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Everything posted by trajcedrv

  1. Very realistic so far... aging would help it look even more realistic!
  2. Hay Rich! Thanks very much, you've just shown us how things can be done easier way... I would have never come out with this particle based solution... And it doesn't have to look EXACTLY like the movie ;-P Suffice to say that those were probably real wings, and if CG was used it was probably laser- digitized and then textured feather by feather... I still like your way much better!
  3. Rhett... I first looked at the picture and then I read your post... well, it seems that you anticipated all possible critiques in advance! I would agree with robcat: some fog would add a lot to the atmosphere of the picture... Also elbows are in great need of smartskinning (and/ or fan bones which could be easier to implement) Poses are looking good, however I feel that character in front should have his left leg higher in the air to ballance better. Maybe you should try to make the poses more extreme, so that they would give stronger statement (I hope that this makes sense) Drvarceto
  4. I LOVE those characters!!! I LOVE the backgrounds!!! I'm not so sure about the lighting... ;-P Hyrry up with those bones, I can't wait to see those guys move around ;-D Hovewer, bones in A:M have by far easiest implementation compared to anything around (Reading manuals always helps;-)) Drvarceto
  5. Love it! Simple. elegant. Let's see it moving
  6. Again, I meant no offense... Thing is, I thought that meaning of life should be discussed elsewhere... about the animations: we are here to discuss quality of animations from the technical aspect, or from artistic aspect.. meaning is entirely different matter. Also, I am not here to compete with anyone (however I'll probably enter mini movie competition if I manage to finish my short in time) I seriously would not like to enter any prolonged discussions of any kind Do well!!! Drvarceto
  7. Fred Frid... no offense man, but if anyone is interested in animation, he/she is mostly into funny pictures... origins of the species and meaning of life are better discussed elsewhere (other forums, your priest, you get the picture...) btw, Wellcome back, whoever you are!!! ;-D
  8. Congratulations, keep on the good work Drvarceto
  9. I depends what would you trying to achieve with rigging... 1. For the beginning I would erase shoulder bones beacuse they serve no purpose here... wings would work better without them... 2. There is not enough geometry to make workable wings. 3. For rigging of the feet you could add null and make translate and orient constraints of the legs... (it is better explained in 'The art od A:M') BTW cool model, I like it: simple, yet realistic... Drvarceto
  10. Serg, this is amazing! Really lov the portrait... It has amazing personality! Keep up the good work and keep us posted drvarceto
  11. So far it looks BEYOND good! Please keep us updated!!!] Drvarceto
  12. Open GL should be faster (depending from your video card, but as a general rule nvidias perform better under it) and (on my computer) certanly looks better... Hovewer, most probably the trouble lies somewhere within your model... 1. Try oter models 2. If there is a difference, you could have done something about visibility of the bones 3. Also check polys per patch setting (pgup/pgdown) Those things pop into mind...
  13. Very good, as everything that you model. Good likeness, although wireframes confirmed my initial suspition of low spline count ;-D (I will keep wireframe view handy when modeling someone... just don't tell anyone;-P) Very elegant, yet simple, although that I feel that it lacks definition (splines) to be perfect portrait Drvarceto
  14. I cannot find the link at this moment, but there was some great four-legged skeleton in the free-models section at the eddington productions site... It was mentioned milon of times on those forums, so it shouldn't be a problem to find it...
  15. Here are some sketches of the piglet character that I did as aid to the character developement (they were also a lot of fun ;-D) [attachmentid=13659] [attachmentid=13660] I did not actually made rotoscopes of the character before modeling for simple reason that it was 90% based on the existing character... Drvarceto
  16. AAVER, you are Genius!!! Thanks a milion, I have use for this plugin! You do miracles with those little plugin - thingies Drvarceto
  17. Cool character... I like the way it is going to... I even like the hairy chest- it fits him, somehaw... Keep us posted! Drvarceto
  18. Lovely!!! This little guy looks a lot like me! (Belly and hat;-P) Great work, as always!
  19. This Is walk cycle with the piglet character that I dit to check out the light, dynamics and of course, the walk... It seems that I forgot to simulate spring systems before rendering and A:M has skipped the simulation beacuse of the multi-pass render (note to self: remember this stuff... it IS important)... Hope you llike it... I thought that maybe I should drop here scanned sketches of the characters and maybe some of the storyboard... would it be interesting for someone? Comments are wellcome! Drvarceto pigwalk_3.mov
  20. Looks awesome!!! Kitchen looks really real, so the outside world (as it is) destroys its beliveability... Maybe it would be easier to opt for a blurred picture of the real street (or blurred render: think Depth Of Field effect) Keep is posted
  21. Man, your school is happy having you! Drvarceto
  22. SLIDE, way too cool charactes! I love them. It would be veeeery nice to see them move with some background! Drvarceto
  23. I have been following this thread with uttermost interest... This feature is (IMHO) one of the MAJOR improvemets that will AWESOMELY enhance A:M's usability... (Google out what TARON did using Zbrush and Messiah studio - however, while reading about it I was under impresion that setting up the displacement was quite tedious process, or it was just lack of understanding how things are done there... can't tell)... It is even possible to imagine situation in which one may use some totaly generic (rigged) character and just swap displacement maps to create different faces and clothes... Having in mind other features of the A:M... what we could do will be limited only by the imagination! Drvarceto
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