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Everything posted by oakchas
lordp, There's a copy of bender by dan bradbury in showcase, perhaps you coupld get some info from him. the shortcut key to smooth splines is the letter "O" right next to the "P" for peak. You can select the spline that is "vertical" by selecting it in birdseye view. You might be able to fix the "bendy metal" around the mouth by adjusting the gamma and magnitude of the 3 splines in the corner of the mouth under your number 2. I don't know what's causing the seam at the top of the visor.
good to see the positive remarks on CG talk... Only wish you hadn't been up front about modeling it in AM... I'd like to see them ask and perhaps be surprised... But I think we're getting more respect anyway.
yeah well, go wake him up! It ain't finished til it's done! You don't have to do it to please me... but it certainly would make a nice entry for mechanicals sometime next quarter! It would be nice to see the effect of a radiosity render on a close up of the interior from the pov of the driver, lookiing through the windshield... and then of course there's the AO render... Just how are we gonna get those doors open anyway??? goad goad poke poke, push lighting buttons... whatever it takes!
I'll just bet that Sedan Delivery has an interior! Wonder what the insides of a Retro look like?
I like him.... His feets remind me of Steve Martin.... somwhere along the way he did a bit with suction cup sounds pocka pocka pocka!
Wow, Dan! This is getting somewhat eerie.... I was just thinking how good it might look "shaved" no door handles at all... kicker solenoids open by remote.... but then there's always the ring opener.... a chip placed under a signet ring (same type of chip used in "wave-to-enter cards) activates the kicker solenoid. Now, ask John what he'd think of some supercharger exhaust tubes ala Cord auto. Like this: [attachmentid=13827]
Gaudy indeed... for such a staid automobile! you could try these... [attachmentid=13825] a little less gaudy... but still as unconventional as the car...
oh, and when you place in a contest, stills or film, you belong to the group of hash fellows. psssst, Shhh, Unless, of course, they INVITE you to join their secret club... but that takes a special vote around the cauldron and blood sacrifices, and boy, it's really tough to get in without placing in a contest... But you didn't hear it from me!
I think I would close up the back of the T on the red spot, and I think I would make the spot thicker. TFD doesn't tell me anything. maybe it's "The Flowers Didn't" come? Only kidding. Maybe you could have circuit boards (or PC cards) fly through the space... at least then I'd know it was electronics... mice and web cameras might make good spaceships, too. For PC gizmos and accy's.
Nah, I don't know John... I'm a medium and I'm channeling some dude-calls himself Tucker... And I'm only listening to half what he says.... something about a pancake motor in the trunk, headlights that turn, other weird stuff.... go figure? That's a joke, son! BTW I dunno, these could look pretty hot.... [attachmentid=13751]
You have ver. 12 with the 2006 CD. You can upgrade online thru ~April or so in '07 (I might be mistaken about this)... 13 is still in Alpha... but will start being beta, and you can upgrade to it now or later. Ver 13 changes all models from previous versions.... so models made or edited in 13 are not Backwards compatible... but v 11 and 12 models are forward compatible. You can get a current alpha of v13 in the movie project area... be careful moving stuff you've done in earlier versions... It's an alpha version...
'Mox, You gonna rig all them dials and such? Wow! lotta lotta detail there!
I've seen some for trucks that are chrome flames.... how about moving them to the FRONT of the door.... Suicide doors (they open backwards)! Yes, the insides would be alot of work too... but it would be so much hotter! Add a WOW engine compartment... and WOW!
his screen name is heyvern Your model looks great... the G in Guage is cut off, and with a few bump maps the cast brass valves and black iron pipe fittings it will be dead on! Our systems at work are pressurized wih air... if the air pressure drops, the alarms go off, and there are water flow alarms as well. I think your idea of modeling things you work with on a daily basis is the best way to start, and you are proving it! You know how these things feel, so you have tactile input in addition to the visual. Anyway, great job so far!
Great logo! Wouldn't look nearly as good made into a patch, but boy would that be ssssweeeeet made into a badge!
Now we're talkin'! All that's left is getting those doors open, and opening the hood to see a monster v10 or 12 (or a turbine!). Turn on the headlights, put it on the turntable at the car show with one or two of John Bigbootes (ahem) "spokesbabes" and you'll sell several thousand of 'em. Dan, it's really lookin' great! Looks like it's got Wide White Lo Pros! Sexy, sinuous speed from a Red, racy Retro!
Thanks guys, keep 'em comin'! I'm learning quite a bit here.... Pengy: More stuff on the desk. Stuff that helps tell the story Wizard Muffin: Yep, the "first page" (figurative) has got to grab 'em.
You are making simcloth work very well... you may think it "lumpy" but I think it's pretty realistic. Ethan, noting your avatar, v12... are you using spline cloth or poly modifier? I can't remember which ver. changed to the spline based deformations... I really like what you have so far.
The detail on the cup is very good. It needs an etching of the winninng dog's name, or a plaque on the stand. This is a very good first work in A:M.
Hmmm... I'm thinking I've lost the entire story behind the graphic. Let's see if this gives a different take. George was a rewrite man for the American, he passed away along time ago... He is now at the city desk of "Heaven's" newpaper. He has written the story of the journalists killed in action in '05. He has the paper folded to the article on his desk... The "heroes" are the men and women of the press who have lost their lives "getting the story." Now, from my freshened perspective, maybe that's too much of a story to tell in this graphic, possibly in any single graphic. I'd like the graphic to convey the lament over the loss of those "heroes." I'm beginning to think it's too tall an order. I can improve the graphic, that's a lot less of a problem than telling the story (as I envisioned it) with it.
Thank you, Paul... Your insights and in-depth commentary are very valuable. It was not really a "joke" but a statement. My biggest difficulty lies in "punch." My writing is verbose, my advertisements too "busy," etc. I try to explain too much. The result is that the viewr/reader has to work too hard to get the point. Thank you for your response... it has given me ideas for improvement. Implementation will be a challenge.
765Juliet: Turn left to a heading of 275. The heliport will be about five miles ahead on the right. How about something simple like Powerpoint? I think it will allow you to have video clips embedded... and might allow the branching of click here for this or click there for that... But, I'm not a programmer either, so I can't point you in a good direction. I don't even think 275° would get you there! AWESOME cockpit, by the way!
The theme here, for me, was a sort of political cartoon in CG. It's title is Heaven's City Desk It's purpose was twofold... a tribute to my Uncle, George Murray, and a tribute to the fallen heroes of the "Fourth Estate" from last year. Fourth Estate= Press, and these people died trying to report what was happening in the world to us. I'm looking for crits. This was my heroes contest entry [attachmentid=13694] Notes: I resized here for space conservation. It was the wrong pic I posted, but it said the "same thing" as the correct one below. This is what I meant to post, the differences are subtle, but it is the final. [attachmentid=13695] Here's what I see wrong: 1. I should have better proofed the article in the "paper" (first line says "at last" should have said "at least.") 2. The fedora has some distress, but none on the brim. 3. the Scene is a desktop... the old metal kind with that funky green linoleum on the top. I don't think my blurry mess conveyed that at all. 4. The Newspaper is not textured. and the color is off. 5. The sheet of paper below the newsprint has the quote that "established" the (definition of) the "fourth estate" Should that have been more visible, and/or readable? 6. The one that was posted to the contest was "flat" without shadows, any kind of lighting or mood, etc. 7. As a political cartoon it fails because it requires too much thought, and too much work(reading the article, and knowing what the fourth estate is) to understand. Now, I'm usually my own worst critic, but if you have anything to add, I'd really like to hear it. This is part of a work in progress that has little to do with the press in such a somber way. So hit me with the technical details AND with the untechnical stuff. Thanks,
By the looks of him, he tells off-color jokes! Badum-bum! I'm green with envy! Where's his sidekick, Manny Aise?
Gee, Thom is getting to be like the Playboy bunny logo.... funny where he shows up! I like the character as well! Nice Model!