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Well, it's been years, but I finally started on my first female character.


Let me state first off that the character I am supposed to be modeling is supposed to be small breasted, but for some reason they got modeled bigger. I am quite serious when I say I tried to model them smaller and ended up with her looking slightly more voluptious. I will be working on reducing the breast area when I make the actual character. This version will be my female base for later use anyway.


This isn't done yet so please keep that in mind. I had trouble getting this far with the model. I think modeling only males has hampered me in this area.


Comments and suggestions always appreciated.


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That is a very nice start. Nice looking mesh except the bottom of the rib cage looks pretty sharp. Maybe those 2 splines are too close together?


Looks really good. I'm very apprehensive about modeling my characters for my animation project I'm working on. I'm not that good of an organic modeler. I'm curious to see how she develops.




This model is taking shape but I see what you mean about those breasts, they look like they have had silicon implants in them if you want the honest truth.


Thing is there is no definitive breastis there, they come in all shapes and sizes and I have see a few :rolleyes:


I think that they need to have less of a gap between them on the chest and not quite so bulbous on the top near the nipple. Kinda conveying that they have a bit of weight rather that sticking so proudly forwards if you know what I mean ;)




It looks like a very good start! Nice job. The main thing that I would change is the bottom of the sternum seems to be too low in the front and her chest cavity (not including the breasts) is sunken in pretty far. Try tweaking the center spline from the side, while hiding all the rest, to get a good idea of the shape.


Keep us updated,




good start!


right now the torso is low detail/stylistic... is that going to hold for the finished character?


if you're not going for more detail -- and personally, i wouldn't -- you might consider the addition of a simple vertical crease for the upper belly area... a staple of the comic female. i'd add that even before i'd worry about a belly button.


the breasts don't necessarily look like implants. gravity is obviously at work there. you've resisted the urge to truly over-inflate them, so don't worry too much about her overabundance.


it looks like you still need to define her rear, but it's prolly best to wait until she has legs to work with.


keep up the excellent work!




Very well done.


The mammarian glandular protruberences seem to be overly effected by negative gravitational forces (the boobies are a little droopy)...


but overall, they have a nice "feel".


Arms, legs and head... oh yeah... I just noticed those are missing... yeah... I guess you will need those eventually...



Vernon "Thanks for the mammaries" Zehr


LOL, thanks guys. The breasts are modeled with the slightly weightless look because the whole body is a base and the breasts will be covered by clothing. So it's taking into account undergarments and the like.


Jim, not to sound like an ass, but what's a sternum?, haha. Is it the collar bone area? I will see what I can do with the slight concavity in the middle spline.


The low detail in the model is also because I will just be using this model as a base. I won't be making feet, but boots. Things like that. And I just like woman with wider hips. It's a realistic size so I wouldn't think those were stylized.


Fixed that sharp line in the rib cage, that didn't look exactly right to me, either.


I will probably be keeping the gap between the breasts. All the breasts I've seen are not pushed together, even when wearing a bra, unless it's a Wonderbra.


I want to thank you all again for your comments so far. Next update will probably be after the New Year. Enjoy it everyone!




The sternum is the breastbone, the center bone that the ribs attach to in front. The stomache muscles that attach to it could meet the sternum a bit higher. Not a big problem. The hips are very clean and well modelled!




That's a good start. As mentionned by Jim, the rib cage is not only too sharp but descend a little too low in general and in particular in the front-middle. The sternum is the front bone/cartilage that joins the two sides on the rib cage.


Concerning the breasts, there is something strange with the left one when viewed from the 3/4 view. It looks smaller than the other one. This is partly due to the way it meets the ribcage on the side. From the side view, the breasts should go further back. As modeled now, it is almost as if the front of the rib cage was flat.


Hmmm. Thats strange! The breasts don't look 'too big' to me... must be my monitor...


BELLYBUTTON: Either do it with 4 '5 sided patches' OR a bump mappe works sometimes.


Thanks for the comments and help again.


Jim and Yves: I'm not up on the correct termes for body parts, so thanks for that. I see what you both mean about the ribcage and sternum. Just to make sure though, you are saying I should move it into a higher position beneath the breasts? I'm pretty sure that's what you mean :).


Yves, about that side view look any suggestions on how to make it look better? Do you think just some tweaking will do it, or do you think I might have to add extra splinage? I'll see if I can improve this area, but I can see where I will have problems with this.


John: I will not be adding a bellybutton to this model. I don't want to add too much detail to this model since it will be a base I will use for other female models later, including clothing. The reason I am modeling the breasts exposed it that I might have a scene sometime where I will be using a bare breasted female. Although, I usually have clothes on my characters :).


Thanks again, guys.




I think what Yves is noticing and what Jim mentioned in his first reply about the chest cavity being sunken in too far. In profile (with breasts hidden) from the top center where the collar bones meet to the end of the sternum, it appears to curve into the chest cavity, while in real life it usually curves outwards.


I really like the economy of splinage :blink: and the form.




Hey Glenn, wish your message got all they way through :).


Well, I raised the ribcage, fixed the sternum (which was way out of wack) as much as I could, I decreased the size of the breasts (sorry to you out there that liked the larger ones). I'm still trying to get the ribcage better, but it works for me for now.


Thanks for looking.



Thanks Glenn. For some reason when I posted my last message your message was there, but all it showed was "Jeff," that's it, haha. Now I read your whole message and agree with it.


I fixed it as much as I could. I can't seem to get it any better than that. Hope it passes.


Ok, I got my base legs done. I won't be adding anymore detail to these so I can use them for multiple things. I also didn't do the soles of the boots for the same reason.


I decided to try out Yves' Skin Shader. I love it. Since I don't know how to use it I left it at it's default settings. Because of this, I had to change my "skin" color to a very light tan, nearly white. Any tips on how to use it better would be appreciated.


So I have Yves' to thank for the shader and the lighting (his skylights). Thanks Yves.


Now onto the arms. I don't know if I will be adding hands to this model. Since it's a base I think I might make four sets of hands. One with fingernails, one without. One with five fingers, one with four.


Thanks again everyone. And I hope noone got too drunk last night.


EDIT: Forgot to add the pic, haha.



Well, in the chance that I will actually get more replies I will keep posting my WIP.


I have the arms and neck done. I refined some of the knee CPs to make it look a little better. The arms have more detail than the legs for the simple reason as they might be seen more than the legs. Although, in the first female character I make, part of her legs will show.


That Skin shader is great, but it really increases the render times. It takes about 38 minutes to render 16 passes.



Thanks Kyle, I only have the hands to go and I will be finished withis WIP, and i can start on a new one. The Making of "The Griffon Trainer and the Griffon".


Thanks again for the reply.


great modeling as usuall Jeff a little change from spiderman and other "bodies" you'ved modeled


Thanks John, and everyone else who posted. I think the WIP is done. I'm going to move on to the next one (which includes this model), "The Griffon Rider and the Griffon".

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