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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Excellent. Nice camera angles. Nice color scheme. Timing good. Could make it longer and build onto the joke for film festival length.


Nice robot as well. Good use of the metallic yellow (that's always been a cool color) and reflections.


Great work!


Actually I thought it was part of a music video clip - it seemed to fit so well with the background music :D


The only thing I foudn disconcerting was how close the robot was to the mirror when wiping it and immediately after. His position moved back considerably when you cut to him looking then pushing the button.




Excellent work. That character really shows emotions well... amazing especially considering its a robot.


Keep up the good work,



Really great. I would have smoothed his antenna though.

Thats the only nit pick I could see.

Were can I a bot like that? :)


Excellent! Modeling is top notch and the robot shows great character - fun, too! Rendering is very very nice. What type of lighting set up did you use? Render times?






:D really nice job!! :D


WoW, what were your redner times for that? The lighting set up is really nice ( i think its the lighting)


Anyway great job!


Hey folks,

Thanks for the feed back. And as to your questions:


The only thing I foudn disconcerting was how close the robot was to the mirror when wiping it and immediately after. His position moved back considerably when you cut to him looking then pushing the button.


er.......you only noticed one continuity error....trust me, Its full of them!!! Its partly cause its a bit of a rush job for the mimi movie contest. The other part is that it was origanally two separate toons for two different reasons, I just linked them together to make them more of a short and less like clips.


Excellent! Modeling is top notch and the robot shows great character - fun, too! Rendering is very very nice. What type of lighting set up did you use? Render times?


Popular question :)

The lighting set up is almost the same as what comes with the basic choreography when you launch a new one. Read 'Digital Lighting & Rendering' by Jeremy Birn to get a feel of it. I only really adjusted it to keep the lights in the same place for each render, or so the specular effects were in a similar place where ever the camera was. Most of the effect comes from the use of the camera.


I tried to use mainly fish eye (as in really wide camera angles) to add some depth to the scenes, its 3D remember, lets use it! Also in the first half I used a lot of depth of field and motion blur to try and add a kind of dreamy haze to the image. The second half is ugly in comparision I feel. I was limited on time I had to render stuff so I had to go with standard rendering options, no multipass, blurs or depth.



As for render times, I had (when using multipass, depth of field and motion blur) anything between 8 mins a frame to 30 mins. Without, they were about 5 to 10 mins a frame. This is on my 2.4Ghz machine at DV-Pal rez. On my mac, the times were greater. The first half took about 5 days to render, the second took longer (as it was simpler, but rendered on my 1GHz laptop).....the experience also left me begging for a batch render option! (Hint hint, nudge nudge....multi camera and multi chor. options would make my year!).


Really great. I would have smoothed his antenna though.

Thats the only nit pick I could see.


I agree...also some continuity between shots would be cool too ;)


But another note on the lighting. I don't think it is anything special to be honest! Its really more of the model (the shineyness! Shiney with high specular and reflections) and the funky camera work. These piece was more for me to play with the camera and direction as I feel it is often a weakness of my stuff.


Again, thanks for all the feed back, glad some of you liked it! Any more questions and I'll try to answer them, most though are really happy mistakes!




I would also like to know something about the light setup.


It was done just using the two lights (one main, one to the side) with one casting a shadow. In some shots there is an extra light to help light the robot where the reflections didn't give enough light. Northing magical and quite basic really!




That was excellent! THe only problem I saw was with the artifact in the eye. That's the ONLY thing I saw that wasn't great. Congrats on this one.


Excellent! I love how these two clips combine outstanding mechanical modeling with expertise in character animation. I laughed. Thank you very much for the entertainment! Keep up the awesome work.


Really is a great clip - loved the color scheme, clean style, opening scene (very creative) - great character (and I don't like robots) - loved the camera angles & the cutting, great sound track. Story was cute - but I must say I had to replay it a few times in order to really get a sense of what it was (didn't hit me the first time - could be because I'm old & slow)


I first viewed the small movie, knew it was worth downloading the larger - the big is better treat (of course, duh). Reminded me of the blue man commercials for Intel - same good quality, feel, fun stuff.


Drat. My green-eyed-Insecurity monster is ballooning again. :unsure:


I was noticing more of the details on your 'bot, mostly the seam on the tin can head.


Impressive robot building skills!


Love this little guy! You have a real knack for design, from the overall form right down to the little details. Look forward to seeing more of this "doodle". :)


Bill Gaylord


Lots of fun to watch!!!!

Great job!

I noticed a quick artifact on his head..... I suppose its from the way splines were layed out for the top of the head.... Scaled circle making tight triangle spline layout?


I really like the simple, clean and neat design of the bot. Very nice!!!

Mike Fitz



Well thanks everyone for taking time and bandwidth to have a gander at this one! I know there are a number of artifacts on the robot, and slowly (very slowly) I will iron them out. I still feel fairly new to this modeling business and sure don't have any nack for it (just lots of hours of hard work!).


Thanks again!



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