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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. I always felt like they overextended its abilities. I remember when it was just "Future Splash 1.0" and you keyframed vector animation with it.
  2. What is better than X11 Release 23? X11 Release 24! "X11" was the software that ran Nortel's Big Switch. This is a program open I did at Nortel in 1999 with A:M v7 This was before the "font wizard". A:M could create the outline of a font but you still had to extrude the sides, close off the front and back and create your own bevels if you wanted them. IDL_R24_OpenH.mov
  3. After you apply a decal in A:M, "Normal" is one of many choices you can set the "Type" to...
  4. Something in an old project doesn't work right in NetRender so I'm running three A:Ms to do it instead...
  5. A:M can use normal maps. I don't know enough about Blender to answer the "from Blender" part.
  6. There is something to that. When I open the v7 project the lights are stuck at 0,0,0 and don't move but if I re-save and reopen it they do move as they are supposed to. However, the Path itself doesn't get fixed; it must be some other anomaly. I'm finding out that lights behave quite differently now than in v7 and yet the v6 project I was monkeying with earlier didn't have many light problems.
  7. Here's a bit of weirdness on a project resurrected from A:M v7 This project had a path for a camera to travel on but in v18 it had a slightly different shape that was noticeable by the the different camera motion in a final render vs. the v7 render I still have. Upon investigating, i find that the CPs of the path have a couple dozen superfluous sets of bias properties in them. Deleting all of them restored the Path to its proper shape, which is good since i didn't want to send in a bug report about a v7 project.
  8. "Had to" switch to Blender? That's like saying you "had to" order the sheep's head soup when there was edible food elsewhere on the menu. I think if you're going to give away the secret features that make A:M so good you should at least give them the $79 subscription. Quite a few things are new since v13. My favorites are quicker rendering, selection filters and fast screenspace AO (in addition to regular AO).
  9. Nooo .... I think that's backwards. "None of the animals could believe their eyes" should be near the animals and "the ostrich was flying " should be near the plane. And i really liked it better when we could see the ostrich facing forward. This flows from left to right and top to bottom...
  10. Ken reports some new success in bronzing pewter, which has turned out to be trickier than anticipated...
  11. If you could make the text rhyme, that would be cuteness overload. How about some arrangement of the text like this that leads the eye through the story....
  12. That is lovely, Nancy, and it doesn't look CG! Knock 'em dead next time!
  13. In the PWS, you can drag an image from the Images folder onto a light in the Chor (preferably a Kleig light). The light area is a circle so any rectangular image will be squeezed to a square and the corners rounded off. If you need to show a complete rectangular image, make it fit within the circular boundary that fits within the larger square.
  14. Tell me more about that. You pretty much have to create new materials from scratch, right?
  15. Very clever, Nancy!
  16. Now that I think about it some more, I don't think this will work. A:M will still ask for the images that are in the images folder but not used elsewhere.
  17. There is no clean-up command for that. Possible... move all the images to a different folder, then load the PRJ. As it asks you to find the ones you really need, you can move those back into the original folder and all the ones it doesn't need will be be left behind.
  18. If you can identify what is missing from the A:M export that CD4 adds perhaps that could become some sort of a feature request.
  19. Update on involuntary upgrades added to first post.
  20. Flash plugin users (that's almost everyone) on all platforms should update theirs immediately because of a new serious bug discovery that has been discovered. Adobe releases patch for major Flash vulnerability heres how to download it See post #7
  21. Ya know... since the NFL isn't doing Roman Numerals this year for the Super Bowl maybe we could call it... A:M v. XIX ...to fill that vacuum.
  22. I know After Effect inside and out much like I know A:M. The other alternatives one might use if my v5 After Effects went away are either too expensive (including New After Effects) or inadequate replacements for what i need to do (that includes New After Effects because it can't load my v5 AE projects.) It's a simple practical choice for me to keep Windows 7 so i can keep After Effects.
  23. I presume he has unrolled that to apply the decal or... rolled it after applying the decal.
  24. Does this work? clip3851RodneysSpiral.mov
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