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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. Hi @strato , first check your account at the store as described in this post and see if there is a serial key listed for your purchase. https://forums.hash.com/topic/50439-v190p/?do=findComment&comment=429391
  2. In yet another sign of the Apocalypse, someone has invented a shape that can be tiled with itself, but will not create repeating patterns. Elusive ‘Einstein’ Solves a Longstanding Math Problem
  3. He coulda been in the mocap challenge with that much!
  4. Looks like trouble... for someone!
  5. Here's how I think it could work... You have a plane with a circle on it that is relationshipped to change radius depending on how far along the Z axis it is. You place the center on any point you want to make an arc for and it sizes the circle for you. You have a clear piece of plexiglass over your monitor and scratch away with the circle as your guide for compass center and distance. When you're done you paint the back of the plexiglass black.
  6. This guy shows a process for creating holographic images manually... by scratching plastic? He admits to difficulty in creating truly 3D shapes, but other people do it well. I'm wondering... Could A:M somehow be used simplify/streamline the planning for this?
  7. That is first-class work, Michael! Happy St. Pat's to you, too!
  8. Great looking character! More red on the red neck!
  9. v19 will be the last for Macintosh support. A v19.5 is being tested for Windows.
  10. After some more testing, my Zoom-ing is also usually affected with temporary bad views although not exactly as yours is. This does seem to work. Everything is solid and stable if I do this first. I don't need to hold it down, one press is enough.
  11. I presume that is indeed some video card malperformance. Can you revert to a previous driver? My video is just the "integrated" video of the CPU and it generally works well but I have a situation where if I make a bounding box selection, no CPS will appear selected until i hit SPACE to refresh. Also, sometimes the view will get temporarily shifted from where it was, or a previous viewpoint will reappear, then resolve to what I should be seeing. I get the sense that these video cards don't throw out old images until they have to make room for new ones, so sometimes an old screen is mistakenly referenced and displayed.
  12. That's Jason. Has he answered your PM yet? Update: I am informed that Jason has resolved this problem. Thanks, Jason!
  13. I'm always baffled by this question. Every time I've bought a sub the email with the key shows up immediately. Last time someone said they hadn't gotten a key I went to the store and bought a new sub just to see if the store was working and... the key arrived immediately. I'm baffled! However...After I log into the store there is a list on the right like this... Does that not even appear? It leads to a page that has "Serial Keys" at the bottom (you have to scroll down)
  14. @cribbidaj If it hasn't been mentioned, you can look up your activation code on the Hash Store site by logging into the store with the account you used to purchase the sub.
  15. There should be no problem going from k to p. There should be no differences between Mac and PC files. The are all text files. The only rare problem in going from p to k is some feature like this that was added between k and p... If you used that property in p and took the file to k it might have an unpredictable result. But that's the only instance of such a case I can find after scanning the update logs. It's unlikely you have used it. If you have already bought and installed v19.0p on your Windows machine you can also install and run v19.0k for no extra charge. You could have both installed at the same time if you really needed it. But I doubt you will need to.
  16. Headline on the man's paper should read "PLAGUE EMPTIES CITY"
  17. If the problem is only having to refind the image files, resave the model after loading and finding. Then the correct file paths will be in the model.
  18. PDF isn't a format that A:M reads. I don't have a sign030.tga or a sign111.tga in the set you sent me. As far as I can tell LINE00.tga is just a black rectangle with no detail?
  19. There are several missing images when I load "schaal1881". For example, it asks for sign13.tga There is a sign03.tga. When I look at it in Photoshop it doesn't have an alpha...
  20. @Tom @Saladeen Here is a basic intro to making a dynamic Spring System SpringTestB 004 animated.prj If you'd like to model a coiled spring as shown in the GIF at the top, I have a tut on that also... https://forums.hash.com/topic/41583-modeling-and-rigging-a-spring/ Give it a try and let us know what you come up with!
  21. It ought to be. I know Steve Shelton is running Win 11 and v19 and doesn't have unusual problems. In general, if you are thinking of going from Windows 10 to Windows 11, first make an image of your C drive so it is easy to revert in case you decide Windows 11 isn't ready for you. I haven't gone to Windows 11 yet because it doesn't support my Cintiq monitor.
  22. SHIFT+6 is the keyboard short cut for "Toggle Back Face culling". However, it sounds like Mark's issue is more involved, something to do with the limitations of Windows on ARM. Now that I know what an M processor is I'm surprised it works at all. It's much different than running A:M on an Intel Mac. Something to try... is going to Tools>Options>Global and switching the OpenGL/OpenGl3 choice. Another thing to try... Tools>Options>OpenGL> Inverse Sortorder I've read that Windows ARM can run typical Intel-based office apps OK but doesn't do well with games... AKA anything with demanding graphics. It's possible that graphics performance may improve with future Windows ARM releases. It's possible that some future version of Visual Studio may be able to spit out a native ARM version of A:M without drastic changes to the existing code.
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