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Awesome! I can't believe you can get such great textures purely from procedurals. I don't think I would ever have that much patience.

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thanks alot nixie......


Sofabutt - it's encouraging to hear you say that thanks so much.....


Hutch - thanks alot... ever since I got A:M I have been testing out materials trying different things to see what I came up with... Am very pleased with the reuslts materials are giving me; plus it's infinte RES.....


here is another update I added some eyelids and I had to re-model some parts of him so he would animate better.....



Here is aonther character I created.... he is one of those fish that sucks the dirt at the buttom of the ocean floor but he's no push over :P



gosh you're knocking these off fast. Do you have a base mesh you work with? I would suggest you change up the colors on the different fish so that there's a range and it doesn't look at all like their the same. This would help avoid confusion in quickshots, in shots in which the whole character is not visible, when both are together so you dont get them confused, and a lot more situations. lookin great.

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Your work is strange AND compelling. Truly original to my mind.

Did I read you are doing this for a movie or was it a game?


When I need to approach dark reality in my art YOU will be my inspiration.

(If that's okay with you... Mr, DarkLimit, sir)




zacktaich - NO I model all my fishes from the ground up cuz they all move different and needs to be design differently. I have created a colour palette and I have a model sheet am working from.. So I have all the colours I will be working with, ( green, brown, orange, yellow, black ) are some of the main colours... But I will make a few ajustments..



bakerrod - WOW thanks for your feedback, This is a personal project.. it's hard to believe that my work can be inspirational but thank you..


it's hard getting ideas from your head to papper then unto the computer, but I am trying my best....


here is a small update.....


  • 3 weeks later...

cehenderson - Thanks for your feedback.... for some reason when I render to a tga format it causes A:M to crash... don't know why......




After we-writing my script some of the fishes I created will no longer be in the final animation, I kept only Lev Vy......


I story would be based on my GodMother ( a true story ).... this will consist of only 3 main characters...


my godmother, A doctor, and Lev Vy...


here is an update......on him..



I started modeling the doctor..... this is what I have so far...... I like the concept of the turtle so thats what am basing his design on.... but he's not ment to look much like a turtle.....



The new fish looks very interesting! :blink:

You are master in modeling fishes :D:D:D

Can't wait to see doctor textured! Great job!


Not that I am an expert, but it's looks as though your mesh is a little spline heavy... It might be an idea to try and reduce the number of splines and still keep the shape - its good to practice this anyway.


I would also suggest that for a turtles head, it is a little too narrow. Try widening the head and giving him more of a beak - that's if you want to. The thing about 3D is you can create what you want to, and it doesn't have to bare any resemblance to what it is supposed to if you don't want it to...


What did I just say :huh: ?


Keep up the good work anyway ;)


Thanks for sharing this. Very cool models and beautiful texturing. The progression from the beginning of the thread is a study in character development. Seeing the progress you've made with these fishes is great, despite all the advice you've been given (just kidding, guys). I won't even pretend to give you any. You, obviously, know what you're doing.


Mike Hart


I had some time to work more on Dr BandDoor....


gazzamataz - Thanks for the tip I reduced the CP's on him to the best I can without loosing much detail.. He had over 700 before now he's has 336 patches...


I will have more renders soon....


thanks to all of you for your surpport.......


cehenderson - Thanks for your feedback.... for some reason when I render to a tga format it causes A:M to crash... don't know why......




After we-writing my script some of the fishes I created will no longer be in the final animation, I kept only Lev Vy......


I story would be based on my GodMother ( a true story ).... this will consist of only 3 main characters...


my godmother, A doctor, and Lev Vy...


here is an update......on him..

Okay so I am watching one of my favorite movies on my computer (Deep Blue Sea) and the end credits just start to play as I see this image of the cool fish with the teeth.


LL Cool J is singing that song at the end of the movie (Deepest, bluest, my hat is like a sharks fin...it may be "head" is like a sharks fin, hard to tell).


Anyway suddenly in my head I see that fish singing the song! I mean I could see it in my head! I see these big exagerated facial mouth expressions singing along with the song with the eyes squinting and glowing menacingly....


I need therapy....


Great job DL!


Vernon "I see fish!" Zehr


The fish get stranger and creapier! Thanks for the scare, DarkLimit! They all have a personality that reads across, just looking at them you can tell what they might sound like, move like and smell like. Can fish smell?

Can fish smell?

Oh yes! Sharks in particular have a fantasti sense of smell especially for blood... you knew that already though didn't you. In which case I must stink! Cos when I go diving I always find the fish following me... no sharks though, well not many in the English Channel that I have seen anyway :unsure:


Anyway, I don't think it is Vern who needs the therapy... IT'S THE REST OF US - WIBBLE %^&&**(%^%^&$$£%*(!!!

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I don't think it is Vern who needs the therapy... IT'S THE REST OF US


Whoa... I had never thought of that... Now THAT is a scary thought... Everyone in the entire world is crazy EXCEPT Vern? He is the ONLY sane person in a world of Billions...


It may take me a while to absorb the ramifications... :lol:

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys, I started designing the underwater layout of my scene.. I am trying to maintain a cartoony look am not after realism at all... the scene is on the ocean floor so not much plant life will be here just debis etc..


This is what I have so far..


any surggestions are welcome.


Vern I think you need a white jacket and a room with no windows :P


No plants, eh? How about those deep-sea tuber-things? Tube worms, I think they're called. Ja, they could spruce the place up some.

Looking forward to the end product! Your work is always impressive.


Thanks ROSS....... NO PLANTS it's too deep for plants to live :)


but I will be adding some debis and tubes like you mention....


I updated the pic above added some bloom like johnartbox surggested ( thanks john)


Nice Work! I like it quite errie. I love the murky background showing a the vague outline of the wrecks timbers. I have a couple of points though :D


1. Get rid off the shadows on the seatubes, being a diver and at this depth you don't really get shadows - well not as crisp as this anyway. More like dark areas.


2. Make the timbers look rotten and covered in algae, dead-men's fingers and stuff. If a ship has been down there long enough to get rotted to it's frames then sure as eggs are eggs this will be half rotten too.


Looking forward to your progress - keep it up!


looking great, a subtle splash of a colour theme and some nice lighting would do it wonders. is it going to be sandy or rocky? did you get the light to project a fake caustic? perhaps projecting a looping video would be good for animation?



  • 2 weeks later...

gazzamataz / nixie Thanks for the feedback...


nixie - Am going for more of a rocky look for the first few shots but when the hospital scene comes in then I will add some sand around it, but it will still retain the rocky atmoshpere.


I got some more time to work on the Evil Doctor.. I decided not to go with the turtle look, I find this design a bit more appealing and I can make him look more evil I as I want to.. This design gives me more flexibility.......


I have some more tweaking to do then I will texture him..

comments are welcome..



here is a Wireframe..... I am happy with the results...


this guy is made up of 872 cps WOOHOO!!! am glad I did not cross the 1000 mark :)



Zaryin - thanks alot I will model the inner part of the mouth in my next update..



littleandy - it's gonna be more of a SI FI setting so some barrels would be in order :)


zacktaich - Patches that is sir.......


Thanks for the feedack guys......... means alot....


Hi guys I started mdoeling my female fish, she's mermaid like but I added my own design to her...


This is what I have so far..


still got lots of tweaking to do.. but this is the concept I have in mind...


** she will appear to Lev Vy at the end of the movie and speak to him**


so far she's 488 patches am trying to keep them as low as possible.



I have finished modeling Lady Blivvy... Am very happy with her never thought I could have modeled her the way I saw her in my head, but it worked out great..


I will start texturing her soon...



Zaryin - thank you, I will have her textured soon.


I have gotten around to texturing my Ghost Doctor, he was a tough one cuz of his shape, in future I will model a character in a more neutral position so texturing is easier :)...


This is the look am after am happy that I got it.....


Bump / Displacement maps were provided by Johnartbox, I wanted to try out the new Zbrush2 methods; I believed it would give me the effect I needed and it did.


Thanks john.


**more updates to come**



I've only just looked in on this thread! Great work going on. Characters are great and the background is also cool.

That last fish might look more "fishy" if one of those bumps was a dorsel fin. But what do I know. :lol: Keep it up.


Ken - thanks for the feedback, I was considering a huge fin on his back when I was designing him, But I wanted more of a worm like creature so I stuck to this design... Who knows I may end up adding one..


Hi guys,


After working on my project for a while I realized that the characters I created would NOT give me the freedom I need to express the story I wanted to tell.... I needed a simpler more different approach... the more you learn the more you realize what works and what does not...


So I re-designed the look and feel of my entire short, I decided to go after a simple design and a more cartoon appearence. This will allow me alot more freedom which I need to tell my story...


I will keep my old fishes for maybe later use in some other project...


The characters will be as followed:


Lev Vy, Bliv Vy-(Lev Vy's Godmother), Swazi- (LEv Vy's friend), and the doctor.... right now I only have Swazi modeled..


I will have more soon.



Haha, I like this guy! Seems more normal and less creepy than the others. And the expression on his face right now seems perfect for a nice little fish surrounded by odd looking things... Nice work!


P.S. This is really turning into an insanely long project, huh? :rolleyes:




zacktaich - Thanks I will see if I can use the old Lev Vy :).......


littleandy - Thanks for your feedback, yeah it's bigger than I thought it would be... but my new designs makes it faster and easier to move the project along.. I am really loving this....


here is a concept girl fish am working on......


more to come....



I don't love the bumps under their chins. Can we see what they would look like without? They would still have distinct silhouettes, but it would get rid of a part that seems like it's going a bit overboard.


Great characters other than that.




Zack - this is Lev Vy's girlfriend and they are the same type of fish so I wanted to show that....


here is an update..... she is complete.....


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