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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. For ray traced lights you'll need to make the size (width?) parameter larger. The light's position is jittered for each sample and if it's very small the position isn't different enough to make the shadows fuzzy.
  2. yes, horizontally, but just one, not two.
  3. one possibility is to splice yet another spline between the to beeaks to divide that area in half. Although i don't like having those splines so close together.
  4. That will work for the Flag scenario but it creates a rigid row of patches adjoining the attached edge. Attach groups ostensibly solves that problem. Still fiddling with it.
  5. You need the extra floors so the convicts can throw stuff down on new arrivals. You may get slowdown again as you add more units. If that happens you may want to to consider an alternate simplified version of the unit that you can use for far away instances.
  6. Here's a start. Delete the Cp at the yellow cross and break the two splines that were intersecting there. This will make the light gray area an open space. Then extend splines (blue lines) from the beak into existing splines at the top and side of this now open space. The one heading to the eye will need a new CP (purple) stitched into the spline ring it intersects (hold down SHIFT when you add the new CP). This spline will end in a hook at the next spline ring.
  7. BTW - I read your topic title as 'Cloth Attacks Groups' and thought, "Too Cool!" Now you've got me wondering what you are up to... Well, someone was wondering about doing a cape, and I thought "all" you really need to do is attach two corners of a square of cloth to a character's shoulders. Attach groups are part of that...
  8. Hold that... I think I found it... in TAoA:M "Waving the Flag". I've never actually done that exercise before.
  9. That's odd. Is that short horizontal spline really on the front or is something missing?
  10. Can anyone point me to info on how to use cloth "attach" groups?
  11. can you show a shaded wire frame version of that view so the back wires aren't visible?
  12. Hey, I 'm glad you're still at it! I was afraid you'd disappeared. Those look real good!
  13. A quick introduction to the basic concept of "bones" and bone "hierarchy" in A:M. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...st&p=339551
  14. no, that's final render only folder system?
  15. IF you have one model you want to repeat you can put multiple copies of it in a chor. If you need to vary the colors of them you can turn on "show more than drivers" and change the colors of groups in the chor.
  16. Alos note... -Object Draw Mode choice is independent of "Object Render Mode" choice (the next icon) -Object Render Mode is used only when you are in "default" display mode , selected with the 7 key. "default" permits object to be wireframe ro shaded all inteh same screen. -Wireframe may no be the fastest display foryou depending on your graphics card. Shaded, no wire is slightly faster for me sometimes.
  17. Presuming you've already done "Page Down" to the limit... in the PWS, in the Chor, to the right of "shortcut to..." are four icons. The second is "object Draw Mode" It has three choices, Curved(spliniest but slowest), Vector (faster), Bound (fastest, a boundingbox). "Bound" currently doesn't work, but Vector will get you some speed.
  18. If painting it to look good from teh angle you want to see it from is no on the table, procedural materials may be a good tool. The basic strategy is to use gradient combiners and nested turb combiners to give different treatments to different elevations. Great results will not be easy. Photoman made some terrain materials: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=34162&hl I did a thread with some displacement terrains a while back. flyover
  19. Maybe I got the wrong ones? I got "aaabus3", "bus1" and "busnew".
  20. That's looking real good. Is that the new FakeAO on him? I think his lips may be too thin.
  21. Yes I did. What order should they go in?
  22. Yes, just make it so they should both start together.
  23. Is your class set up so that they can see you working on your machine, perhaps on a large monitor? Walk them thru the steps of loading a file by the conventional means. -Open Windows Explorer -Navigate to folder with files -Drag file into A:M
  24. got it, thanks!
  25. Thanks for all your inspiring work, Happy birthday!
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