Great segment, very exciting.
In shot 95, around frames 776, the oven door movements need to be quicker, snappier to emphasize the Witch's horror in realizng her doom, or her rage.
That's all I've noticed. It looks great.
Holy potholes Batman; Gotham streets are in desperate need of repairs
Looks really good T. No need for sound, the music played by itself in my brain as I watched
Great tips Satyajit, thank you.
Sound, unfortunately, is the least talked about subject in this forum and yet it is the most crucial for any animation that is worth watching.
BTW; the Stork female voice sounds great.
Rodney, I think maybe when updating to newer versions, something happened where the skeleton has some of its bones hidden. All one has to do is unhide the bones. I don't know why they defaulted to hidden view, but it maybe something worth fixing or updating the tutorial to illustrate hiding bones.?
Shot 85; frame 90 Hansel does a head bob that looks strange. I don't know what it's for.
Shot 88; frames 355-456 The witch's hand moves in straight lines which makes it look rather stiff. If you add some arcs to the hand movement I think it'll look better.
That' all I can see.
Way to go Sahib. Nice work.