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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by KenH

  1. Nice. Does the mouth animate?
  2. How big is it? The forums only allow 3mb or less. Maybe try putting it in a zip file or linking to your own site.
  3. That's looking great. You've done this before. The legs look a little close to each other (if viewed from the front). I'd be interested to see how you've done the panelling. A shaded wireframe shot would be nice.
  4. To add to Dhar's points: Shot 65 frame 114....Hansel's ass seems to have unassigned cps in the center area. Or maybe it needs some weighting to prevent the creasing. Shot 65 frame 284....Hansel's leg goes through the house. Shot 67 frame 179.....Hansel's right foot goes through the house a little here too. Shot 68 frame 103.....Hansel's left hand goes through the house on the word "wind". Shot 69....you might rearrange the lighting so that the shadow from the witch doesn't cast on the children. In the next shot the shadowing is different and more correct. Shot 70....Hansel has a piece of cake in his hand. But in the shots before, he didn't. Shot 73.....You might have the bed cover's rise and fall to show they are asleep and not dead. And to not have them static. Shot 75.....You might have the camera zoom slowly in on this shot to add a sense of the drama to unfold inside.
  5. So, you are rotating the model in muscle mode in the action window right? If so, then the cps are moving toward the next keyframe via the quickest path....a straight line. This is going to distort the model. The best way to do it is to rotate bones in an action.
  6. That was cool! Well done. Now get back to TWO!
  7. It baffles me too. You might ask on AM:Reports.
  8. You know with this model, you could probably get away with separating the it into pieces. Then import each as a prop and assemble them in a model. Then it's just a matter of assigning bones to each piece. It would need to be tested first though as I don't use props often. The reason for them looking good as props is they are essentially just poly models (zoom up really close and you'll see they're blocky). AM can't animate polys individually and if it converts them into splines, there's no way for it to know what direction the splines are running and you get a mess. I'd love to know if the method (as obj) in my first paragraph works. It might save you a ton of work. Hmm...but then texturing might be a problem. It would probably need to be done in the poly program.
  9. Ah yes. 3ds format converts to tris. Obj retains any quads. Assuming you made it with quads, it would give a cleaner mesh. It would still need cleaning up, but could be salvageable.
  10. Wow. Excellent. Is that all AM?
  11. Both look great. I'd be interested to see how it imported into AM and why you didn't go that route.
  12. Have you tried playing the quicktime outside of AM? It's not supposed to work from inside it.
  13. You're certainly prolific Lee. And your models have a certain style to them. I agree with the comments on youtube. It looks like the next one will be really cool. I wonder how long it took to make all these.
  14. Shot 56....I'm hearing this oran sound through out the film. I don't like it. It reminds me of tacky circus music. I'd prefer if it was something classic like a flute or clarinette. Shot 58.....The two are walking in sync with each other. Abit of offset would be nice. Shot 63.....Their pupils are so large, that it's difficult to see any eye white (to show they're eyes are open with shock). Keep it up!
  15. Very nice model. His hands look like he's about to pet a dog though.
  16. The yearly cycle usually starts in January and ends in December. That means if you buy now, you only get updates until December. In January a new cd will come out for updates in 2007.
  17. Sorry. Not alot. He's still on my to do list and will be till I get him done. I'm hoping some of the features he needs will "mature" in that time.
  18. Shot 35 frame 268......Hansel gets up. His knees pop abit. Shot 36....there could be abit more variety in their movments as they follow the pebbles. Their heads could move abit as though their looking for the next one. Shot 37.....Step mother could look more angry by putting her brows down. Shot 41.....Looks like some creasing on mothers top lip. Shot 49.....when they walk, they seem a little flat footed. That may be the style, but I'd like to see some bending at their ankles more. Up to you. Shot 50.....When the mother says "to collect" her head jerks back in about 2 frames....looks like a glitch. Looking forward to the next one and the witch.
  19. Sorry I'm late on this cool project..... For the slow use in the model window, you might try copying and pasting the cps into a brand new model window. I sometimes find that helps. At 2000 patches it shouldn't be too slow. You may have duplicates in the code. As for your latest problem. Hard to tell. What are you doing exactly when the exception occurs. You should also send these steps and the model to AM Reports.
  20. I believe it has to have been moved manually before it can be forced in v12w.
  21. Forcing works for me on the jaw. The only thing I can think of is you have "key skeletal rotations" switched off....it's in the icons to the left of the force keyframe icon. But you say it's working for other bones..... Maybe try her in a new project. Also what version are you using?
  22. Another one in the works! You're abit productive. If you need any help......
  23. It might be faster if you tell us the terms you don't understand.
  24. Import an image into AM. In a chor, right click>New>Layer>Image name. There you have a layer. Then you just need a rigged model to incorporate into the scene.
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