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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by ruscular

  1. We are actually running out of fossil fuel, and they stop making refinery because in the 70 was the peak of production, and because of Jimmy Carter we sustain the supply a little longer. It is predicted that if we keep going the way we are that we won't have enough for everyone in 15 years. I know your from Michigan, as I was from, and the car industry hype is very strong there. This war we have with the Iraq has triple our cost for the barrel. When there is less gas in the world all the prices of gas goes up, whether you get fuel from other country or not. Can the world sustain the level of green house effect even if we have enough fossil fuel to live by? I don't think so, as too many indication of the living system shutting down. Water will be the next goldmine of the future.
  2. I am very curious to see how well your doing, as Hash lowered the price for the program, I am sure there will be a bigger base to buy model and set, like they do for Poser. But using a better program for animation. I think this alternative is better for just learning to animate and at an affordable cost. What rigging system are you using for the character?
  3. http://www.gentlechifitness.com/images/skulls_and_bone.wmv New update, and I think I soften it up some. pretty happy, or more so than I was.
  4. I get about 70 miles per gallon with my little Honda (reference to the song "my little Honda" scooter advertisement) Aero 50cc I haven't had a car in a year now, and can't believe people pay this much already. $100 per year on insurance on the Honda(that's 2 tankful for most folks). This animation made me realize that I need to keep at it. Not happy with the arm movement.
  5. I think I solve a burn constitution problem. http://www.gentlechifitness.com/images/skulls_and_bone.wmv I made a transparency map of the constitution and then render it out to a layer then place that on top of the old sequence animation layer and render the new top view of the animation. Thus getting rid of the sharp edge of the burn marks.
  6. http://www.gentlechifitness.com/images/skulls_and_bone.wmv This project made me wish for the new NLE capability in ver 15 BTW It cost me $2 to fill my tank with gas. Are people really paying $50 for a tank of gas????? I made 2 clip with flame and without flame then played with the transparency control in the animation. The paper being burn made the edge too sharp. Any suggestion on how to make paper burn more realistic?
  7. I have this so far. I am calling it "Skulls and Bone forever" http://www.gentlechifitness.com/images/skulls_and_bone.wmv
  8. I wonder if that could be a new feature for Hash, to only show spline that are visible to the camera during Cho setup?
  9. The animation is pretty good, but I see the foot needs to be nail down. It's not a biggy, but it is one thing that a professional will look at when you show a walk cycle. I have been watching this thread for awhile, and I can see tremendous effort and progress from beginning to now. It is exciting to see a model become a character with life.
  10. ruscular


    I agree with the landing, I would add that once you landed the inertia of the wind would blow the smoke onward as the smoke didn't hit the ground. I would have a little bit of smoke still going forward and then kick back to nature direction of wind. I would have less airplane smoke and kick up dirt smoke from the ground. Those wings just push air into the ground and then furled it back up behind the tail. But other than that this footage would have been good enough for Hollywood.
  11. SSS just takes my breast away, and the realistic texture is making me want to buy the dang upgrade so badly. This is the first full body with SSS from hash I have seen.
  12. When I did that I wanted to show that converting a whole comic book into a stereographic comic book was possible. For any comic book artist out there listening, and wanted to inquire a hash animator for the job, apply here. Seriously, this is another avenue that I think could be pursue. I have always love the red/blue glass comic book. Back then you had to draw out both side, but with this program, it is so much faster. Because it is so much easier, you could add more object and depth to the scene. When the 3d comic book first came out, the level of detail were so sparse compare to today. The stereo version comic book is the way to go. Beowulf, spy kid, and more movies are doing it, and new theater that specialized in 3D are being built to accommodate them. I think the new generation will know how to look at cross eye art. My one year old grand nephew runs to the parallel glasses from the 1900's to look at pictures. He go to the shelves the moment he arrives. My point is that we tend to think that we need to model the character to create a story, when the other option of drawing them out then use the program to convert them to 3D stereo. You could draw out each object on its own layers, and then reuse the drawing to place as another layer again for another scene. Anyway, I made too many women in hash, I never thought I say it, but I need a man. BTW I am 1/4 Welsh, and always wonder what the women are like in Wales. Catherine Zeta Jones is one of them.
  13. I wish I knew Spanish! I'll wait till the 25th I was going to say something, but I realized that if I do, then it would give away the story. I am glad to see such an attempt. More E-comic please!
  14. Anyone that have an example of real actor film with a green screen imported into a CGI background?
  15. Real life onto a CGI movie. Like real life actor in a green screen room, then transfer on top of a CGI background? then you would need to key that color out to do that. It is much easier to place CGI on top of real footage of film regardless of how you got the original footage.
  16. I have been able to use Hash Animation master to transfer 2d picture into 3d stereographic pictures. I think I have an example. from a comic strip. I think you need to be more clear on what you want in your request.
  17. gorilla or guerrilla warfare? well I guess it could be both.
  18. Mr Mustard is a little salty? I heard that thyme, basil, and paprika all have a nice set of rack. Is that true?
  19. This is awesome and historical as well. Telling a story, and old story that was lost, and forgotten. Not only is this just another animation, but resurrecting lost work that has a part in history.
  20. This has great possibility! animate a person seeing a ghost with the hairs standing up, or make a porcupine with razor sharp hair standing up.
  21. Billy Idol song "Eyes without a face" comes to mind. look where you step is not a problem
  22. How much is shipping from Brazil?
  23. Cool Mustang! I like how you animate the car while driving, and give it that suspension action. The Baby car is pretty cool too! I can almost see the baby car say his first word "putt putt" and the parents gets all excited when it can say "Vrooom" Teach him color like red, green , and yellow? or throw a car alarm system tantrum when he is tired.
  24. I have trade out services for a tutorial for Wegg, but honestly I think $20 is my range. I am not cheap, just poor. I have a garden full of tomatoes? No chemical- all organic!
  25. Well, that one way to skip rocks! love the effect, and its impressive looking.
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