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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by bentothemax

  1. OOO , yes radiosity . . . and caustics!
  2. sweet! . . . i'd like to see if fall and hit the ground, like somone carealessly dropped it. The links should be interesting to animate . . . Very cool, you are very good at doing mech things ( the watch, your boat, etc.) Ben
  3. Wow, i missed this when it first hit, but those are amazing! Really nice work! Ben
  4. looks good. You used Z buffered shadows right? . . . one crit is that the sun looks like its dieing kind of . . . not very round . . . but it could be interacting with the clouds and atmosphereic density and other things like that . . . Good job though . . . Ben P.S. it looks like your wall with your window is floating a tad bit . . .
  5. those looks pretty cool, i like gun more now. The video helped on the landscapes, do i see little streams running down? Also maybe decrease the size of the crumple material, and try playing with the weight. Nice job though. Before i made my first finished human character (which isnt that good) . . . it was . . . 2 years after i got animation master. Not to discourage you, but im just giving you a timeframe of me in animation master. How long have you been using AM? Ben
  6. Edit: I wasn't supposed to put that up yet . . .i will when it gets approved . . . if it does Srry, my dad says it most likely will get approved, but he wants to wait so you guys dont get a full sneak preview Ben
  7. HHHHHMMMM . . . aliens while using AM . . . leads to great things. Neway, for your space rifle . . . the handle seems to . . . fat. Why dont you try attaching a more slend ovalish cylinder with 5 point patches and such? i think it would look cooler. You might also want to move the scope to the right or left, on rifles with scopes (cept snipes) i think it looks better and is more practical cuz it would get in the way in combat if it was riiht smack dab in the middle of everything Ben
  8. http://www.geocities.com/ghorvat@sbcglobal.net/Homepage.html save the link under "my favorite links" that says download spaceship animation Thats my animation for the mostpart Ben
  9. I'm thinking i'll put it up on the videos site . . . if i can. I'll post the link here when im done. I might be able to but it in my sbc yahoo dsl breifcase thing, then post the link. I have 610 megs so i think thats pretty good . . .
  10. all of the black pannels are radiators to distribute the heat . . . the engine is nuclear electric hybrid, the thrust is very low, only about 8 pounds i think for each thruster, but it builds up over time. The reason half of the capsul is texured is beyond me . . . thats just what my dad said 2 do i'll fill in more later . . . but now its time for dinner
  11. holy crap! your movie is 13 megs . . . do you have any codcs on your computer. If you rerender it . . . go to advanced options then select file typer, then compression settings, and change your codec (i think your using uncompressed) 13 megs is alot --- espeacilly for 56k peeps Ben
  12. Well . . . Mars is close because for the common person to be able to see the spacecraft pointed in the general direction of Mars. Mr doyle . .. you might see one yet . . . in around 2014 were going back to the moon, then based on that mission, the plans for mars are around 2021 . . . i think. Thank you for the comments I had 3 spheres for the earth, one for the earth, one for clouds, and one for the glow of the atmoshpere. The glow is done with a 3 layer gradient, which i could post up if anyone is interested. The clouds are done with an enhance AM fbm plugin. (took me a while to figure those out) Ben
  13. srry to hear it about the gun . . . that happend to me with a model i made that i was really proud of . . . forgot what it was (maybe my alley) neway, usually when u redo stuff it looks cooler . . . so lets look at this event as good I think your hall looks pretty cool . . . the gun was hard to tell . . . but im lookig forward to you new gun. Ben
  14. Hi, As some of you know . . . my dad works at NASA, and for a project they are doing, my dad asked me to do an animation of how the ship would unfold once in low earth orbit. I can't post the animation becuase i dont have a website, This picture however is going to be used on a poster for NASA. NASA headquarters saw my video and so did alot of people in my dads group, and i got alot of good comments (im not bragging just wanted to share) here it is . . . i dont know what it's name is, but its gonna help people go to Mars
  15. Nice job!! even better it comes in sport red! Ben
  16. that looks like your avatar . . . one suggestion is that you might want to do somthing with the fingers (fist and karate chop form?) Looks cool though
  17. Thats pretty cool Nice job! Ben
  18. LOL nice job That made me fell all happy and laughy inside . . . then i realized tarzan died . .
  19. looks good . . , but its kinda hard to see . . . could you perhaps put up a 3 quarters veiw? I think your initiative to become a better animator is paying off Ben
  20. looks good a few things i notice 1 his leg intersects with his foot i think (just barely) 2 It might more belivable if he bent forware while leaning back preparing to jump Nice though Ben
  21. Isn't there just a "mirror smartskin" button somewhere?
  22. thats pretty cool . . . but dont the blobbies take forever to render? . . . i know they do in v 11.1 it look like that cloth box is a space ship with the two emitters on each side interesting Ben
  23. So . . . youve been rendering that for a coulple hundred years now . . . its those macs . . . Looks cool, i dont quite understand it yet . .. but it looks cool and sounds cooler. I'll have to read up about this Ben
  24. It looks good, but . . . are you saying you imported the model, then fixed it up and decaled it, or did you build it form scratch based on what you saw? Neway, about the laser, in the chor, try playing with the glow settings, and try making the laser color more white, and see what happens. Nice job though, i ilke the ground texture Ben
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