sprockets Learn to keyframe animate chains of bones. Gerald's 2024 Advent Calendar! The Snowman is coming! Realistic head model by Dan Skelton Vintage character and mo-cap animation by Joe Williamsen Character animation exercise by Steve Shelton an Animated Puppet Parody by Mark R. Largent Sprite Explosion Effect with PRJ included from johnL3D
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

John Bigboote

Hash Fellow
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Everything posted by John Bigboote

  1. Interesting test, Rob... lottsa work! What version was this done with?
  2. YEAH! the BRANCH-MO-BILE! Looking fab, Eugene!
  3. I had noticed that in the past, in fact we had several discussions here on the forum about it. It was quite frustrating because you either had to set your DC looser or go back later and dink with the generated keyframes to try to get the full action back into them. What version are you using, I ask because this may be an issue that is addressed in V17- seems I am not having trouble with this issue anymore...
  4. TUBULAR! Too much? Naw- we love this stuff! Why would a frame like this be non-symmetrical?
  5. I can taste it! Budder me up! I still crack-up at the china pattern... a simple patch image, and A:M does the distortion no-charge... right?
  6. BUT- the re-wieghting process can be done anywhere down the line... I seem to be ALWAYS adjusting weights as I work. There is a nifty feature that can do about 70% of your weighting automatically... right click on the model and choose 'auto assign weights'. It will assign weights on a proximity basis, and all at 100% to a given bone. Watch out tho- it assigns weights to bones that should not be weighted to... I seem to remember in the feet and at the base of the spine. I have often thought about doing a video tutorial for TSM2, I have it down.
  8. Thanks for the prj Rob- definitely worth a look!
  9. It's promising! Rob's right- too much starch! Select the cape, run the 'splitpatch' wizard on it(insert and connect) this will essentially double the CP mesh and then add the newly made CPs to the cape group so they are red- and re-run the simulation! (Maybe run splitpatch wizard on it again after that for even smoother!)
  10. Wow, that would be 'the old' hair feature. Have no idea how he did that, I don't remember seeing this model- Years ahead for A:M2004!
  11. COOL! Hey Rob- I am interested in how you got that 1st image, matcap? Is there really a 2nd form inside the 1st one?
  12. SO- these distortion box's could probably be constrained to a rig, too... to help with smooth joint transformations... an elbow, knee or torso- right?
  13. Very original and lots of animation potential! Can't wait to see more!
  14. I had a Tshirt like that once...
  15. Your best bet for this is to do it in AI or PS... or another app that deals with vector graphics. And then save the result as a AI file and import to A:M using the AI wizard. That is how I did the logo in A:M for this job: http://amfilms.hash.com/video/389/Lush-Lawn-TV-commercial
  16. Perhaps you were less drug-tested too in those days, too.
  17. VERY COOL! and dizzying... but-smoother than I expected.
  18. Cool, Simon! I am happy to see the metal sure looks... metallic! People do that kind of stuff all the time. If you make it go left to right, they will say I wanted it right to left. I had a client that wanted an animation done on a 'limbo' background... so I made a black fade-out background. He treated me like an idiot and said "Everyone knows limbo is WHITE". I lost the gig because I made it a black background when I should have known it was to be white. It comes down to, people don't know what they want, until they see what they don't want.
  19. It makes for nice clothing!
  20. Robcat had a way of doing such a thing... me, I would have to copy/paste the geometry for the lid and offset it in Y space(vertical) and give each separate group the different decals and material attributes.
  21. Latest chrome. That is some dang nice metal, If he says so himself- and he DOES! MLSallstar.mov
  22. ONE THING I forgot to mention... (Sorry Gnome) is that I used a matcap shader for this, so you will nee to install the matcap shaders from here: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=37890
  23. That may be just a compatibility warning. Usually, if unheeded- everything works fine. A:M is quite 'forward compatible'. CRAP! I just realized that since I used matcaps shaders, you will need to install the matcap shaders(free) from the forum... http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=37890 The shaders, and the 'chromium' material I made, should work in V15.
  24. SWEET! Thank-you, Mr. Tinkering Gnome... for tinkering -on MY behalf!
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