sprockets Learn to keyframe animate chains of bones. Gerald's 2024 Advent Calendar! The Snowman is coming! Realistic head model by Dan Skelton Vintage character and mo-cap animation by Joe Williamsen Character animation exercise by Steve Shelton an Animated Puppet Parody by Mark R. Largent Sprite Explosion Effect with PRJ included from johnL3D
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

John Bigboote

Hash Fellow
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Everything posted by John Bigboote

  1. How fast did it render for you? I have been rendering a :10 D1 res animation for the last 2 weeks...it's 80% done at 1hr 20 min per frame. What I don't 'get' is the preview render (shift Q) gives a nice quick visual of the AO effect, but the 'real' render seems to get stymied with calculations... sure the results are quite cool but.... I'm glad you think it's fast.
  2. I think Will did his sample back several versions of A:M ago... so you will need to test and adjust and use his settings as a starting-point as A:M has 'evolved' for the better since he created his image.
  3. Hey Mike, thanks. I started out in 1987 multi-exposing film on an oxberry. A:M is the best thing that ever happened for my career. The jobs don't come easy, but when it rains-it pours. I posted a cool link in the 'Jobs' forum for anyone interested in getting into they're local TV advertising business, for fun and profit.
  4. No no. I am the Alfred E. Neumann of A:M THANKY
  5. Great sample, Will. Peto- He pretty much gives all the settings for how he did it right in the image.
  6. Here's the project for the curios. Project 2 has the boolean for the vein cut-away. AM_Publicom_cardio_1.prj AM_Publicom_cardio_2.prj
  7. I did a test today that turned-out quite nicely with BIG help from our friend, Newton Dynamics... (attached 4mb QT) Basically, I made a 'beer-bong' (a funnel on top and a long tube) and set about 50 lathed 'Platelets' above it, set the gravity to -5%... and simulated! Afterwards, I wanted the animation to be slower and smoother- so I 'group-grabbed' all the simulated keyframes from the 50 Platelets and spread them out... I used a SYMBIONT material called 'Plush' to texture the platelet and the vein. The client wanted this to be a 'medical-meets-anime' look, so I toon-rendered and regular rendered and combined the 2 in After Effects. For a quick half-day test, not tooo bad- should win the gig. methinks. PUBLICOM_Cardio.mov
  8. Weeks? Thats a LONG time for Vern to keep his pants on...oh well, work does come first!
  9. Everyone's happily downloading and getting aquainted with TSM2 rigger...Vern has 'donned his skivvies... and a hush-silence fills the forum, a nervous energy fills the air... the stage is set... Any time...Rob!
  10. T.M.I.!!!
  11. Try going into the model itself...select the emitter's CP's...and hide everything else (eyeball, or 'H') Now try that render again.
  12. Yup! Anzovins 1st released TSM2 for A:M, and then went 100% Maya with it. They offered it for $60 (originally $100) and now are giving it away free, apparently. The downside is, with NO support or future- but I (and others) can attest that it is a hell of a rigging 'all-in-one' solution and well-worth $100. The Anzovins should put a PayPal 'donate' button on the download page...
  13. Wouldn't it be cool if there were a plug-in that could create any rig? TSM2, Squetch, COGS, AM2001... whatever? And face rigs too? And you could even mix parts from different rigs? Like the spine from TSM2 and the arms from Squetch? And you'd never have to reset a compensate? That would be cool, wouldn't it? UH...that sounds like the elusive 'Make Dragon' button, almost too good to be true...
  14. That is very generous of them...I'm sure Steve A. is smiling down on us today. And I look forward to Robcat's 'secret's...
  15. Jake- read and reread your Q...can you be more specific as to what you want it to do?
  16. I like 3.
  17. Good practice! Keep working on it...if your daughter allows...
  18. If you own Photoshop with ImageReady, you already have the BEST animated gif maker available...
  19. Are you referring to 'distortion mode'? You could make a fish wriggle using DM and an action or pose... It is the little wireframe box up top betwixt modelling mode and bones mode in V15...
  20. Yes...GREAT JOB! I'd like to see a little more muscle on her thighs...I'd also like to see you pursue the 'particle-hair' approach. Let me know if I can advise...
  21. HA! funny stuff! Using the lens?
  22. Good solution. If the hat needs to come off and on you could always add a pose that lengthens the hair as needed.
  23. When in doubt...do em both. Put them on a DVD (with menu) or website and let the end user decide which or both.
  24. Cool walk. Why does it make me thirsty for a Coke? There is a bone gone wonky in his middle back...
  25. Yup---we have ALL gone thru that phase. It's frustrating, but with persistence you'll get it. 3-pointers in general are trouble. Have you discovered hooks? Also you need to learn to adjust the bias-handles a lot as you go. It's all in the manual. Keep at it!
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