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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Dhar

  1. That is fantastic. Long live Star Wars
  2. It should be on your CD data>Models folder.
  3. That's a great thing to discover. Fiber optic lamps were the rage in the early 70's along with lava lamps. A more detailed tute would be appreciated
  4. Right click = Control click
  5. Yeah, it's nice. Don't you guys get tired of that brand spankin' new look with super shiny flawless body? I think that's what gives it away as a CG instead of a real car. How about a ding, a chip in the windshield, some fade on the hood and roof, dirt on the tires? Marcos did a rally car with a whole bunch of mud splatter and windsield wiper streaks - that was amazing Don't get me wrong, this is amazing too! Just too sterile.
  6. Yup! Mr. Hash himself
  7. LOL That not only looked super, but funny as heck. Bendytoons gotta produce more animated shorts. You're a natural.
  8. I don't believe it says anywhere in the manual that you have to click the key button at every keyframe.
  9. Dhar


    Hi Jim, I think I know what you're referring to about the vase at the demo show. The reason your model didn't move the way you wanted is because you're still in the modeling window. To see your model move, double click on the Actions folder, a pop up menu will appear, choose your model. Now you can animate your model. To help you familiarize yourself with this software, you can follow the simple video tutorials, at your own pace. You can pause the tutorial while you follow each step. http://www.hash.com/VM/ Good luck
  10. I'm sorry, I didn't know you haven't modeled the interior. But now that I see Asis' floor plan, I see steps going to foyer first and then more steps to the living room. Ah! It makes sense now. But yeah, your modifications makes it harder for me to imagine how you could possibly get in tht room with some steep steps. Unless, of course, it was an Escher design
  11. Could you turn the camera towards the front door? I still can't figure out how you get to this room from the front door.
  12. If you saved the altered version of the 2001 rig (after you deleted the targets), then you will get it without targets anymore. The best thing to do is to copy the 2001 rig again from your CD (in the data folder) and copy it back into your library.
  13. First, your sound file must be in .wav or, now, .midi file. Simply right-click on your Sound folder and choose Import. To add your sound file to your Library, which I've never done, but try dragging the file in the sound library and see what happens
  14. You will see how your model will work without these targets. It actually makes it more difficult to animate.
  15. Just as I thought. Please refer to my first post, you have targets for your pelvis and legs to which, as part of the 2001 rig, the bones are constrained. You didn't really build your bones you applied a rig. If you do not want the 2001 rig, then my suggestion would be to build your own from scratch. To modify the 2001 rig may get you in unforeseen trouble. The hidden aspects of the 2001 rig is what makes it work so well.
  16. Could you post a screen capture?
  17. OK, go to your model window and make sure none of your bones are hidden (the little eye icon should have no red X on it).
  18. Without knowing what models you're using I will guess that the pelvis and feet are targets to which the bones are constrained. When the bones are constrained to the targets you would not want to move the bones separately, otherwise it will conflict with the target. You can, however, turn off those targets by turning off FK/IK of your pelvis and feet in Properties.
  19. Because a hook is one CP less, but if you don't need it then there's no point to it. Since you don't see the back of the eyes then the CP's in the back are too many. If you form the eyes as part of the head then there would be no CP's hidden and therefore less for the computer to compute => faster.
  20. Well, the nose looks a little spline heavy. Most the model seems to be made from simple extrusion. I see you've utilized some hooks in the legs, which I think you could also incorporate in the torso. Are the eyes basically a modified tube? I would suggest getting William Suttons (Zandoria Studios) tutorial of building the gorilla. It's only $20 but just seeing his technique is worth the price.
  21. That looks great. Always loved Yosemite Sam. Your model could use some spline reduction.. Still looks good though.
  22. Superb! Send it to Lego, maybe they want to use it in their next commercial?
  23. If I understand you correctly; you want to make them children of the head bone. In PWS drag each wing bone and drop it on the head bone, that will make them children of the head bone, which means wherever the head bone goes they go, but when you move each wing bone only they would move.
  24. Did you check your recycle bin? If it isn't there, and you really need your project, then System Restore is your only hope assuming that the point it created last was the date that you had your project.
  25. I went on e-bay and looked for an older version of Premiere, for under a $100 The way you can cut from one scene to the next using only one camera is to move the camera and point it at the time scene 2 starts, then move it again and point it for scene 3 etc.. So, as you play back the movie you'll see your one camera jump from place to place in your one single chor window, so, when you render it'll look as though your movie was edited rather than a one continuous render. The only disatvantage to the single camera render is that there will be no scene dissolves into each other. Scene fade outs has been done by dimming and undimming the lighting.
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