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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. Kinda. It's like in 1 window but expanded to fill the whole screen. It's either all the way open, or hidden. No inbetween Can you undock the PWS and move it to another screen?
  2. I know nothing about the game, but cool ships, none-the-less. Have you experimented with lighting that so it's less flat-shaded?
  3. When i first started A:M on a Mac many years ago I was surprised that it looked like it was not all in one window. Is it still like that?
  4. Grass is tough to do. For out door light... Are you wanting sunny or overcast?
  5. If you are in Wireframe (8) mode that spline will appear as a smooth spline. If you are in Shaded Wireframe mode (0) it will appear smooth or blocky depending on how far up or down your subdivision setting is. Press PageUP or PageDown to adjust your subdivision setting.
  6. Welcome to the Forum Hubert! That's a wonderful Festival open! As Rodney says, we'd have to see the splines to know more, but I'm sure there's a solution. When you have questions, this forum is the place to ask! Fun fact: Animation:Master v1 was called "Will Vinton's Playmation" I'm sure there's a story there I haven't heard the entirety of.
  7. A search on "subsurface" gets some relevant results...
  8. Briefly... particles systems like hair and sprites can be baked. Baking precalculates and locks in their position on each frame. A baked scene can be scrubbed through quickly, even backwards, without waiting for the particles to be computed. A baked scene can be rendered out of order (NetRender) and get correct particle results. A baked scene has potentially huge files (.par and .pai) created that store the particle locations.
  9. Does that mean they will bounce differently if the hit on the left side only and not on the right, or do they always bounce differently...?
  10. It is now "assigned" so Steffen is on it. How did we not catch this earlier? Are there any other show-stoppers out there?
  11. Here you go... http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...st&p=347649
  12. Creator of A:MPaint! May your birthday be seamless!
  13. Hard part is going to be finding THE camera location because this set looks good from many angles.
  14. And... the actual baking files seem to be... 60x bigger... in v16 than in v15? Something is amiss...
  15. this is another thing I was wondering about. Even when the number of particles isn't increasing the render time seems to keep going up and up.
  16. I've tried it twice. Unbaked it progresses fine. Baked it moves oddly.
  17. Here's a sample PRJ. Can you bake the first two seconds and get expected results? partilclebakingtest.prj
  18. I have a scene with particles that, when baked, has the particles apparently jumping back and forth from where they should be in time. For example "falling" particles might go down, down, up, down, down, up... instead of down, down, down, down... Is there a cause?
  19. I know nothing of Newton but most plugins only show up when you are in the right window or when you have the right object selected for the plugin to work on. Possibly that's the issue.
  20. Show a few seconds of animation. We can gauge the behavior better.
  21. Now that I think about it more maybe an easier option is to rig the sides of the book with dynamic bones. It might just take two or three on each side arranged like bird wings.
  22. Open. Think fire and brimstone preacher...Holding it with his thumb in the middle. quick movements and jabbing motions with the book I've done a shot where the character moved the book and turned a page and the pages were manually animated, but that was a bitch to do. A cloth solution would be my first gambit. I'd make a simple two open pages put of stiff cloth, animate the character gesturing with thatand then when the animation was done, constrain a more fully modeled open book to the two cloth pages.
  23. Is the book open? Closed? Is he just waving with it?
  24. If I have baked the particles in my scene, am i supposed to leave "render particles" ON when render or turn it OFF?
  25. That looks good Mark! I think the large shadow area on the left need some sort of fill so it's not so dark and less flatly shaded.
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