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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Kamikaze

  1. David, Besides the GREAT ! work on your rigs, I also like the way you keep your versions listed here with "dates", I have begun to do the same with all my projects and models etc. So Thanks & Thanks. Michael
  2. Ok here my last take off attemt for awhile, Im going to try my hand at landing next ,then I will have to go back to additional modeling details, decals texturing and more pose controlls..... This take off test is slightly slower liftoff time and I also have the sprite exhause smoke emitters in the tail pipes... Take care, Michael trin out a service that host media files: large file 15 mb warning http://media.putfile.com/C130-Takeoff Lift_off_test_S3h58_4x3.mov
  3. Ryan, I see no attachment......am I missing it somewhere? Michael
  4. That is colorful, Ill have to check out that material. Michael
  5. Zev, #3 if the grass is just set in surface properties try roughness settings you may have to play with them to get a setting you like, or as you mentioned try a material..look on the CD for one, or find a nice picture you can use as a decal and decal the ground with it. Thats about the all Ive got for you,maybe others can give more detail, Michael
  6. Nice one there Ed, I could "almost" reach out and touch it..... And 70...you are an inspiration, Whenever I start feeling I'm to old for this sort of activity (A:M that is) , Ill remember ole (not old) Ed ,smile and keep Hashing on... Look forward to more... Take care, Michael
  7. Well, Ive added some time delay from nose liftoff to main landing gear liftoff but I cant tell if its enough, maybe cause Ive played it back so often Ive become numb to the change... take a look if you please and tell me whatyou think, Im guessing it still isnt enough of a delay, need another second or so? the clip is short but higher resolution to help notice any change. Thanks, Michael Lift_off_test_s3h.mov
  8. Teh, Ill be adding about 2 seconds longer contact with the ground for the main landing gears in my next clip...... Michael
  9. Can't say if one is better or worse, I can say I like this one better, I would like to see it in a scene of some kind to help give it a more 3d look, Michael
  10. Well, I had to compress this one without sound, it was over the 1mb limit with sound, and just as I was perfecting the sound quality , ok, so not perfecting, just more realistic.....darn if I dont need a web site..... Im trying to learn camera placement and shots and thats mainly what this clips is about, trying to make things look more interesting by camera shots, The main landing gear still lifts off to soon after the nose rises, Ive watched some c130 takeoff clips and even though mine is a little sooner than what Ive watched there is just a second or two longer contact than what Ive got, but it is a noticable difference, so thanks again for mentioning it all. Small and highly compressed clip. Michael Takeoff_Triple_Cameras_s3_.mov
  11. Oh yes ! thats neat and a great idea for a model, keep it goin Michael
  12. So that was you who posted the airfield, Thanks a bunch David, It sure is a handy prop. Stuart, My new scene will Have the C130 going by the camera at close range and high speed, so should I make the pitch of the aircraft sound higher as it gets nearer and gradually get lower the further away it gets. Hope Im understanding you correctly, and thanks for the explaination, Im working on understanding it . Michael
  13. Nice fire effect, it looks like a ball of fire, of course its hard to tell at low resolution, have you rendered it out to a higher movies resolution to see its true look? I know you couldnt post it here....also the fire seems to be bright white in the center of the fire ball, I dont know what the fire effect in the movies is suppose to look like, dependes on what caused the fire, magic? lightning, and what if anything is burning.I look forward to more of your post of the fire effect. Michael
  14. More good suggestions, Thanks everyone..... I made a new clip last night that has the C130 banking in the turn..I had forgotten to make a pose slider for that move, I had made one for tilt/sway wing tip to wing tip but it worked independantly of the nose and main landing gear to wheel assy, I have alot of functions built into the C130 that Im not utilizing yet. I also have some work to do on the main Landing gear doors, I noticed in the clip I did last night that the MLG gears go through the belly doors. Ill have to research the doppler shift audio mentioned Im not sure what it is, would I be able to get that effect in an audio utility? I think Ive see it under effects in my audio utility, not sure if it means the same, the difficult thing for me is I have to check the clip Im working on then try to match the audio with cut n past in an external audio utility, Ill work on those back wheels keeping down longer, Im going to have to see if I can find some C130 video clips of takeoffs and landings, I had some I recorded when in the AF but Ive lost them. I do know alot depends on the payload. I noticed some twitchyness but cleared most of it up when under quicktime I clicked on show all frames (I believe thats what its called) and it was smoother than. Doesn't motion blur use multi pass at high settings to look realistic? if so Ill have to wait to add motion blur in a render, it sure should look better with it. Boy it sure would be good to know the takeoff distance for a C130, loaded and unloaded...Ill have to research that, I was just slapping things together for this clip. I had a hel..l of a time with the path and path ease in the chor....for the logest time I at one point the C130 would go below the runway...LOL...had I toned down that rather shiny looking runway..Ill have to model my own airbase one of these days, or borrow an aircraft carrier and land it there. Ive seen plenty of 130s takeoff and land just never paid much attention, durring all the prayin..... The best way to see a C130 takeoff is from the outside and from a distance... Yep!! this one the C130 is moving along a path in the chor. with ease set to try to simulate slow to faster movement, but I played to much with the camera focal length/dietance and one looses the effect.....Im learning, I hope. Thanks once again all, Michael When I get the new clip trimed and compressed, Ill see if I can get it under 1mb, thats gonna be tough.
  15. Here is my 1st attempt at a takeoff...the c130 is on a path and I use the ease settings to try to start off slow and pick up speed, its a little hard to tell from the camera angle, Im working on another takeoff clip with multiple camera positions, if I get it ironed out it should look pretty cool if I say so myself , of course I get to see the non compressed version... Michael C_130_Takeoff_1_s3_40_trim.mov
  16. Oooh !! I'm checking this out as I type....that looks so amazing... Sure would be nice to see a small clip with this model in motion.... Michael
  17. Just when I needed help on camera placement and switching on the fly, you post this, what luck on my part, didnt have to do any actual searching...LOL Thanks, Michael
  18. Nice use of D.C. I like the way you think... Michael
  19. Here's my new tornado/funnel cloud, It's bones and has dynamic contraints targeted to a null (the funnel shape can be changed by pose sliders)...the funnel cloud has a sprite smoke material and the funnel is spinning somewhat, still dark I know, this test does not have the ground dirt being kicked up Ill add that later, been watching some nice tornado/storm footage too. Also does anyone have a project file of the burning hole effect that works with V12? maybe I should post that question to another thread.... Michael Funnel_w_Sprites___Spin.mov
  20. Ohhh!!! more good suggestions, thanks, Ok heres the setup, Im using the 3ds runway/airport that was posted to this forum a little while back and I intend to have this Herc take off and land ,but for now just getting the scene setup. so here's a sneek peek, I know the lighting is terriable, I keep telling myself Ill set up a chor. with those light rigs or sky domes or whatever works...LOL.. and the runway seems alittle shiney to me..... Michael
  21. Stuart, I keep a note pad of all suggestions and tips so when I get further along I wont forget them, so thanks for the help ,it will help as I move along with this project, and if you think of more please post em... Michael
  22. I see good potential in this animation, whats the animation going to be about? I do like the vessel and characters you have there....keep it up... Michael
  23. Oh Yea !!! that is right on (sounds like the 70s) super modeling job there Ken... Michael Edit: just took a look at all your models for the TWO project.......WOW!!!!.......brings a tear to my eye....(and that's a good thing)
  24. Thanks Fellow Hashers, More action to come, Im getting more and more ideas thanks to the replies, Ill just have to wittle them down somehow, or Ill never get anywhere...LOL. My only problem with learning AM is that Im the type thats needs to do the same thing over and over and over to have it stick in my brain, so what Ive done is make a small notebook with tips/tricks/howtos, that I forget when not used consistantly. AM is fun and impressive and will becomes easier as time goes by....such a great tool... Yes, good idea camera front to back, thanks for the suggestion, and yes I do have something planned that will jump out the bacl...... Michael
  25. I found it funny that others found it funny , it wasn't gross to me sense I do not believe any animals where harmed in the making of the clip. I love the style, look, feel of the clip, the music makes me feel as if I were watching a vintage porn flick, loved that too !!......I even look forward to updates on your project.. Michael
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