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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by CaptBobo

  1. Just throwing this out there, but are you using Microsoft OneDrive by any chance? It's a wild guess, but maybe the .prj file you're copying from source machine isn't the actual file you want. For example, on my Win10 laptop I've got a C:\Users\{username}\Documents folder as well as a C:\Users\{username}\OneDrive\Documents. If I double click on the "Documents" folder in the quick access panel on the left of Explorer, it's actually opening the "OneDrive\Documents" folder and not the other one.
  2. Thank you @robcat2075! At one point you were getting some sort of beginners class together (this is going back several years ago). Anything come out of that?
  3. That's awesome! I'm not sure how effective those legs would be. He looks a little...top heavy. 😄
  4. Hello (again) everyone! My name is Sean Wall. I've been playing with A:M since way, way back. I was involved in a small way with the "Scarecrow of Oz" movie project too (texturing). I've always wanted to be an animator since I was in my 20s, but real life always got in the way. Well, I'm in my 50s now but I still want to be an animator when I grow up! 😄 I've tried other 3D programs and while they're certainly nice and have lots of features, I keep coming back to A:M. I think feature-wise it's got the most complete set of tools in one package without having to resort to plugins. It makes me laugh how many 3D packages still don't offer lip-sync built in -- A:M had this *way* back! Anyway, I just re-watched "Tin Woodman of Oz" and "Scarecrow of Oz" and it got me inspired to pick this up again and finally make something of my own. I've always enjoyed the A:M community and I look forward to chatting with you folks again. I'm also happy to see Martin has returned! He's hinted that maybe another movie project may happen? Regardless, it's nice to be back! Good to see you all. -Sean (CaptBobo)
  5. Holy cow!!! Welcome back Martin! I always loved your spirit and and also reading your Martin's Minutes columns. I got Animation Master back when the commercial software was super-expensive and I could afford it. I also enjoy watching Scarecrow of Oz and Tin Woodman of Oz even to this day, even getting to help out a bit on them. If you want to make another animated movie, count me in! -Sean Wall
  6. Happy New Year folks!
  7. Huh. That is something else -- nicely done! Looks like a tree to me.
  8. Quick question - I assume the v19 alpha/beta is a closed process? You have to sign up for it? I think I saw on the forums somewhere where they were asking for people to beta test. Just curious!
  9. Yeah, I agree. The Blender sequence editor is supposedly very good and can even do things like transitions between clips and such. The Blender UI is not the easiest thing to pick up, though, IMO.
  10. Typically, the integrated Intel graphics is used primarily most of the time to save battery power. The discrete NVIDIA GPU would kick in when an application needed it. On my Mac, the Intel graphics is used to display the desktop most of the time, but if I launch any kind of application that uses OpenGL, it will switch to the NVIDIA GPU. I would assume Windows would do something similar?
  11. That is completely awesome! Thanks for the video showing the process...it was fascinating.
  12. I'm available most evenings with the exception of the second Wednesday of each month. My ham radio club meets on that day. Otherwise, I'm pretty flexible.
  13. Oh, wow. Didn't realize it was the anniversary of his death. Walt had a lot of talent and creativity and he was smart enough to surround himself with people who were just as smart and creative as himself. He was never afraid to dream big!
  14. Very nice! Thanks for sharing it!
  15. I'll get to working on it!! Very cool -- thanks for offering.
  16. Oooh! I'd definitely be down for this. I saw in your other post that you're looking for a simple animation as a kind of "entrance exam", correct? Either a bouncing ball or character leap animation?
  17. CaptBobo


    For two years I had a Lego advent calendar. Each day was a small Lego model that were all Christmas themed. One was even Star Wars Lego themed. I still have those models.
  18. Do you know what your subdivision level is set at? When viewing the shaded mode model, have you tried pressing 'Page Down' until you hear a chime? That will set the subdiv level to the minimum. See if that speeds up shaded mode. If it does, you can gradually press 'Page Up' to increase the subdivision level to a reasonable level.
  19. So I just installed the latest A:M (18.0p+, Intel SSE4) on MacOS Sierra. It launches okay, but then I can't change any settings without A:M crashing. The crash log doesn't really provide any useful insight as to the problem, other than it's a segfault. I also tried the non-SSE4 version (just for completeness), and it behaves the same way. So, I have to say if you have MacOS Sierra, installing a fresh copy of A:M seems problematic right now. update: sometimes A:M won't even launch - things have not improved!
  20. Yes, I've noticed that A:M settings in general are not saved in between launches of A:M on the Mac. Not sure why.
  21. Very nice! Looking forward to the new Wonder Woman movie as well as the Justice League movie.
  22. That's kinda funky! That seems to be an animated procedural texture?
  23. Very cool Rob! I wasn't expecting the rabbit hiding under the pile.
  24. Hello everyone! I've been an A:M user since way back in version 8 or so. (My best guess!) I should say I've been an A:M owner -- I kind of fiddled with it on and off over the years and even started the AoA:M exercises, but my full-time work kind of kept me away. However, I recently started working for Disney as a software developer (I'm a huge Disney-phile, BTW) and working for a company that emphasizes imagination and creativity got the animation bug resuscitated in me. Anyway, I did get to work a little bit on Scarecrow of Oz back in the day. Has there been any talk recently about doing another A:M community project? Perhaps a short or something -- I know the feature length projects were a TON of work. I've fiddled a bit with Blender, and it's certainly a nice application with a ton of features, but honestly, it doesn't have the same "feel" that A:M does. It's hard to describe, but A:M seems like a more natural fit for a beginner and you can grow into it. The A:M community has always been very friendly and helpful, so that's a big plus as well. So, perhaps this time I can get myself *all* the way through the AoA:M exercises. We'll see! -Sean P.S. - Sorry for the criminally abundant use of emojis.
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