Bruce Del Porte Posted January 3, 2007 Posted January 3, 2007 A diversion from shoveling snow Not explicit but mature subject matter, ask your mom if you can watch this? Hanging with Saddam Quote
Tralfaz Posted January 3, 2007 Posted January 3, 2007 I have been debating about not responding to this post or saying something about it. I have a pretty good sense of humor and can laugh at just about anything, including death. However, I thought this video was very inappropriate for A:M Forums. This is must my own personal opinion... Al Quote
ruscular Posted January 3, 2007 Posted January 3, 2007 I am not into snuff film. I know that lots of video are floating out there and heard about them. I don't want them in the forum as I am trying to make this kids friendly. Quote
dborruso Posted January 3, 2007 Posted January 3, 2007 I have no problem with Saddam dying. They may be right about kids seeing this though. Well done and hoprfully true though. Quote
the_black_mage Posted January 3, 2007 Posted January 3, 2007 its not that bad it cuts off right before the rope actually gets him....i don't have a problem with it. its just like what they do on the old tom and jerry there was one when at the end tom is beheaded by a guillotine, it didn't show tom but it showed the blade coming down and hitting, you knew what show sadam dropping only but, you knew what happened. Quote
3DArtZ Posted January 3, 2007 Posted January 3, 2007 Yeah Bruce... cmon. this didn't particularly generate any emotion from me other than, urgh, that was a waste of time. sorry. Mike Fitz Quote
Jeetman Posted January 3, 2007 Posted January 3, 2007 You did a great job with the devil animation and the flames are a great touch. Personally after learning all this guy has done, I have no problem with this animation however, a PG13 rating is a good idea. Kudos on the animation and I agree with dborruso, I hope it is true! George Quote
case Posted January 3, 2007 Posted January 3, 2007 Dude im 13 seing sadam being hung kids dude there are kids younger than me on the forums i dont see this topics humor at all? I agree with talfaz..... ok scatch that after watching a couple times i see your point of view.....but.....well i see were you come from on this one...... Quote
Tralfaz Posted January 3, 2007 Posted January 3, 2007 I think it was the use of the actual video that bothered me the most. Had you done something like South Park does, (and I am a huge South Park fan) it wouldn't have been quite as bad. Or if this was an 18+ forum, I probably wouldn't have said anything at all. Aside from all that, I agree that the animation of the devil was quite good. Al Quote
Karl Posted January 3, 2007 Posted January 3, 2007 Kids see worse than that Sadaam cell phone video all the time in video games, Hollywood PG13 movies, and cable TV... ya'll are a bunch of wimpies! Quote
ruscular Posted January 3, 2007 Posted January 3, 2007 Karl said: Kids see worse than that Sadaam cell phone video all the time in video games, Hollywood PG13 movies, and cable TV... ya'll are a bunch of wimpies! I don't disagree, but things like this will jeopardize my job teaching the middle scool if the parents find out what they see, and they will tell their parents with something as dramatic as this. I just want the extra money and the chance to teach kids something cool as 3d modeling and animation. Quote
Hash Fellow robcat2075 Posted January 4, 2007 Hash Fellow Posted January 4, 2007 How about put it on Youtube instead? (you'll get more views, too) Quote
3DArtZ Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 Yes, I totally agree. I figured you'd already have it up on youtube You'll get a boatload of views I bet.... maybe it'll even get shown on a newscast or something with the latest info about how the people who recorded the video got arrested/investigated. Quote
the_black_mage Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 lol i actually see stuff worse than that at school, trust me kids learn more at school nowa days than any parent would think. plus i still think its very mild compared to stuff thats showed n regular tv... a kid would not be effected by this in anyway. thought i do sorta agree its kinda sorta inappropriate, and shouldn't this be in the showcase forum? Quote
NancyGormezano Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 Karl said: Kids see worse than that Sadaam cell phone video all the time in video games, Hollywood PG13 movies, and cable TV... ya'll are a bunch of wimpies! What I find very disturbing is the inability of kids being numbed and dumbed in not being able to distinguish between cartoon fake violence versus the reality of a real execution snuff film. They are not the same. It is very unsettling to realize that today's future are being programmed to not recognize the difference. I remember being told when hiding under my seat at the theatre, watching a cowboy shoot-em up: "it's not real - it's only a movie". I sure didn't want to see this hanging. I have no love of Saddam, and his evils. Yet I found myself cringing, having empathy, feeling really queasy and embarassed for the inhumanity, & mob mentality at the execution, as well as watching a real execution/murder being conducted in the most primitive and humiliating way. I have to wonder if I would have felt this way if it had been real footage of Hitler being executed (which he wasn't). And so, this also points out my own hyprocrisy. I want to pretend that this stuff doesn't happen. Just like I pretend that the meat that I eat wasn't once living. I know I would be a vegetarian in a flash if I had to kill my own food. Quote
Karl Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 ruscular said: but things like this will jeopardize my job teaching the middle scool if the parents find out what they see, and they will tell their parents with something as dramatic as this. I don't think they'd have any case because this was the sanitized video that was all over the news - now if the cell phone video had been used instead, then PERHAPS there could be an issue - just GOOGLE on Sadaam Hanging to see this - it's all over the Internet. BTW, every once in a while the issue of Hash, Inc. and A:M growing up comes up and I think this is just another case in point... Make kids register as kids and then give the option to restrict their viewing, surely this wonderful forum software has that capability. Quote
Dhar Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 Karl said: I don't think they'd have any case because this was the sanitized video that was all over the news - now if the cell phone video had been used instead, then PERHAPS there could be an issue - just GOOGLE on Sadaam Hanging to see this - it's all over the Internet. Karl, that was the cell phone footage. The official "sanitized" footage was shot from the upper mez where the executioners were standing and only showed the noose around Saddam's neck stopping short of the opening of the floor door and had no sound. I sent Bruce a PM expressing my reaction to his clip, and I'll leave at that. I just wanted to correct the information. Quote
Karl Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 Dhar said: Karl, that was the cell phone footage. Thanks - you're right-- my intent was to point out that Sadaam was not shown dangling-- that was the worst (or best, depending on your perspective) and that was shown at the end of the cell phone footage and not in Bruce's animation. By Middle Eastern (Arab/Muslim) standards the Sadaam execution was VERY TAME. Imagine going to a Sunday church service and having arms/legs/heads chopped off as part of the service! That's the equivalent to what goes on every Friday all over the Middle East. Having witnessed numerous executions in "Chop Chop Square" in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia during the 1990's (being close enough to get sprayed w/ blood) - as well as seeing and experiencing the live and uncensored horrors of war, having worked as a Pentagon contractor 2001-2006 (far worse than the Riyadh beheadings), I THINK REAL MUSLIM/ARAB MEN AND FOR THAT MATTER REAL U.S. SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN would think we're all a bunch of not grown-up cartoon drawing wimpies! Quote
Karl Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 Karl said: surely this wonderful forum software has that capability. For what it's worth I just called Invision who sells the IP.Board that runs A:M Forums and it would be possible to place users into child and adult groups and not allow children into certain forums - but individual posts cannot be so restricted. Quote
ruscular Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 Why don't we have hanging in this country? I teach Martial Arts and I guess its my thinking that all life is to be respected regardless of what you have done. In the old testament of christianity points out that no one could adhere to being perfect in the eyes of god. I am not going to ramble on christianity but point out that we are all fools of our own blindness that no one is perfect but regardless that we should respect life. The hanging is a act of humilation upon life. I was too chicken to even watch the whole thing, so I don't know what was on the video, but have heard what is was and had no interest to watch the whole thing. I would love it movies could bring to light more of what it is to have loss of life rather than glorifying death. I profess to love playing Tomb Raider when it came out, and its basically a root and shoot-em games. On a personal note I got hit head on by a truck, and again I thought that was it, I am going to die and join my cats of my youth. I got hit so hard that I stood up right away not feeling a single pain and look for my body behind me. I am recuperating today, and doing okay. No broken bone or broken blood vessel in the head. But I wouldn't wish the experience for anyone, nor do I want to watch others go thru it knowing that he is going to die, or thought that I was going to die. I came to a stop and watch him come at me while I was strap to the foot peddle, with no time to get out of way. Yet we watch games of people getting hit and dragging the body with one arm so many time. My point that this is a real snuff film, as oppose to the games. I could watch it and survive it, but then I feel that I would become the part of the audience and particpate in the humiliation of life. I value my own life, and do so by giving respect to all life, not including Chickens and Cows. So yes, I am a hypocrite. Thats my personal thoughts on that, however the company I work for are so strict about the concern of children, that I have spark the interest of one of my boss to doing AM: and I know she will freak with this kind of posting. I do agree with Karl that it would be nice to make certain area restricted from the children. Quote
Bruce Del Porte Posted January 4, 2007 Author Posted January 4, 2007 Interesting reactions. A link to this video has been posted on nearly every blog and news web page on the internet. Somehow I doubt this is the first anyone has seen it. As I said in my warning (silly but PC), it is not explicit, Saddam simply exits frame down, cutting to the animation. No blood, no neck snap, so corpse, mild by even Bugs Bunny or Roadrunner standards. Not all art or animation is cute furry garden creatures doing slapstick. The point of the piece was to wish one of the great mass murders of our time, a swift trip to hell. I think it is unfortunate that far too many (Idi Amin and Pol Pot come to mind) get away with crimes such as Saddam’s, with no visible justice. Artistically, Manet’s paintings of the Execution of Maximillian all hanging in MOMA, or Eddie Adams’ Pulitzer Prize winning photo “Viet Cong Execution” and even Gernica are far more explicit. I believe the subject is fair game for artistic treatment. I just hope the schools are not teaching kids that by shielding their eyes, evil or even justice is sterile. If kids are on this forum, they are on the internet. The Fox News page and CNN both linked to the full video, that is where I got it. For those who chose to be appalled, next time, heed the warning and ask your mom. Thanks for looking. Quote
3DArtZ Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 Bruce, did you put this up on youtube? you gotta do it, to see what the view count is! Mike Fitz Quote
Dhar Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 Please don't put it on YouTube. You'll be offending a lot of people. I can confidently say that I have more right than anyone in here to wish hell for Saddam, but I choose not to go down that road. A Sufi sage once said: "If anyone really knew what Hell was like, they would not wish it on their worst enemy". The Prophetic proverb that I try to live by, and hope that everyone take heed, is: "Have mercy upon everyone on earth so that The One in the heavens may have mercy upon you". I choose the path of forgiveness and mercy. Quote
Bruce Del Porte Posted January 5, 2007 Author Posted January 5, 2007 Yes, I put it on Youtube at the same time. Interestingly, the view count is about three times the rate here then on Youtube (84 verses 24 in 36 hours). There are hundreds of copies of the entire original hanging clip on Youtube and they say they load 50,000 films a day. Anything I've ever posted on Youtube gets lost in the noise. My one and only Youtube comment was that it was the gayest devil he had ever seen. As I understand it, the hangmen were wishing him a trip to hell and to tell you the truth, anyone who is an apologist for Saddam, I hope I do offend. If hell exists in any form, few qualify more for entry. His crimes aren't really for me to forgive. He has been judged by his countrymen and any country that can punish their own Pharoh is finally free. I hope every tyrannt who solves problems with mass graves of his own people downloads and views the entire hanging and recognizes as Dante did for Nimrod, "he was his own accuser". My offence, if any, is meaningless. Quote
ruscular Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 "anyone who is an apologist for Saddam, I hope I do offend." I don't care who it is, and I certainly do not support revenge by killing. We are where we are because of revenge of the 9/11 attack and now we have the same number of death from 9/11 as we have soldiers. So when is enough is enough? Enough with the "if your against this hanging of Saddam then your an apoligist for the Saddam tyrancy" those tirade propaganda is old a feeble attack use by the leaders using fear and national pride to garner your support for a fail war against terrorism. Most americans are tired of this bi-partisan attack, and just want peace. I will respect your opinion, but leave out the belittling and divisionary talking point to smear anyone with your opposing views. Honestly! I think almost everyone was for the invasion to address the terrorist attack on Americans soil, as we all felt that we needed to do something. Just because I don't approve of watching a snuff film mean I should consult my mommy or I am a Saddam apoligist. Really? I think you need to lay off watching FOX and take a break and talk to real people. Quote
3DArtZ Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 OH no!!!! Lets not go down this road. Look, I didn't care for the animation on this forum because it could generate miles and miles of the old off topic threads that Seven used to love creating and getting everyone's ire up. But I certainly feel like people might find something in it on YouTube It's just easier to get personal here on the forum cause we all know eachother.... well sort of... in a computer internet community sort of way. Quote
Bruce Del Porte Posted January 5, 2007 Author Posted January 5, 2007 Quote ruscular Posted Today, 09:05 PM "anyone who is an apologist for Saddam, I hope I do offend." I don't care who it is, and I certainly do not support revenge by killing. We are where we are because of revenge of the 9/11 attack and now we have the same number of death from 9/11 as we have soldiers. So when is enough is enough? Enough with the "if your against this hanging of Saddam then your an apoligist for the Saddam tyrancy" those tirade propaganda is old a feeble attack use by the leaders using fear and national pride to garner your support for a fail war against terrorism. Most americans are tired of this bi-partisan attack, and just want peace. I will respect your opinion, but leave out the belittling and divisionary talking point to smear anyone with your opposing views. Honestly! I think almost everyone was for the invasion to address the terrorist attack on Americans soil, as we all felt that we needed to do something. Just because I don't approve of watching a snuff film mean I should consult my mommy or I am a Saddam apoligist. Really? I think you need to lay off watching FOX and take a break and talk to real people. I don't know what 9/11 has to do with the piece and maybe you should re-read what I wrote; "if your against this hanging of Saddam then your an apoligist for the Saddam tyrancy" is a complete misquote and frankly a distortion of any reasonable interpretation of what I wrote. “but leave out the belittling and divisionary talking point to smear anyone with your opposing views.” Isn’t that precisely what you are doing? You are entitled to your opinion, as am I. Quote
Chad_Hunt Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 I loved it, I spent 8 years in the service then 2 years after that overseas private. It might be rough for the forum but so is life! Gota love the first Admendment! Quote
Chad_Hunt Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 ruscular said: Why don't we have hanging in this country? we still do, its just not used that often anymore. actually alot of states still have it, do a quick search and I am sure you can find it along with death by firing squard and the gas chamber. Quote
Bruce Del Porte Posted January 5, 2007 Author Posted January 5, 2007 The Art has done its job, stimulating a lively and mostly intelligent debate, that is all I could hope for. Quote
ruscular Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 Oh jesus sweet pea! You can use silly rhetoric if you want, but I think your going to be embarrass when you meet me at a siggraph party knowing what you said. I know what you said, nothing misquoted, because I didn't quote you. So get over it the Red state lost. This thread wasn't about being a Saddam apoligist, but that you find humor posting snuff film, and your all defensive when I gave you my views on it. Im sorry, but labeling us as Saddam apoligist isn't going to be effective at keeping peace. There is nothing intelligent in resorting to labeling those that don't agree with you. I respect the freedom for you to be a catty chat doll string pulling spewing right wing talking points. Have at it! If you wanted a debate probably should of use the off topic, but I promise you that I will never critique your WIP again. Fair enough? Quote
ruscular Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 The last legal hanging in the USA was in 1936 so unless you know something I don't please do share. Now if your still wanting to do a hanging animation piece, let me suggest Roger Miller song "Dang me, Dang me, take a rope and hang me to the highest treeeeeeeee! , woman don't you wait for me!" Quote
Jeetman Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 ruscular said: Why don't we have hanging in this country? I teach Martial Arts and I guess its my thinking that all life is to be respected regardless of what you have done. In the old testament of christianity points out that no one could adhere to being perfect in the eyes of god. I am not going to ramble on christianity but point out that we are all fools of our own blindness that no one is perfect but regardless that we should respect life. The hanging is a act of humilation upon life. I was too chicken to even watch the whole thing, so I don't know what was on the video, but have heard what is was and had no interest to watch the whole thing. I would love it movies could bring to light more of what it is to have loss of life rather than glorifying death. I profess to love playing Tomb Raider when it came out, and its basically a root and shoot-em games. On a personal note I got hit head on by a truck, and again I thought that was it, I am going to die and join my cats of my youth. I got hit so hard that I stood up right away not feeling a single pain and look for my body behind me. I am recuperating today, and doing okay. No broken bone or broken blood vessel in the head. But I wouldn't wish the experience for anyone, nor do I want to watch others go thru it knowing that he is going to die, or thought that I was going to die. I came to a stop and watch him come at me while I was strap to the foot peddle, with no time to get out of way. Yet we watch games of people getting hit and dragging the body with one arm so many time. My point that this is a real snuff film, as oppose to the games. I could watch it and survive it, but then I feel that I would become the part of the audience and particpate in the humiliation of life. I value my own life, and do so by giving respect to all life, not including Chickens and Cows. So yes, I am a hypocrite. Thats my personal thoughts on that, however the company I work for are so strict about the concern of children, that I have spark the interest of one of my boss to doing AM: and I know she will freak with this kind of posting. I do agree with Karl that it would be nice to make certain area restricted from the children. Hi Rus, Also being a teacher and practitioner of the Martial Arts, I have one question.... You say you value life. So are you saying you value a the life of Saddam? Are you aware of all he and his two sicko sons have done? If not, please read up on it. It's absolutely demonic. If this guy did the things he did to your family do you really think you'd feel the same? People decide to learn how to defend themselve for different reasons but my main reason was I refused to be a victim of being bullied or worse possibly have to deal with a situation where someone is planning on taking my life. If I'm ever in a situation where a person is trying to do me or my family bodily harm or temping to kill me, I will not hesitate (in self-defense) to take that person out any way I can. I have never been in a situation like this thankfully but I'd think as a teacher and practitioner of the Martial Arts, you'd feel the same (maybe not). I have no love or respect for any individual who has no problem with taking a persons life. Saddam did that (according to the news) on a regular basis and on a massive scale. The last estimate I heard was that he was responsible for about 170,000 killings. Imagine all that pain he caused families. Sorry. I too value life. I value the life of every decent, responsible and caring or (uncaring for that matter) human being but I have no care or concern for any individual who kills people for their own profit or pleasure. This guy was a sick dude and I'm glad the Iraqis executed him. George Quote
Jeetman Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 Bruce Del Porte said: Quote ruscular Posted Today, 09:05 PM "anyone who is an apologist for Saddam, I hope I do offend." I don't care who it is, and I certainly do not support revenge by killing. We are where we are because of revenge of the 9/11 attack and now we have the same number of death from 9/11 as we have soldiers. So when is enough is enough? Enough with the "if your against this hanging of Saddam then your an apoligist for the Saddam tyrancy" those tirade propaganda is old a feeble attack use by the leaders using fear and national pride to garner your support for a fail war against terrorism. Most americans are tired of this bi-partisan attack, and just want peace. I will respect your opinion, but leave out the belittling and divisionary talking point to smear anyone with your opposing views. Honestly! I think almost everyone was for the invasion to address the terrorist attack on Americans soil, as we all felt that we needed to do something. Just because I don't approve of watching a snuff film mean I should consult my mommy or I am a Saddam apoligist. Really? I think you need to lay off watching FOX and take a break and talk to real people. I don't know what 9/11 has to do with the piece and maybe you should re-read what I wrote; "if your against this hanging of Saddam then your an apoligist for the Saddam tyrancy" is a complete misquote and frankly a distortion of any reasonable interpretation of what I wrote. “but leave out the belittling and divisionary talking point to smear anyone with your opposing views.” Isn’t that precisely what you are doing? You are entitled to your opinion, as am I. I agree 100% with you Bruce. Your film is a good way of saying I hope a guy who has caused terrible anguish, torture (real torture not that Abu Ghraib stuff), pain and insurmountable suffering is receiving a just punishment. Quote
Chad_Hunt Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 ruscular said: The last legal hanging in the USA was in 1936 so unless you know something I don't please do share. I never said they still use it but it is still there, it is in the law books in some states that it is an option. but with most people being more liberal these days it will never be used i nthe states again. just thought it was interesting that we as a nation are so much younger than any other and yet we have moved away from the hangings unlike Iraq which most say that the root of civilization came from there, is still stuck on it. Quote
ruscular Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 Chad_Hunt said: ruscular said: The last legal hanging in the USA was in 1936 so unless you know something I don't please do share. I never said they still use it but it is still there, it is in the law books in some states that it is an option. but with most people being more liberal these days it will never be used i nthe states again. just thought it was interesting that we as a nation are so much younger than any other and yet we have moved away from the hangings unlike Iraq which most say that the root of civilization came from there, is still stuck on it. I am going to move this topic to the OT if you want to further divulge in this. Quote
jo b. Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 Bruce Del Porte said: As I said in my warning (silly but PC), it is not explicit, Saddam simply exits frame down, cutting to the animation. No blood, no neck snap, so corpse, mild by even Bugs Bunny or Roadrunner standards. sorry, but don't you see a slight difference between those things? well, then guess if you don't understand it. btw. i didn't watch the whole thing either. Quote
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