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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Hello friends

For the last couple of weeks I have been working on recreating my office into A:M. This still a WIP since there are MANY small models yet to create. This is my office (or the entrance of the basement flat that it actually is :D ) where I spend a lot of time fiddling with A:M :) I feel like I have achieved the atmosphere pretty well (the room is lit by two spotlights, and the it's actually as dark as that) Its rendered in radiosity (~11hr).


I have made but not yet rendered a mx1000 mouse and a mousepad and done some adjustments to the grey keyboard (and there is lot more to add... alot)


I appreciate comments or criticism :)


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Impressive! If this is your office I am jealous. My only question is where is the mouse and the pile of papers that everybodys desk has ? great work


I have to say that I like it, maybe dark and scary :( but I like it. And I like the way you put the A:M picture on the computer screen.


But my favorite is that your floor doubles as a coffee machine :lol: I want one of those


an excellent job!


here are some nits i've picked:

  • all of the blues seem to vibrant: the chair and the case
  • the monitors aren't casting light, or so it seems
  • the cases seem too flat... i'd expect a slightly shinier surface
  • and most importantly, you can't see the photographer in the reflective pot. ' ' )

again, a compulsively fantastic piece of work!



very nice!


Take the coffee carafe off the floor... If this is a basement flat, the concrete under the tile will chill even a thermal carafe... tepid coffee is no way to "get to the next level." And forget the mouse, get a Wacom tablet! And you need more books on the shelves!


Oh wait... this is a render not a photo... speaking of which, how about a comparison shot? real vs rendered... that'd be really cool!


Great job as usual... 11 hours ouch!


You "norskies" always so darned efficient with your space... one tiny crumpled sheet of paper on the floor... BAH!


Thanks for your comments:) I'm gonna take a look at the above mentioned points. Photo of the office (had to use the cameras blitz, so the mood and the light is very different).





I am much relieved to see that your actual work station has a significant amont of clutter:).

As my father used to say a clean desk is the sign of a weak mind.

keep up the good work


Wow! The detail is amazing. Did you model the keyboards or are they bump mapped? I ask because I attempted a key board and found it very difficult.




Wow! The detail is amazing. Did you model the keyboards or are they bump mapped?

Thanks. The keyboard is modeled.

Here are some of the models in wireframe:











My respect for your work grows more and more every time you post. Just looking at the wireframes makes me want to sit down and start a new project. Really nice work as usual.




Very much thank you guys for you heartwarming comments :)


Is that a comic strip on your mini-tower? Just under the CD door?

Yup. No neonlights or plexiglass on my cabinet, just an pointless comicstrip



Here is an update. some clutter and minor adjustments added:




Very nice model! :lol: did you utilize the alpha's and magnitues for every single spline? Very keen attention to detail here.


One thing though, your radiosity and shadows seem to be incredibly noisy. You should adjust your samples and jittering. Also be sure to make sure that you use the radiosity calculator to get the perfect sample area. The sadow settings should be set to 100% dark, 2 ray casts, and be sure to render at least 16 (4x4) passes. Other than that... yeah, just more population of the scene. Nice work.


This is looking great so far. You models are very well executed.


Take care of your color saturations. The chair blue tissue is way too saturated. And the wall orange-brown is also too saturated which cast a general orange tint to the whole scene.


Thanks for your comments :)

Very nice model! :lol: did you utilize the alpha's and magnitues for every single spline?

yup. at least where it was necessary. Time-consuming as h*** ;)


One thing though, your radiosity and shadows seem to be incredibly noisy. You should adjust your samples and jittering. Also be sure to make sure that you use the radiosity calculator to get the perfect sample area. The sadow settings should be set to 100% dark, 2 ray casts, and be sure to render at least 16 (4x4) passes. Other than that... yeah, just more population of the scene. Nice work.

Isn't it almost impossible to calc the surface on this chor? due to all the surfaces?

I have rendered wit one ray and 9 multipasses. Gonna try your suggestion, thanks


Take care of your color saturations. The chair blue tissue is way too saturated. And the wall orange-brown is also too saturated which cast a general orange tint to the whole scene.

I agree about the chair, but the walls is actually causing a very orange tint in the room (in the real room)

What is that program next to Animation Master box? I think is says, "XXXXXXX Studio Max"???

Hehe, sorry to disappoint you, but it is "Pinnacle Studio" (video editing software)

Thanks for your comments so far. I appreciates them very much!


Here is the latest update. Some adjustments on the spec and some coloradjustments. Also added more clutter (more clutter are on the *to do list*).


Hope you like it so far








You call that clutter? I call that very well organized.


Come here and I'll show you clutter.


Nice work :)


Ooooh, Stian...

What would Mom say?




Your detail is simply INCREDIBLE!


Thank you for sharing...


Are you using Radiosity?


Render time on the last one?



New update


Your detail is simply INCREDIBLE!


Thank you for sharing...


Are you using Radiosity?


Render time on the last one?


Thanks :)

I used radiosity and the rendertime for the attached image (1280x1024) was approximately 11.5hr!







The chair looks SO MUCH better! It looks much more real now.




p.s. Yes, that is not clutter. I recreated my "office" in '99... it hasn't finished rendering yet... still a few years left to go...




Vernon "!" Zehr


Very nice! I really like the details and on some of those objects i couldn't tell if they were real or not. Great job and keep up the good work!


Hey guys, thanks for your comments.

I have closed this project, calling it finished for now (I know there is much more to add, but I don't have the time right now). Anyway, have rendered an large version of it (2400x1920, ~50hr). Hope you like it :D


btw: Have uploaded it to cgtalk







Stian, that turned out beautiful!


I love how the only critisisms that people on cgtalk can throw at you have nothing to do with your work or A:M but are only concerned with the placement of a light switch, curvature of your monitor, etc. Things which you have taken the time and care to replicate precisely.


Excellent work as always!


"I had to check but the door handle is correctly placed!"


Well then, move it! If CG Talk says it's wrong, it's just WRONG!


Bah! don't pay much attention to them... Well, except for that Ken guy that gave it 5 stars... he seems to know what he's talking about anyway..!


It is very nice Stian, I hope to attain your patience for the details someday... but actually, modelling all this "real world" stuff is a fun challenge isn't it??


Wow! the thumbnail looks like a photograph. I'm just getting started in AM and this is massive inspiration.


Do you have any recommended reading or websites that have developed your skills to this level?


The only thing (and it really is only tiny and i'm a complete amateur!) is the texture on the surface of the seat. Apart from that, looks stunning.




Lookin' great as always, Stian ;)


What I really liked about the still was all the tiny, yet very well done and well-placed, details. It makes it look SO much more real.




Thanks friends for your comments. They are great motivation!


Stian, I am so glad you're an A:M customer.

And I'm glad that you and your team has created such a GREAT piece of software :)


It is very nice Stian, I hope to attain your patience for the details someday... but actually, modelling all this "real world" stuff is a fun challenge isn't it??

It's a challenge for sure, but I love the fact to sit down with a real object, rotate it in my hand (if the size of the object permits it..), and then try to recreate it in my computer.


Do you have any recommended reading or websites that have developed your skills to this level?

The only thing (and it really is only tiny and i'm a complete amateur!) is the texture on the surface of the seat. Apart from that, looks stunning.

Hmmm, there is one keyword worth to mention and that is patience (a lot of it...). Other than that, since I do most mech stuff I learned much from Yves's basic models (and beveling)

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