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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

John Bigboote

Hash Fellow
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Everything posted by John Bigboote

  1. There is a 3rd party facial mo-cap solution available called ZIGNTRACK at the hash store for $99... I would'nt hold my breath for an entire body solution, there are too many other companies all over that- and that's really not Hash's deal... HERE are some of my mocap samples: http://campbellanimation.com/BoxerMoCapTest.mov http://campbellanimation.com/MoCAPtest.mov
  2. Largento- I hope you can keep pumping these out... they would sure look great in a future A:M Manual. Would you take offense if I 'borrowed' the comic-book tutorial idea and made 1 or two of my own?
  3. Caroline's 'trick' is a GREAT one! I can't wait to use that! Thanks Car!
  4. Caroline- Great work! It is mentioned in 'The Setup Machine's documentation that this could happen, and you are forewarned to keep an eye out for mis-directed roll handles as you go...it was nothing of your doing.
  5. Good looking stuff, Holmes! What's it for? I have a friend who always says...'When in Rome...do as the Greek do...' I want to correct him, but think it's funnier to just let him go...
  6. I've had Brian Fisher working as an intern for the summer at HDStudios, where I do graphics. Brian has been playing with Hash now for only 3 weeks and has just posted an animation on YouTube that I think is quite good for an early 'go' with any 3D software! He used the Porsche model from my V14 CD, and modeled the roads and environment himself. Hopefully this will be found inspiring to other Newbies or folks considering A:M purchase.
  7. Dang- Vern's off his meds again... In SHORT: A:M does not 'play nicely' with other 3D applications. Now- Vern--- get back in your Forum!
  8. Thanks largento!
  9. I was just showing how I can start-up 3 versions of A:M on my PC...be rendering in 2 while working in the 3rd... when the question arose 'Can you do that on a Mac'? ---We have tried it, but A:M will only start once... I know there HAS to be a workaround, right?
  10. Over $450 dollars??? Wow. You might be remembering wrong, Hash has never sold for more than $299 (Correct me if I'm wrong) V8 was a bit buggy, but 'bugginess' in general was an issue for ALL 3D applications in that day(Anyone remember the notorious V9???)... Hash has committed many-many man-hours to the smooth operation of it's product, and the current V15 is quite stable, thank God! AND- at only $50 for the year 'script with an activation that requires no CD--- a bargain.
  11. I'm printing it and handing it to the newbie I'm training...great stuff!
  12. Sounds like you are now 'modeling to fit the rig' whereas a good rig should fit in any model... I'm sure I have it wrong though... the 'squetch' is quite plyable, I've been told.
  13. Ditto- looks great! They could benefit from some carefully made and placed photographic decals that would accentuate the 'folds' of the hand, or the nails and hair...
  14. Depends...do you need to get really close to the net? If not, then try just using an image with an alpha channel and cookie-cut mode. I am only 45...when I was 14 all I had was my uncle Wilbur's old 1950's era regular8mm camera and I had to save my paper-route money for film and processing, you guys are LUCKY!
  15. WOW! That's a great toot! Just watched the whole thing and learned some stuff! Is that YOU john? If I ever start doing tutorials where you can actually hear my voice I'm going to adapt an 'overly' Brittish or Indian accent... works a charm in all those Maya toots! Plus- it sorta lends an air of 'credibilitiy'... my normal voice is way too 'street'... no nixx that, my normal voice is too --- oh crap! I'm crossing some sort of 'line' arent I?
  16. Wow! Nice animation... and inspiring camera work! The camera cuts REALLY bring out the action...is it all done linearly with 1 cam in A:M, or edited externally?
  17. Great image!
  18. Wow! Look at all the detail! Powerful image!
  19. And lest we fergit...it's a joy to animate with!
  20. I had to try it... here is a mix of the doughboy (upscaled to match) over the color render with the Photoshop transfer mode 'soft light' applied...
  21. Xtaz- Is that color render right out of A:M or did you do some Photoshop to it? The reason I ask is I wonder if you have tried using the AO(white) 'doughboy' render overlaid on the color render with one of Photoshop's transfer modes applied...you could get the best of both renders in one image...
  22. Dang!Dang! Sweet car Xtaz! Oh-oh---my micrometer eye detects a break in the pattern on the mesh of the grille. Yup, I have a micrometer eye- great for judging distances and stuff...oh- and the other eye has Xray vision, y'know...for seeing thru clothes and stuff! NICE WORK!
  23. Suppose I told you I could pretty much do that with TSM2? What is the other plug-in...that is being referred to here? WeightMover?
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