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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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The description pretty much says what I used.


It's far from finished, as the blue truck needs to be heavily damaged and I need to interview the driver (blue truck) to sind out which way his vehicle spun.


Image as a roto for camera.

Yves' light rig,

Explode and Newton plugin from yoda64.


Had smoke in it but it didn't work out (NR problems).


Here is a link to the file (about 4 mb).




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Thats slick there David, I'm guessing its a job your working on.

I hope you keep an update here as you progress, very impressive.




Slick indeed! Very believable.


The only thing that screamed out at me was the blue on the truck (could be less saturated) - but perhaps it's a Good clue in the sense that it lets the viewer know that it's a re-creation. I'm wondering if that is something you have to deal with in accident modeling? Not make it toooo real?


Good job, a convincing integration of CG with live video. The blue truck doesn't appear to swerve at all before impact, is that really the case? Also you may want to delay the debris appearing until a frame or two after impact. Complete nit-picks I know, I like it.


Slick indeed! Very believable.


The only thing that screamed out at me was the blue on the truck (could be less saturated) - but perhaps it's a Good clue in the sense that it lets the viewer know that it's a re-creation. I'm wondering if that is something you have to deal with in accident modeling? Not make it toooo real?


It's a standard blue from the color picker with just some low specularity, but you're right, I should tweak it.

It's really not going to matter too much as the blue truck gets almost completely destroyed.

I haven't run into it (being too realistic) yet, but it could happen.

My client wants me to shoot video driving down the road, then place a virtual camera in the cab of the blue truck. I'll use the live action method to provide an up close and personal view of the semi grill.




Good job, a convincing integration of CG with live video. The blue truck doesn't appear to swerve at all before impact, is that really the case? Also you may want to delay the debris appearing until a frame or two after impact. Complete nit-picks I know, I like it.


The driver of the blue truck was caught completely off guard, and was badly injured.

I'm going to interview him next week to get more info as to the direction of his spin, that's why the blue truck's movements are non-descript at this point.



I'm working on a version with smoke. I have to render that segment all on 1 machine as NR has particle issues.



awsome!! now it just needs smoke and fire and boom and this and that hehe


i think its pretty cool you did a great job of getting them lined up on the road


Wow VERY nicely done. My suggestion is this:


The semi needs to rock a little on it's suspension while is is making that hard, skidding turn. It is too rigid.


Otherwise, this piece is pretty impressive stuff. I'm amazed.




I really like the ways it's turning out, man I love live action..someday I want to get a 3ccd camcorder, and that expensive match moving software, I don't ask for much....


Very cool.





Actually it's a digital image, and I don't use any match moving software.


I did just get done recording some footage to try to get an in vehicle shot, we'll see how that goes.


Thanks for all the compliments.




one thing i noticed was the pickup that was hit by the semi

after it went on the grass it just kind of stoped. i think it should of kept sliding for just a weee bit moreand slowy come to a stop


one thing i noticed was the pickup that was hit by the semi

after it went on the grass it just kind of stoped. i think it should of kept sliding for just a weee bit moreand slowy come to a stop


I'm waiting to talk to the driver of the blue truck (10/12/05) to see for sure which way he spun, and if we went more than one revolution.


:lol: Always with the details. Pick-up Aginst Semi. I would think that it would have taken more off of the truck, or at least put a dent in the door. But yeah, everything just seems to stop at the end. You could pust some dust effects on the ground showing tires skidding and all that stuff. Forever adding to the render time.


I'm meeting with witnesses tomorrow (10/12/05) to get more details.

Actually I hope they tell me the blue truck spun 1 and 1/4 revolutions so I can have it throwing parts as it spins.

The final product should have those types of things.


My latest struggle is with in-car footage, more later.




Hi David

I know what caused the crash. None of the drivers can see over the dashboards :D

Looks great so far. If it was for dramatic purposes I'd suggest that the car rock as it was hit, but in this case accuracy is the key, isn't it?

What parts were animated by Newton and explode?


I'll probably need to eliminate the smoke due to the difficulties with it.


would be a shame to totally lose the smoke as it makes a big difference...you're suddenly aware that the truck is in trouble & skidding & visually explains why it veers into the oncoming traffic....doesn't need much though


Great job!


Hi David

I know what caused the crash. None of the drivers can see over the dashboards :D

Looks great so far. If it was for dramatic purposes I'd suggest that the car rock as it was hit, but in this case accuracy is the key, isn't it?

What parts were animated by Newton and explode?



Yes the drivers are pretty small aren't they :lol:


Thanks for the compliments.


I met with the driver of the Explorer, and the Toyota Pick-up yesterday.

Things happened a little differently than I have depicted.

The Explorer skid while trying to stop and was partially off the road.

The Semi truck did not come over into the nearest lane as far as I have it shown.


The driver of the Toyota doesn't remember which way he spun after getting hit.


I used the Explode plugin for the fender parts, Then the Newtonian Physics Plugin to have them fly after the impact. The exploding fender had to be done in a different Chor (with deflectors to control the direction the exploded parts flew), and the motion saved out as an action, which I imported into this chor. If I didn't do it this way, AM would crash.






I'll probably need to eliminate the smoke due to the difficulties with it.


would be a shame to totally lose the smoke as it makes a big difference...you're suddenly aware that the truck is in trouble & skidding & visually explains why it veers into the oncoming traffic....doesn't need much though


Great job!


Mr. Fish,

Thanks for the compliments.


The smoke took longer than animating the scene.

I couldn't use my render farm as the smoke would get out of sync, meaning one frame would have the smoke billowing correctly and the next frame would have the smoke volume lower than it should have been.

NR issue.




Wow, when I first opened the file, I thought that it was real footage of traffic, until the vehicles got closer to the camera.


You said that you interviewed the driver of the blue truck, and he didn't know which way he spun, but did he know how fast he was going? Thought that might help in determining how much the truck actually spun.


I noticed that in the clips, the truck was hit, what looked like on the driver side door. I think that if the truck was hit closer to the front, it would cause it to spin less, as opposed to being hit somewhere towards the back half of the truck which would cause the truck to spin more. Also, if the driver of the blue truck turned to the right, the angle of the rig hitting the truck would increase the spin as well.


There are so many variables, maybe unknown to you, because you said the driver was not sure. But for not having all the information, the recreation looks fantastic. I hope that my comments can help you in determining the amount of spin in the vehicle. Again, the footage looks amazing.




Wow, when I first opened the file, I thought that it was real footage of traffic, until the vehicles got closer to the camera.


You said that you interviewed the driver of the blue truck, and he didn't know which way he spun, but did he know how fast he was going? Thought that might help in determining how much the truck actually spun.


I noticed that in the clips, the truck was hit, what looked like on the driver side door. I think that if the truck was hit closer to the front, it would cause it to spin less, as opposed to being hit somewhere towards the back half of the truck which would cause the truck to spin more. Also, if the driver of the blue truck turned to the right, the angle of the rig hitting the truck would increase the spin as well.


There are so many variables, maybe unknown to you, because you said the driver was not sure. But for not having all the information, the recreation looks fantastic. I hope that my comments can help you in determining the amount of spin in the vehicle. Again, the footage looks amazing.





Thanks for the kind words.


My theory is the blue truck (I just found out it's actually black, bad photo's) spun the other direction.

I'm still trying to get in touch with the State Trooper who wrote the report, and find another witness.



Looks great! Love the smoke, may be a bit overdone in the beginning(looks like it's burning inside the car), then again, when was the last time I saw a truck break that hard?




The in-car shot is really taxing me.


The crash occured on a hill.


The direction the small truck came from is flat.


Using the footage as a roto for the scene is tough because I'm trying to keep the shadow catcher properly aligned, not to mention the hours I spent in AE trying to get the jitters out of the footage.


Then of course keeping everything in the correct perspective.................. ugh...





The in-car shot is really taxing me.


Using the footage as a roto for the scene is tough because I'm trying to keep the shadow catcher properly aligned, not to mention the hours I spent in AE trying to get the jitters out of the footage.


Then of course keeping everything in the correct perspective.................. ugh...


Sounds like a job for SynthEyes or other camera matching software. Have you tried processing it that way? Perhaps a two step process of image stabilization, followed by camera tracking.





David have you seen this ,I thought it may be usefull to you , .I have it and it work's very well





David have you seen this ,I thought it may be usefull to you , .I have it and it work's very well



oh graet work you do

Here's a stabilizer plugin for VirtualDub.




Some of the plugins for VDub are pretty impressive.


If we could get a plugin to import Voodoo camera capture text output to AM, the whole process would be covered.





I tried the plugin and it helped stabilize the image. There is still the issue of the changing orientation of vehicle as it makes the transition from flat to going up the hill.

The shadow catcher geometry doesn't line up after the vehicle and camera begin to climb the hill.



I have started modeling the evironment.


Thanks for the help.



Here is the latest version of the modeled environment.

This is the first test render, and there are a LOT of things to add, and tweak.


I had to do this to get around all the problems I was having with the video footage.


The total environment in less than 800 patches.

That doesn't include the vehicles.






Here is the latest version of the modeled environment.

This is the first test render, and there are a LOT of things to add, and tweak.


I had to do this to get around all the problems I was having with the video footage.


The total environment in less than 800 patches.

That doesn't include the vehicles.







Nice job!




Man I just watched the footage from inside the truck. Good as always. So did you ever figure out wich way, and how much the truck actually spun. Well, keep it up.



Man I just watched the footage from inside the truck. Good as always. So did you ever figure out wich way, and how much the truck actually spun. Well, keep it up.




I talked to the Trooper who investigated the accident.

He said the truck spun CCW from the top view, and only 100 degrees or so after POI.




Here is the latest version of the rendered environment.





I need to still add smoke and get the jitters out of the tree shadows (used hair for trees after a debacle of trying single patch panels with cookie cutouts). Still fighting with NR on the particles.


I used the lag idea on the camera too.



A few more yard details are in order as well, maybe a few animals in the pasture.......... I know.. I know.....






that's really looking good & the hair trees are very well done (too bad about the jitters)...


Interesting for me to see A:M being used like this.


Using AM for this is a stretch, particularly (there's a pun in there) trying to get the scenes realistic.


The jitters are there whether I use the render farm or not.


The tree hair is really tall, like 600" tall.

The tree clusters in the distance are layers with a targa image applied.


Surprisingly these frames rendered out about 2 minutes per frame.





here's a quick update:


I've almost given up on using AM for this type of work.

I consumed a week (16 hour days) trying to get trees into the scene, the only thing that worked was tree hair, which made the interface really slow. I guess I could buy 3ds props for $200 that look right and don't jitter in the animation.

Next I fought with NR (3 days) trying to get the smoke to work correctly. Most accident scenes (at least here in GA) have trees and smoke.

I guess you can't use particles if you have reflections and/or are planning on using motion blur (let's see car windows reflect, and cars move fast).


perhaps a nap will help.


after your nap...




might find useful trees there in format that can be converted to 3DS... for less...


may not help at all... but I tried.

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