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So I can't decide which type of rendering I like better the last one, or this new one. With the new one I did what I did with my Spider-man by rendering different layers and putting them together in Photoshop. This way I get more control over certain thing, but I lose things as well, such as SSS and the hair is a little sharper. I can kinda fake the SSS though.


Let me know which one you like better because it will affect my final render.




I'm thinking you could make a composite render that utilizes the best of each version...especially if it is for a still.

  • ____ 1

You make AM look so good.

My hat is off to you.


You have made some incredible models over the years. You excel at having a greta presentation meaning you dont just model you add materials and textures and surface settings that complete the high dollar look. We don't have to imagine the potential its right there.


Any chance you can contribute some of the models you have made over the years for study. I remember a spider man 2nd to none and an alien showing the power of AM's SSS abilities and your avatar the Antichrist all are masterpieces.


I bet if you posted them some people would use them in animations which would complete bringing them to life.

  • ____ 1

Hey David, I tried combining them, but couldn't get it to work. I guess I will wait until the final image to see how will final render it :).


Jason, thanks alot. It really means something to hear that. Since my tries at tutorials went awry, I will look at my models and see what I can do.


Some of my models were never finished (alien). Others, only good from one angle (little connor). Others are available now -- I think. My Oz models and J.D. Model. I also had a whole collection of them I donated to the cd, but they got lost in the shuffle and never made it. I also lost alot of my stuff when my old pc went down. I'll take a look and see what I can do though.


I found a way tocombine both images. So I now think I am getting the best of both versions. How does this look to everyone? If the first version is still considered the better, I will stick with that. I myself really like the mix, but will go with the mob on this one :). I'm just not sure where to go with the final render yet.


Also, I tried looking into the Squetch Rig, but the only version I found was for v17 and I am using v13, so... that won't work for me :(, unless someone knows of a version for 13. Please, let me know.





Hey David, I tried combining them, but couldn't get it to work. I guess I will wait until the final image to see how will final render it :).


Jason, thanks alot. It really means something to hear that. Since my tries at tutorials went awry, I will look at my models and see what I can do.


Some of my models were never finished (alien). Others, only good from one angle (little connor). Others are available now -- I think. My Oz models and J.D. Model. I also had a whole collection of them I donated to the cd, but they got lost in the shuffle and never made it. I also lost alot of my stuff when my old pc went down. I'll take a look and see what I can do though.

Thanks so much. When you say some are avail now , where?



Don't you think the knuckles are too close to the wrist?



Also, in women the index and ring fingers are about the same length, and in your model the ring finger seems to be noticeably longer.


nemyax, you are correct, haha. I'll be honest, these hands are based on ones I made years ago. They are totally generic, and based on my stubby hands :). I actually don't pay that much attention to anatomy, but I will use your corrections. Thanks.


Jason, I thought the TWO models were available to the public...? If they are, my models are (but might not be textured by me): Skinny Farmhand, Tin Servant, Loons, and a few of the background scarecrows (female scarecrow and fat, pumpkin-headed scarecrow), I don't remember if I made any more. I also made some musical instruments for TWO that were supposed to be used in the parade section. And Mark Skodacek used my J.D. model for doing a tutorial for the Squetch Rig, so that should be available somewhere. I'm looking into getting some models put up here, but even consolidating the prj files they are prety big. Where do you think I should make thread to post those?


Yeah, I have no idea where they would be. I can't even find a rig to use for my batgirl. It's been so long since I've really explored the forums that I just don't know where anything is anymore.


The most used rigs are located here: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showforum=231


Those include the Squetch Rig, 2008 Rig, TSM2 and the LiteRig. I'm pretty sure any of them would work for you, Jeff.


I don't remember there being any problem with the Squetch Rig in any version after 13s...you can test it using Squetchy Sam to see if I'm right (click on the "Get the latest Squetch Rig" link in my signature). The area that might cause a problem would be in the FACE controls...I don't remember any, but that is where I think it has a chance of going wrong.


Installation instructions are in a text file in the ZIP. If you run into any problems, let me know and I'll see if I can either clear it up or fix it.


There are some videos on how to use the Squetch Rig controls in the "Squetch Rig Videos" link in my signature...unfortunately, I haven't gotten to the face controls in those videos yet. As soon as I can get a replacement for the laptop that got destroyed, I'll finish those videos.

  • *A:M User*



You mentioned in Roger's thread about your settings. You have AO turned on with a blue settings. What values do you have under AO? Also you mentioned you have SSS on all groups turned on, if you were to have a group intersect with another what is the effect created?




Hey David, the standalone five fingered rig says it's a v17 model and might not load correctly -- which it didn't :(. I get nothing but a base bone in that model. The Sam model says the same thing, but it seems to load correctly in v13, I don't know for sure if anything is missing however. So I don't think this will help me.


I would just get the newest version of A:M, but I can't afford it right now.


Steve, my AO setting for the last render were; Global Color: R: 208, G: 239, B: 251, Ambiance Intensity: 80%, Ambiance Occlusion: 100%. I'm using three lights. All are Klieg lights. Main Light is set to the left at 100% with a slight orange color. Second is to the right and down, and is set to 65% and is a light blue. The third is set to the right and behind and above. It is set to a reddish color at 200%.


My SSS is on all the different colored groups. The groups are a follows: Skin, Blue, Black, Yellow. All are set to Red: 6, Green: 4, Blue: 2, and density at 100 %. None of these groups are connected mesh so I get no weirdness from them being connected.


Hope that helps.


EDIT: I forgot to mention that I am using a sphere with an enviroment map on it for casting reflections.


Hey David, the standalone five fingered rig says it's a v17 model and might not load correctly -- which it didn't :(. I get nothing but a base bone in that model. The Sam model says the same thing, but it seems to load correctly in v13, I don't know for sure if anything is missing however. So I don't think this will help me.



The file labeled "standalone" is the FACE controls for a non-Squetch Rig installation. You want the "Poseable_Squetch_Rig_Installations_09_23_2013.zip"...which has the complete installation. Use the "13s_Posable_Five_Finger_Squetch_Rig_09_23_2013.mdl" for the initial portion of the installation (read the enclosed "Posable_installation_steps_09_23_2013.txt" instructions).


The bones and Poses are separate portions of the installation.


Hope that helps.


Ok, I think I got it in my batgirl, um, are there any visual tutorials, either by pic of vid, that may make this easier? I have forgotten nearly everything that has to do with bones.


On a side note, I just called 911 because my neighbors were being robbed. She was home and didn't even know they were in her house. They have now rushed her to the hospital with chest pains. My neighborhood is da best! /s


Am I not supposed to have pose sliders now? Or is something wrong here?




Nothing is wrong, the bone placement uses very few Pose sliders now...it is mostly moving bones manually. It should be explained in the instructions.


I'll put together some stills to illustrate the process...give me a day or two. It would be better as a video, but I presently don't have that option.


Thanks for helping me with this. I seriously forgot most of what I knew about bones. How do I move the bones manually in an action? They seem to be locked. That's why I was wondering why there were no pose sliders like in Mark's steps tutorial.


Thanks for helping me with this. I seriously forgot most of what I knew about bones. How do I move the bones manually in an action? They seem to be locked. That's why I was wondering why there were no pose sliders like in Mark's steps tutorial.


In the instructions it will tell you which bones to move. A lot of them are moved using nulls or bones located on the end of the bone you are positioning, but there are some you move directly.


The Pose sliders were eliminated because it is easier and faster to position things directly...especially the fingers. Also, if your character is symetrical, you can position just the right side of the character...the left side uses Expressions to copy the right side. If your character is not symetrical, you can turn that off and position each side as needed.


Thank alot David. For some reason it is now letting me move the bones in the action. I will let you know how it goes :).


EDIT: Is is possible to rotate the install bones? I can't seem to rotate anything to fit my model exactly.


2nd EDIT: Should I just raise my arms up like this before I do the installation bone setup (including rotating my legs to a straight position, or should I turn the "Do Not Touch" off so I can rotate the bones?



Thank alot David. For some reason it is now letting me move the bones in the action. I will let you know how it goes :).


EDIT: Is is possible to rotate the install bones? I can't seem to rotate anything to fit my model exactly.


2nd EDIT: Should I just raise my arms up like this before I do the installation bone setup (including rotating my legs to a straight position, or should I turn the "Do Not Touch" off so I can rotate the bones?


Only use the Poses in the Steps, none of the other Poses should be touched.


The rotation of the bones are controlled by targets. Only move the bones and nulls named in the instructions. You don't have to change your model, the bones will absolutely work on a model in just about any position. If I'm right, the bone you show positions the shoulder and should not go to the wrist, just to the base of the bicep. Go to the next step.


Maybe the instructions aren't clear?


I guess not, because I can't rotate any of the install bones at all to match the position of my model. As in, I have slightly turned out legs so would like to adjust to rotation of the leg install. Am i not supposed to do that? I mean the rotation is totally locked so how can I align them perfectly to the model without rotation?


I guess not, because I can't rotate any of the install bones at all to match the position of my model. As in, I have slightly turned out legs so would like to adjust to rotation of the leg install. Am i not supposed to do that? I mean the rotation is totally locked so how can I align them perfectly to the model without rotation?


The legs will work even if they are turned outward...Squetchy Sam's are. The legs are rotated using targets, move those and they will rotate.


I haven't finished the instructions with images, but, here are some images that might help (I'm not done yet, so the complete process isn't there)...I'm going to put it together better over the next day or two.


Read the written directions and refer to the images, it might help.






The images are included in the illustrated version of the installation instructions here: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=27815&p=390127


I edited one of my posts because the eyelid and mouth bones use Poses for orientation (it was easier to keep the roll correct).


I should have the images for the basic installation done tonight or tomorrow.


I'm an idiot, haha. Thanks for the help. The images have already got me set on the right path -- I think :).




I really like this last render. The hair looks better than the previous render. Like she switched to Pantene for fuller body and healthier shine.


Also, would you post another wireframe, and perhaps some wire/material composites with some close ups of the hands, boots, . I'm trying some modeling and I'm trying to get good reference for what to model versus what is a texture map. Further it would be terrific, time permitting, if you would do a 5 or 10 minute video on your process on this project. I believe this would be very inspirational, not only for myself as well as the community at large.


David, thanks so much. I hope these extras you've given me can help anyone else looking at this thread.


Hey Keith, I have no problem showing some wireframes. I don't really know what you mean by wire/material composite. I can tell you that all the seams and folds in the clothing are done as modeling and not textured. I have tried making videos in the past, um, yeah, um -- not good :(. So that won't be happening.


Jeff, thanks. Too bad for us your not comfortable(?) making videos. Not everyone has Rob(cat)'s knack for that. What program did you use to paint your textures.


Well the base texture (as in the leather) is taken from an image off the internet, but all other textures are made by me in Photoshop 7.0. Don't have the money to get the newest version :).


So, should I just start over with this new version? I'm on the step where I was translating the eyelid bones. Kinda far in for me. It probably would take you like 2 minutes, haha.


So, should I just start over with this new version? I'm on the step where I was translating the eyelid bones. Kinda far in for me. It probably would take you like 2 minutes, haha.


You don't have to start over. You could finish your installation and just make those two corrections if needed afterward or you could save the Action you are working in and just import the original model into the new installation and then open the Action you saved and continue from there.


Well, I have serious problem. I just noticed that when I import the rig model into the batgirl model I lose a decal on a patch. It happens everytime. This might be a breaking issue for me, because I can't redecal this area. I have to start a new project to do the rigging because the project with all my flattening actions is too large to work with. If I knew this could happen I would have added the rig first before the decaling. Now I might just have to add a crappy couple of bones to do the pose for my final image. :(





I import the model into the installation rig, Jeff. I'm not sure if that will cure the problem, but that is the way I do it. I don't remember ever having that happen.


Hope that helps.


Hey David, that seems to have worked. Now I just have to restart the rigging process, so I d/led the new version :). Thanks again.


Hey David, that seems to have worked. Now I just have to restart the rigging process, so I d/led the new version :). Thanks again.


It should just be a matter of importing the model into the new installation rig, opening the Action you have been working on and continue from where you left off.

  • 10 months later...

I know it's been awhile. but I started tweaking the look of my Batgirl a little. I changed the hair a little. I resized both sets of ears. I skinnied up the head, and made it slightly smaller. I also decreased the size of her chest. It was just a little too big for the look of the comic.


I still have no idea what I will do with this. I just don't know if I can get a good rig in her. I might just do a simple character pic with her.


I rendered this pic at double it's size and shrunk it down.


Thanks for looking.





There's an image contest! I wish I knew before now. There is no way I can get an image done by Sunday. My mom is recovering from pneumonia in the hospital right now, so I'm a little busy with the real life. Wish I came back a little earlier :(.


You already know and I repeat it again: I love her. She looks really great and I think she even looks better know. Especially the clothing is very well done and is acompanied by a cool body, face and hair.


I am looking forward to seeing her in an action pose.


I wish your mum all the best and hopefully a full recovery. :)

  • 2 weeks later...

I saw a Batgirl issue on the shelf yesterday at a popular store. I think you've hit the mark right on.


Looks Fantastic!!! Excellent work.

  • 10 months later...

Hi everyone. I know I've been gone for awhile, but Windows 10 literally screwed up my pc. I can't get past the time/date screen now. I've been told that this is basically unfixable on a pc of mine's age. I'm hoping at some point that I will be able to get the data off my harddrive at least. If not, this is the last image I rendered of my Batgirl.


Hopefully, at some point, I will be able to get another pc. Thanks for the fun since v8.


Jeff B.



I mean, ther's nothing anyone can do. I just bought a ipad pro the day before this happened. It's just a matter of time before I can can afford a new pc. Hopefully not too long. I was stupid enough not to save to an external harddrive for months before this happened. Now I'll just wait to get a good pc and afford a "disc version" of A:M.


I just wanted to let everyone know I'm not dead :)

  • Hash Fellow

. Hopefully not too long. I was stupid enough not to save to an external harddrive for months before this happened.




You can plug that hard drive into another computer and probably get the data right off it. Know anyone with a PC?

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