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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Dhar

  1. I believe you can edit/change the relationship. Or, when in Action, simply rotate/translate the foot to the correct pose.
  2. Paul, you're really been coming out of your shell lately. I'm amazed at your accomplishments man. Great work I believe Penguin had one of those cigarette filter/holders, ya know, the long skinny tube with the cigarette at the end? (I never figured what they're called properly even though I had one when I used to smoke)
  3. It is good that you're doing practical animation studies, Joseph. That's the best learning tool. One thing that is working against the 'believability' of your animation, is the proximity of the box to the model's hips. The heavier the item the closer we will bring it to the center of gravity (in this case being the hips). To maintain balance the center of gravity must be over our feet. I hope this helps
  4. Do not use the root bone, it complicates things. You can do a back flip without it. If you made the walk without using the root bone (which is the right way to do it), it will be needlessly complicated to do a backflip with it. Animating the root bone is in extremely rare cases. In your case it is unwarranted.
  5. Thank you Vince. Just the one you have will do fine. I'll only use what's above her chest. It will be about a character who is in love with her and how his friend reacts to him.
  6. Now how did you know about Minnie? No, this is for a very short movie (barely over 30 seconds) where I use a sound clip from a movie and animate the characters to it. I thought I enter it in MMC 6 But seriously, how did you know about my other movie?
  7. Hi Vince, I hope you don't mind, but I'd like to use a part of this picture in my upcoming Minnie-Movie Contest. Is that alright?
  8. The bone you're speaking of is also known as the Root Bone. It is mainly used to place your character in the choreography at the start of a scene, afterwhich you do not need to use it.
  9. He's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack Good to have you back at it, John. This place isn't the same without you
  10. Be gentle on what? It looks fantastic
  11. "Never ASSUME! Because when you ASSUME you'll make an ASS out of U and ME" - Benny Hill
  12. You can delete the ground in Chor. And you can change the background color to any color you wish in the Camera properties.
  13. Dhar

    CD Models

    If there are no notes in the File info of the model, then I personally wouldn't worry about it.
  14. Nice work, Mike. Congrats.
  15. After you line up the bones, you then need to assign the CPs to them. You can use Auto Assign to quickly (albeit a little rough) assign CPs to the bones. You then need to check & make sure the right CPs are assigned to the right bone. To move your character to see if everything is peachy, you'll need to do that in an Action or Chor. Here's the Show Some Backbone tutorial.
  16. Dhar


    uh...yeah....what Ken said. Thanks for watching out for me buddy
  17. Do a search for that file in your hard drive and see if you can locate it. If not, I googled that file and it seems you have a couple of options, either repair your file or DL a new one: Google Results
  18. Dhar


    In the scheme of things, relative to the computer graphics industry, $299 for Animation:Master is not a good chunk of money, it's a steal. It also depends on how bad you really want to make CG art.
  19. Wow Paul! That looks great. Can I see the wireframe of the dress? And what are your cloth settings?
  20. This is some extremely good stuff. I'm in awe. Is there any way we could listen to the song that the story is based on?
  21. Steve, you are a wonderful chap Thank you ever so much for taking the time to respond so thoroughly. I copied these instructions and saved them as a word document to see if I can apply them. I am more of a visual learner so I hope that you will find the time to create a Flash tute. Cheers.
  22. May I jump start this thread in the hopes of making easy the use this awesome rig? How do I apply this rig? I am trying this on the Lambrina model which lacks quite a few facial bones, so what do I need to do first? Delete her head bones? Add more bones? How do I import the head gizmo into the model? Would auto-assign work? Any help is appreciated.
  23. Fantastic. I love it. The quality of your work surpasses some of those made by "professional" studios. Simply amazing. Keep up the good work.
  24. I don't consider myself as an oldtimer, but I got that old timer disease.....what's it called?...........oh heck, I can't remember. But anyway, I can't remember what keys to use to move the camera. So, i keep changing views and move the camera that way. I guess I'm lucky I remember even that
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