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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by UNGLAUBLICHUSA

  1. Here it is in PDF Format - easier to follow and the "chit chat" parts omitted: Karen_J_Lloyd___Dissecting_Wall_E.pdf
  2. Got these online and they are very useful: COLOR_THEORY.pdf COMPOSITION.pdf
  3. It's 'Boo Tay'.... Happy B-Day John!
  4. I have to agree. Every version of my Adventure lass Character came out better from the first. Why: Repetition in tasks improved my speed. Repetition improved my memory (of controls, shortcuts, methods, Etc.) Mistakes made me learn to do better. Sucesses were easier to duplicate. I have 4 Projects rolling around in my head and in progress. A.D.D. Makes it hard to stay on track, any distraction for a day or two and I fall in love with another idea.... "Never give up - Never Surrender" Commander Peter Quincy Taggert
  5. No dice on Mr. Wizard........ i contacted Matt and asked though.
  6. Wayback machine (like with the penguin and the walrus and the scientist)? Archive.org? A little more detail to where I need to look please. Thanks in advance
  7. Note: Project lost when malicious software wiped my hard drive. Never forget to back up your work........
  8. Before my computer was maliciously hacked and wiped late last year I had a wonderful collection of documents in digital files from the wikiold site. Things like Compositing, Ambient Occlusion, Etc.. not in video - but PRINTED (OR Prinable) format. Have these all become lost in time or were they moved. Any assistance is appreciated. P.S. I se links all over to the ARM...but that site is down. Cheers and thanks in advance for any assistance. Mark
  9. Will's Tutorial is the Cats Ass. It helped me immensly. I give it 3 thumbs up. Eek! Looks like I've become a mutant.
  10. One of Many models I am working on for a personal project: It was inspired by the following image. Plus Crabs, Spiders and Turtles. Feng Zhu inspiration Here is afront leg about 2/3 modelled. I will take any constructive criticism OTHER THAN: Too many patches, I would have used a 5 point patch, etc...I model the patch style I do and I'm content.
  11. (Should say OF Render Times - sorry) Hello all, I wanted to share the most important thing I have learned from my previous 3 Contest entries, which is: ALWAYS - budget sufficient time to render out your project the way you envision it to be. The coolest models....with the finest Decals...and over the top Materials, Particles, Etc...will look like crap if you find yourself at the deadline with only time for a quick render. Animation Master is THE 3D Package of choice for anyone who wants to control the content of their work. You can render out to *.exr format (AWESOME), use a boat-load of Post-Production-Effects(again AWESOME), Contol value (The Cat's ASS), Lighting(Critical), Film Grain, I could go on and on.... Learn from my repeated mistake and always allow at least 2-3 days in a 'still' project to be able to properly Render out your image(s) and make necessary adjustments. P.S. When you learn avaluable lesson - share it with others, not all will listen but you will feel good to help those who do.
  12. Love it! Nice efficient splinage.
  13. Haven't tried this but sounds like it would work correctly. You would have to do a fade composite for this trick to work but: Model the character. Make the model transparent & flip the normals to face the inside. Assign particles to surface with full gravity so they fall down. Render animation. Composite the live & CG. Just a thought.
  14. I must know...the tracks, are the (will they be) rigged? Oh, how lovely they look....I just love anything with tracks on it! I want to have your baby...er, nope - that wouldn't quite work now would it......nevermind the baby thing......love the tracks!!!!
  15. I use a Cintiq and AM is great with it, especially modelling. In PaintShop Pro & Adobe Photoshop it also kicks serious booty. if you have the $ it's worth the investment.
  16. OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep going -
  17. It looks to be of the caterpillar brand to me...and I LOVE it. SCHWING!! very nice job.
  18. If I may be so bold...why do you want to? Spline hogs like Maya cannot to my knowledge handle the efficient 'low count' spline meshes of HASH models in an animation like AM can.
  19. Could you post some wireframes of the model. I am sure you would get some good suggestions. Also to build it, since there seem to be a lot of individual pieces of body armor. you could try modeling one piece at a time to build up you confidence and group and size them appropriately.
  20. Try the freeware : WINGS 3D. You might be best off re-modelling it - using the iported OBJ as a 3D Rotoscope if you want to animate the model.
  21. Either your real name is Debbie harry or you are a big Blondie fan like me. Now to business, I mean no disrespect but it seems that english is a second language to you or you typed this way too quickly. If you can address the issue more clearly (even if in another language) I am sure that someone can help you on your way to using this fine product. Wishing yo all the best, Mark (Unglaublichusa) Davidson
  22. Why in GOD's name didn't you enter that in anything goes? It is fantastic! 10 out of 10 starts from me.
  23. Its worth it - period.
  24. Did you also model the interior?
  25. My robot(s) are based on the paintings of Ashley Wood, I was already working on a similar pill shaped robot when I saw his paintings. As the movie rights to his "Popbot" have been optioned, I thought - what the heck - make yours like Ashley's, float it out on the water and see if there are any bites. Robots and guns - a combo that cannot miss.
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