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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by trajcedrv

  1. Absolutely no snowglobes this time ;-P You should have seen it when it was first modeled... I hope now that there is only family resemblance ;-D I'll post something Wednesday, I hope
  2. This is start of an animation with those characters... [attachmentid=13271] I'll try to keep it simple and snappy So far, I have characters made and rigged (Piglet is rigged with my hack at the Simmons's Squetch rig) I'll probably live dialog out of this one, it will have just the sound effects, and I hope that it wull be ready for the 3'rd Mini Movie contest... Tell me what do you think. Drvarceto
  3. GREAT PIC!!! Not that I measured tha mountains myself, but I have the feeling that this displacement looks much better than in previous versions of A:M... Not that I'll be able to upgrade anytime soon (I'll probably have to wait till v14), but I would very much like to know how is that done (from a technical standpoint) and will that make it possible to create 'virtual' hi-patch characters? Anuway, good work Will, thanks Martin!
  4. Well done, markeh... in your explanation you make it sound so easy, as if anybody could do it... hmph... I did try to achieve something similar for three hours now, but I can't make it work... anyway, great job... thanks for sharing!
  5. Antonyw, COOL Pic... However, I would really like to see the model without glows and other disturbances (also, atually posting it on the forum woudn't hurt;P) Some wireframes would also come handy!
  6. Nice model, however there are way tooooooo much splines... I gues it was done in some other app and then exported, imported to A:M and then saved as the mdl... (There is something about it saying: polygons, polygons...) If we count the basic form of the model... very well done! but I reallu think that it would be real pain in the... to rig it and make it move properly... Keep up the good work and keep us posted!!!
  7. Way too cool Cronos!!! Great work, lovely characters! Dragon deserves his own animated show, it is that good! Keep us posted
  8. Cool character, I love it (wouldn't like to actually meet it somewhere...;P) There is something about the legs in general that doesn't click with the rest of the character... maybe it is only the position... It would be nice to see it from different angles, though... keep us posted!
  9. Rabbit is much funnier clothed!!! I was really surprised (in a good way) where your rabbit has gone! Keep up the good work and keep us posted! Drvarceto
  10. AMAZING MODEL!!! what can I say more? ...um... good model... well done... ... Me wants some color!
  11. HEY Thanks for pulling my character out! I have it already squetch - rigged... Unfortunately, I am stuck with older A:M version, so I had to use older squetch rig... I'll iron out some glitches and post it here... unless life gets in a way (as it does a lot lately) Greetings, Drvarceto
  12. Vincenzo, This is nothing short of amazing!!! Great work, please keep us posted!!! Drvarceto
  13. I agree with Dan... This funny rabbit is kinda scary ;oP Great work, keeo us posted Drvarceto
  14. WOW!!! Impresive! I can picture movements of that ... um ... creature in my head! Cool model!
  15. LOL!!! You got me there, markeh! However, render is even better than I anticipated!!!
  16. David, THANK YOU for thanking me... believe me, IT IS an honor! I mean, I didn't do anything but whinning about my incompetence in making things work ;oD Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ... as for the last year... checking for squetch rig improvements and playing with it was one of the highs of each day (I AM a geek, I admit) drvarceto
  17. Merry Chrismass to all!
  18. Hey David! What's up man? You are nowhere to be seen;oD As there are not any new iterations of the squetch rig posted, I guess we could consider last version of it as 'final' I didn't hat the time to actually play some more with my hack over your rig (life got in the way), However, I tried to add hand gizmo to my model, alas... with no sucess (unles one considers twisting of the fingers in strange directions sort of sucess ;oP)... I don't know if anyone with older versions of A:M tried this (above described) operation with their models... I would like to hear some (sucess) stories Drvarceto
  19. Glow is adjustable under choreography properties; If you increase ambience intensity of the group (lightsaber blade) it should also increase ammount of the glow... That would be it... hope it helps Drvarceto
  20. Lovely Girl / animal... I like the model, backgrounds, most everyhing... However I feel that ambient lights are way too high: it takes out beliveability and (worst of all) makes her 'curvatures' less pronuoced - it would look more bealivable (and sexy IMHO) if you reduce overal lights (or ambience) in your cho... Keep us posted! Drvarceto
  21. This is one cool monster... I guess that part of it being funny was strictly unintentional, but I feel that you should be modeling (and animating) ... I thing that if one has an eye for beauty (which you do, it can be seen from other projects), rest of the job to get things done is only abput pure stubornnes... ;oD Thanks for sharing! Drvarceto
  22. Lovely Santa!!! I agree about the ambient light... whole composition should be in darker, foggy and dreamy atmosphere (hope that this makes sense) Also some volumetrics on the candle and fireplace would help... The way it is now, it feels that light does not come from the candle but from the wall... Great work so far! Keep us posted! Drvarceto
  23. Very realistic ape! It even has personality... You have good command over hair system, I like it a lot Keep us posted Drvarceto um... some wireframes would be handy ;oD
  24. Great work! Romans used small (short) swords, so it feels that its size is just about right... Keep us posted! Drvarceto
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