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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Kamikaze

  1. Ed, On my c-130 model I used the prop rotation expressions shown on other threads plus an action file like yours (I made a 24 frame animation though) I then made them I alos made a prop rotation disk, a disk that is decaled to look like a prop already rotating, then I made them transparent to a % , as The prop starts slowly rotation up using the actions and/or expressions I slowly switch from props to rotation disk using traansparency, props solid at begining and disks 100% transp. then reverse the transparency as the prop rotates faster, Cool looking aircraft so far.... Michael
  2. Wow Lazlo...you really got this rollin....cant wait for more... Michael
  3. Some nice work...keep us posted Michael
  4. Cool Rusty !...checking it out,,, Michael
  5. That's great looking shot there David, was there an accident at that spot? Man, can't wait to see the final version... super cool what youve done there. Michael
  6. Super cool, Love to see special 3d effects done in AM.... Michael
  7. Wow!!! that is absolutly beautiful .......Im at a loss for works other than WOW !!! Thank you!!! Michael
  8. Thanks John, Sorry for posting to much?......Im lost without your posts , so remember , when you dont post I can't find my way home..or my way from home. Michael
  9. Ooo!!!, I like the veins on his arms and legs, The tail looks like he's taking a crap.......Not really, well sort of .....LOL Great model. Michael
  10. Way to show off John, now I gotta start playin with my boobies...ooops, I mean blobbies...... Got your email about the avatar? your no Id... John, at least not the type described in the song..... we're all ido... to some degree, in some area(s)... Michael
  11. Love special effects, more over those done in 3d with A:M...cool.... Michael Love special effects, more over those done in 3d with A:M...cool.... Michael
  12. Nice thread here Rodney, and thanks for all the suggestions everyone, Michael
  13. Looking good there Sharky, Rhino man? I'd like to see a larger pic.... Good to see you back too...... Michael
  14. Man!!! David you shure do go to town on this rig or yours, excellent!!! work there too.... Michael
  15. Another nice one John, Just thought I'd express my feelings... Michael
  16. Your my new SciFi character creator hero !!!!.....can't wait to see the full length film....really....... Michael
  17. Ericsh6, Sound like an interesting cloud approach, can't wait to see how they come out. I have wondered about sprite clouds and volumetric lights.. Michael
  18. That is super cool !! I'm hoping there is a nice action filled animation in the future for your characters... Michael
  19. Looks less foggy, I was thinking that was what you where going for in the 1st image, I wonder how sprite clouds would look in the scene? I like it both ways... Michael
  20. Very useful information in this thread, thanks for the indepth discriptions, Im keeping notes.... Thank you, Michael
  21. It's a bute, lovely modeling, I want one... Michael
  22. Must say that is gorgeous Thanks for posting the picture....would make a great backdrop for an animation.. How did you texture it, decals, materials a combination? MIchael
  23. Very nice model and look, . I have a male model I worked on that I nicknamed Perv Id post a pic but he'd probably jump over to this thread and harass your model. Michael
  24. Looks interesting and fun , do you plan on trying to animate with them? Michael
  25. Technodandy I honestly cant tell much from the pic, if you dont get an answer from someone else, Id have to see a higher resolution pic or two from differing angles and / or a wireframe with just the offending area with the rest hidden... or post a model file of just the surrounding area and the offending area.. My eyesight is going on me in my old age... Michael,
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