code for mirrorsplines. After one of the last updates I haven't been able to use it. I'm not good at coding so i was hoping someone that does could recompile it so we can use it with the current version.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 5 replies
Here are the use-of-expressions tuts I mentioned at LAT today. @Tom @KingVidiot @johnl3d @Roger
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 4 replies
Another question which is unrelated to our discussion yesterday......but it has me stumped so I thought I would put it out there. I'm trying to create a pose slider to turn on a street lamp. Sounds fairly simple...I want the slider to make the outer" lens" of the lamp become about 35% transparent and I want the inner bulb to start glowing...all just by sliding the pose slider. The problem is the Glow feature seems to only have parameters that become visible WHEN you are rendering in the how do you set up a pose slider when the parameters you want to tweak only appear when rendering? many thanks for any insights... Tom Glow…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
trying to flower to randomly grow with random function have done it before but can not get to work now...want to make a field of flowers randomly growing once I get this working NEWTEST.prj
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Attached are the pictures of six different discs I have acquired over the years. I did not know if anyone wanted them for posterity, if nothing else. Each is kind of a snapshot-in-time and a walk-down-memory-lane, depending on how long you have been around. I am not asking much, if anything beyond shipping. They should not be above $7 to ship if you are in the U.S. If there is any interest, email me at Thumper
Last reply by thumperness, -
- 1 reply
I have uploaded a very simple project which might present an area of discussion on Saturday Live. I am familiar with setting poses for "percentages" but I am less knowledgeable about Poses that are "On/Off". I am wondering if the topic for discussion can be adding an On/Off pose to this simplistic arm with one Pose being IK and the other Pose being FK..? PoseTest.prj
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 14 replies
I have been trying to figure out how to replicate a character flicking paint off a paint brush onto a canvas. Think, Jackson Pollock onto a vertical canvas. I can sort of figure out the flicking of blobs but I don't know if it is possible to make those blobs stick onto something... Anyway, I hope to be there tomorrow. Tom
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 reply
I just tried v19l Netrender and it doesn't seem to find the paths to all the various components; forcing me to lead it to every model in the chor. I tried consolidating the project into a new folder but it stopped after loading the project, not asking to select a chor. Would someone please confirm this in case I'm doing something wrong? Thanks.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hello- I know that the particles listed as "Blobbies, Hair, Sprites,and Fluids" all have a "Cast Shadows" selection in their properties menu. I believe "Streaks" are able to cast shadows IF certain things are done. I believe it must be a Klieg light with ray traced shadows. There are also other steps one can take but the correct order escapes me at the moment. Does anyone know how to make Streaks "Cast Shadows"? Thanks! Tom
Last reply by Tom, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys, I am currently spending (too much) time in VRChat (a software that is more like a multiplayer-game but meant to be used as a socialising platform to talk with other people and do stuff in a virtual world together with or without a VR headset). VRChat gives the possibility to upload own characters and worlds to the experience and so I had a look how that is done and brought my Animation:Master Plomper-Character as a fully functional avatar to that world. I might do a full blown video tutorial on it in future, but for now I just wrote a new blog article on the process. If you are interested, you can find it here: PW3d: VRChat – What is VRChat and how did …
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 24 replies
Hello- Was studying this older project that someone posted and enjoyed the leaf and force interaction. I tried deconstructing the Project but was unable to determine how the many leaves were placed in the Choreography. I'm assuming it wasn't done manually but can't figure out how it was done. Does anyone know? Many thanks for any insights. Tom LeafSwirl.mp4
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 12 replies
Here is a turn-around of flat grids with displacement maps on them. I modeled some hemispheres and pyramid shapes, put a gray gradient on them and shot them from overhead with an orthogonal camera. The render that produced is on the top card. The bottom card has the image blurred and re-saved in Photoshop. The shading results are fairly consistent in the first half revolution when the patch normals are facing us, but get odd when they are facing away.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
Simple question. Is the Community Tab in A:M still used? I've created a login for it, but it never works. Says I login doesn't exist, even though I just created it. So, I was wondering if it's still in use? Is that still supported? And is it separate from the forum community? And on that note, is there a Discord community, or anything like that?
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 2 replies
Hello. Me again. Was looking through the wiki area for the Tinman movie and was a bit bummed out to find that many of the links which seem like they should link to background info about them, instead just drop me off in the forums. Is this information stored elsewhere, or has it been lost or orphaned over time? For example, Nimmie Amee's entry looks like there should be some great "making of" type material, but none of those links lead to that content. Very interesting looking character, too. Would be great to see this content. At least for me, such content is very educational, as you're seeing concepts and techniques used in a practical, real world applicatio…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
Hello Have a question that I ask of any art software, and that is if there are any known projects that actively use A:M whose creators don't post about them here on the forums necessarily? I'm often surprised to see what hidden gems there are out there that you wouldn't necessarily know are using a given software or suite of tools.
Last reply by WolfsongCG, -
- 4 replies
Hi I'm doing some customization on my interface, just dragging tabs into more comfortable spots, disabling unused ones, etc. I'm curious what the Property Info tab is for? Nothing displays in there while I'm working on anything. So, I'm not sure what its function is? Thanks
Last reply by fae_alba, -
- 2 replies
Hello Hashers- I had an idea of leaves being emitted as sprites and I wanted those leaves to swirl in a curlicue past the camera. I created a curlicue model as a guide for the sprites to follow and made it 80% transparent so I could see if it was working, and if it did work, I would make the guide 100% transparent for the final render. I made the sprites react to collisions and thought I set everything properly. I even had an animated force fanning the sprites inside the tunnel. The force moved one leaf but the others stayed behind. Unfortunately all the leaves glommed up at the beginning of the "wind tunnel guide" as you can see from the video. I won…
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
In this model the green shape is a Boolean "cutter" and should conceal everything inside it. Can anyone detect an obvious reason that it is not completely hiding the portion of the gray S that is inside it? There don't seem to be any internal patches and all the normals are outward-facing. S-BooleanTest.prj
Last reply by KingVidiot, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Hello All, This is probably easy for most, but I haven't done this on the Mac version for a while. It's always consistent on the PC version How do I import a DXF, 3DS, or OBJ in the modeling window in v19? I need to make MDL files. I've already decimated them with MeshMixer to make them less dense. On the PC it's always the same way - r-click in the modeling window, choose plugins -> import -> and the model type ...easy as pie On the Mac version there is no plugin choice in the r-click menu of a model or the choreography. All I get is the standard import sub-menu. In the old days it was a 3rd party plugin that you had to download and pla…
Last reply by largento, -
- 9 replies
At the last Live Answer Time I had trouble getting a satisfactory bouncy ball with Bullet soft body dynamics Here is a more successful attempt with a quadish-topology ball with more patches and the patches of uniform size. From left to right the balls have "stiffness" of 0.01, 0.1 and 1 All4Ball005b weight comparison.prj StiffCompareB000.mp4
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Is there another person taking care of customer support other than/in addition to Jason? I know that I'm supposed to contact Jason for this, and I have. He sent me an e-mail back, I sent him the required information. And, then.. nothing. Sent a few follow-ups that were never responded to. A month ago, I received a "wrong host for licence" message. I've lost ONE month of a 12 month subscription waiting for some help. I'm an old user, I go back to version 9. I would have logged in with my old account, but ran into a problem with that as well. Contacted support. Heard nothing back. I've never had a problem before, and I'm not not trying to cause a…
Last reply by J. S. Potter,