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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by oakchas

  1. Maybe not less than $50.00 (in fact, about $80+ shipping)Serif movie plus 4 And, they have photoediting software cheap, too... or even... free @ free software otherwise, go for older versions of the industry standards on ebay... as others here have done. disclaimer... I'm not associated with Serif in any way... the product is pretty good. And reasonably priced.
  2. looks great! you are right about the beveling... a little much.. And the screen language is just all wrong! And PAL? Who ever heard of that?... You sure it won't shoot beta max?
  3. Odog, In today's society... maybe that IS a short... to an oldster like me... it is just as disjointed as the music... If that doesn't make any sense to you, it's okay... it's just my age, yaknow? I think your splinesmanship is in desperate need of simplification, as already stated... but I think it's great you have gotten so far so quickly... We oldtimers relearning the program have to go one step at a time... you are already off and running.... though I think that if you do the TAO A:M you'll be able to finish that off quickly and start on Bootcamps long before I get through the stuck door! Keep going!
  4. Frank is standing up? That's just the impression I get.. Is he going to slide out of a morgue drawer? otherwise, I like what I see... so far
  5. This may help....animated gin online The big wheel looks more like it is covered in rope in the drawing... but the cross section (in the patent drawing) reveals teeth (like a saw blade)? Teeth would pull the cotton through a "comb" that would pluck the seeds... and what you have for spikes on the second wheel appear to be brushes in the original. I'm with Nancy on this... are you sure you cant build it using a shoe box, some crayons, toilet paper rolls, and maybe some pipe-cleaners.... I think Nancy, we are dating ourselves, ay? But, without the digression... looks like you are getting the gist of it in your models. Oh, and this might help you with the belting and wheels... It was posted here but i cannot find the link so I uploaded my zip of the prj file... hope it helps and forgive me for not giving credit where it is due...[attachmentid=10061] Bike_Chain.zip
  6. it's cute... it looks like it has great potential your poster says "it's a short film about crayons" Somebody wrote the title... or did the crayon write the title..? The boxed crayons look as though warm (melted), not as though they are (or might be) animated... If you want to convey that the crayons can move on their own as they did in your test animation... You might want to leave the crayon that wrote the title in the upright position, at the end of the line it drew... If you don't want us to know whether the crayons are able to communicate on their own... leave it as is... I know you are waiting for replies... this is all I have, hope it helps
  7. a little more smartskinning... but I like the concept so far... is it trying to write... or draw with it's own head? that's what it looks like it's about to do...
  8. see, Here we hve a whole bunch of animators looking at the thing.... Me, well, I just ain't there yet... I'm still stuck in the door! But from a non professional perspective... Whoa! Okay, it isn't Pixar stuff, or Disney.. But I don't gve a rat's patootie! I got lost in the thing... Sure, then I wondered "How'd he do dat?" But I don't really care. Ya know, it's kinda like fireworks... it's just a bunch o' chemicals that make different colors when they burn... there are shape charges and big booms... and whistles and stuff... but that's all just "stuff"... it's packed in paper really tight, and has fuses all in it and it's set off with a computer attached to it... but again... that's all just stuff! Just let me oooohhh and aaaahhhh and play the music and let me get all lost in it... Sorry folks, you are probably right in all the critiques... heck, the artist even agrees... but I got to say "I like it alot"... and if you want to improve on it, go ahead... make my day! But for now it's a keeper, until the upgrade comes out! And Markeh, don't even sell yourself short.... If they want you to work up a fountain for TWO... then you is goodeough... you is skilled enough, and you aint gonna gypsy pee on it just cause you are part of the process... DO IT, MAN! BTW... I REALLY, REALLY LIKE IT! 'kay? 'nuf said!
  9. Hmmm... Like the blogs...but don't see anything but the background moving in the video... then on your 30 animations link ... nothing will play... Checked Flash player(about)... It says it is loaded okay... and animation plays on their screen... I'm trying to figure it out.
  10. I just came in from shaving my goats.... they don't look much like yours...and it's gonna be a chilly winter for them.... please send sweaters to....: Actually, I did usta have some goats... I agree that the torso/hindquarters look a bit dog like.... I think the belly needs to be a bit slimmer... ribs more visible as well... you could move the horns forward to match Bill's observation about the straight line of the head/snout... also... just as an aside, there are goats (La Manchas, IIRC) that have no ears... just ear holes... and they look a bit like dobes.... seeing Bill's pic above as I type this reminds me that the eyes are more slitted than round... And yet they have big eyes... when they are looking at you.... hard to describe.
  11. I look forward to it, Greg... Maybe our church would be interested... I'll pass on the "good news"
  12. curtis, are you rendering in fields? Looks line an interlaced render... but i am not sure
  13. john, I saw the red thing come up from ground plane... figure out what it is yet? Also noticed that the last frame or two... the yellow petals form to a shape very reminiscent of a badge or shield... like a Fire Department shield... is that random...? or am I just seing things?
  14. Wasabi Woman is a Wonder! Thanks for all the detail, Nancy! Gosh, I hope with time and effort, I can get "there" (where it is you are at)! While she looks so sweet and benign... I don't wanna mess with this "Mutha" !
  15. Jack, Keep it up, man! I look forward to more and the results of your getting it on the big screen! It's FUN!
  16. Keep it up, I like the characters, the dog moves are good, not perfect, but far better than I can do.... this family has a lot of potential...
  17. Stian, Great stuff, I like the robots, I like the potential story... I like it all...!
  18. Gerry, I just got it downloaded... this morning and just looked at it... Couldn't DL from work.... And 5 MB files prolly scare those with dial up/// I liked it, look forward to hearing the sound though.... and the logo seems to have some jaggies. and I'd like to see some depth to the logo.... it seems like it's flat.. needs some more dimension, and perhaps a bit of reflection... It does give a feeling of FAST... which is probably good. Those are first impressions not deep crits. HTH,
  19. looks good, keep it up and keep us posted.
  20. Steve, I think your blog is a great idea... And I see you're moving along well in the TAO I'm not gonna catch up with you becasue of my time constraints but that's okay too cause I can sorta follow your footsteps easier than I can just compare my work with other posts of the excercise.
  21. oakchas


    The Dress is certainly apropos for the lady and her genre... Very nice, please keep the updates coming.
  22. Nice cow! In Iowa, it would be made of butter and shown at the State Fair! Really! They do that here. Don't ask me why, I'm originally from Illinois. And since I've been going to the fair (and just came back from it) they've always had this LIFE SIZED butter cow sculpture... It's just one of those "things". But, it's still a nice cow, Andy!
  23. Yves, You are scary, man! You are correct, of course. Everything you said makes perfect sense. The bump mapping on the pine (fir?) floor would make the realism too real... Hard vs Soft wood in the grain. My question on this subject would be... would a digital camera pick that up? at what rez? I wonder if a 4 MP would be nearly sufficient enuf to get that? Wow, you impart so much knowledge here... just wow. But I still have to wonder how much is enough to "get by?" A:M does such a good job... at stills, at animation... And I think I understand Martin's statements about the necessity of all this "depth" of realism for animation.. It probably isn't necessary... In my other hobby, woodworking for example... when I build something, i see the flaws... no one else does... the eye lies... unparallel lines are "forced" parallell, Joints appear seamless, etc... I see the unparallelism, the too large gap in the joint... the non builder does not... Thank you for your expertise, you have given me something to strive for. WOW... and even all of that doesn't detract (for me) from the well done scene of Stians
  24. oakchas


    Yes, Welcome back... She's looking quite nice... hands, and um, well you know... and you have good reason to be proud... the hands are so hard to model...
  25. since I'm "not there yet" in my extensive retraining in A:M, why not leave his arms and legs..."unattached" so that they could fall off from time to time... jeeze, it happened to me when I was a kid working with playdoh... why couldn't it happen in the clay bear? Maybe you can make attached arms fall off too... but I don't know that yet.
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